Authortunities #40 Dec. 23—Jan. 20
❗ Exercise Your Writes reading selections ❗ ➕ free The Writing Life book ➕ FREE Space and Time #139 from Winter 2020 〓 200+ author opportunities for you!

It’s too late to turn back… the holidays are upon us! 😱 The only way through is forward. For those of you celebrating, I hope your holiday is brilliant and joyful. For those of you who eschew the celebrations for whatever reason, may you successfully avoid being splashed in eggnog and your peace be deep.
As promised, here are the video selections for the newly reformatted Exercise Your Writes show! Congratulations to everyone who was selected. If your video didn’t make it this time, submissions open up again on January 7th. I am so excited to share these on January 1. If you are wondering what I’m going on about and how to submit, here are the details.
And here are the selectees:
Nicole M. Wolverton with “From Shore to Sea”
Pixie Bruner with "Trigger Warning“ (Abridged for Audio)
Laura Kester Duerrwaechter with "Poet Obscura"
Amy Zoellers with "Pottery Anguish"
Valerie Williams with “A Mischief in Gordonsville”
Mark Guyer with "Phantom Delivery Excerpt"
Congratulations and thank you for sharing these awesome videos! 🧡 You can watch the show live on January 1 at 2 pm EST in three places: my YouTube channel, on Facebook, or watch for it on Instagram. Don’t worry if you miss it live, it will be waiting. 😂
And while I’m on the topic of videos, I had the pleasure of chatting with Lisa Timpf yesterday and she was gracious enough to give me a tour of her “For Laika” poetry exhibit in Second Life. Afterwards we talk about some of the ways artists can reach more readers through virtual platforms and show real examples. This episode of Exercise Your Writes premieres here.
Here are two encouraging articles that crossed my desk this week in praise of the Horror Writers Association. 💀🧡
“Seattle horror writer John Saul reflects on career beginnings” By Jordan Snowden in The Seattle Times
“I Found My Neurodivergent Safe Space, Where ‘Socially Awkward’ Is the Norm.” By Elizabeth Broadbent in ADDitude
I love reading things like this. No organization is perfect, but this is exactly why I serve as a Trustee for the HWA… in hopes that we can have a positive impact. By the way, The Scholarship From Hell is open from December 17th, 2023 to March 1, 2024.
The winner of the Scholarship From Hell will receive domestic coach airfare (contiguous 48 states) to and from the StokerCon venue, $50 for luggage reimbursement, a 4 night stay at the convention, free registration to StokerCon, and as many workshops as you’d like to attend!
Find out all the details and apply here.
A special thank you to all my paid subscribers 🧡 I appreciate the support! Regardless of which tier you subscribe with, thank you for being part of this community.
Hopefully everyone was able to get good use out of the paid subscriptions gifts for the holidays. My plan was to extend it through to the new year but I didn’t realize Substack was going to send multiple emails about this… 😳
If you want more paid subscription time, just send me a message at I’m happy to extend to anyone for any reason. I just don’t want to spam the whole group.
Here’s some of the kind comments I’ve received this month. Thank you, every comment is an amazing gift. 🧡
🚀As usual, here is your free issue of Space and Time magazine! This week’s issue is #139 from Winter 2020, and it will be free from Saturday, December 23 to Wednesday, December 27, 2023, 11:59 PM PST.
Whenever you read for free on Amazon you support authors with your Kindle Edition Normalized Page Count (KENPC). As much as we all want to support each other, very few of us can afford to buy every book. Reviews, shares, likes and KENPC are all easy ways to support your favorite artists. 🧡🧡🧡
🔗Own #139 from THIS MONTH for free!
Space and Time Alumni News
Maxwell I. Gold has received plenty of accolades for his work in Space and Time, including a Pushcart and Rhysling nomination for “Crimson Faces” in issue #135 (2020) and a Pushcart and Rhysling nomination for “The Mollusk God” Space in issue #139 (2021).
He had two poetry collections published last year: Bleeding Rainbows and Other Broken Spectrums [Hex Publishing] and anOther Mythology [Interstellar Flight Press], and I have the pleasure of sharing a ToC with him in both the recent Back 2 OmniPark [Benjamin Griffith Thomas/House Blackwood] and Whispers from Beyond: A Showcase of Dark Poetry [Crystal Lake Publishing]. Congratulations Maxwell!
🚀❗ Ever had something published in Space and Time? I’d love to share what you’re doing now. Send me your news at and I’ll comp you a 3 month paid subscription as a congratulations.
And also free, The Write Quotes: The Writing Life ebook by Landis Wade is full of “inspirational and practical quotes come from 500+ podcast interviews with hard-working, award-winning, and New York Times bestselling authors in more than 33 U.S. states and five countries.”
As the late Anthony Abbott so eloquently says in this book, “Writing is not about writing, necessarily. Writing is about living. And the more deeply and fully you live, the more you are able to write.”
I don’t know how long this will be free, so don’t delay!
The best thing I read on Substack this week was “The Insidious Quiet of Everyday Racism” by
who recently joined the Substack family. She talks about the recent review bombing scandal without rehashing it. Instead, she brings up wider points on racism that can get brushed aside. Her closing sentiment is quote worthy:It makes me want to ask, to even yell, “didn’t you know we can all be queens together?”
"Human race" refers to a categorization, not a competition. Maybe we should start saying "human co-op" instead.
Last week’s poll asked “Do you read in the same genre that you write in?”
37% say “Yes, I stay up with my genre.”
11% say “I read books adjacent to my genre.”
51% of you “read everything.”
0% say “I need a break from my genre.”
0% say “I don't read if I can help it.”
I am definitely in the “read everything” group. Some of my favorite ideas come from random places like shampoo bottles, graffiti and random notes left behind in used books.
✅ Time for a new poll! Voting stays open for the next three days, and I’ll share the results in next week’s Authortunities.
❓Thank you to all the great sources we get our author opportunities from. You can find a list at 🔗
🧡And that’s it from me this week. Enjoy this week’s Authortunities and go write something that matters… or go spend time with visiting in-laws.
🏁 This calendar is organized by emoji! Ctrl F to find what you want.
In this entire calendar share you will find:
61 newly opened submissions 🟢
117 submission deadlines 🔴
3 events for authors ⭐
21 reprint markets ♻️
1 education 📚
18 award 🏆
3 grants 💲
Send comments, triumphs and pitfalls to
🟢🏆 Open now · is in search of Writers and Poets. This magazine focuses on place, climate, and justice. They publish poetry (send 2-6 poems), nonfiction, and fiction, and pay a minimum of $50. They also have an annual Editor’s Prize of $500 per genre for underrepresented writers (see guidelines). The deadline for poetry is end-January 2024; submissions for certain sections are open year-round.
🟢 Open now · Uncanny Magazine is in search of Writers and Poets. They are looking for original, unpublished speculative fiction stories between 750 and 10,000 words. Payment is $.10 per word (including audio rights). Uncanny is also looking for original, unpublished speculative poetry of any length, with a payment of $40 per poem. Not open to novellas at this time.
🟢 Open now · Metastellar is in search of Writers. Submit your flash fiction stories (under 1,200 words) falling under the genres of science fiction, fantasy, or horror. Please submit only one story per cycle. Authors will be notified in mid-November about whether their stories have been accepted for publication. Stories will be published under a non-exclusive license, at a rate of eight cents per word. The author will retain all original copyrights.
🟢 Open now · Ninth Letter closes for submissions of “prose and poetry that experiment with form, narrative, and nontraditional subject matter, as well as more traditional literary work.” Payment is $25 per poem and $100 for prose upon publication with two complementary copies. Submission fees of $3 USD are waived from December 1 – 31, or until they hit a cap of 300 submissions per genre.
🟢 Open now · Cemetery Gates welcome submissions from authors who've never published a novel. Pay includes a $500 signing bonus + $500 advance upon publication, and a 60% (author) royalty share on physical and electronic editions of the book. Submit one complete, original, and unpublished 40k+ word manuscript to if you have at least two paid horror writing credits and have never published a novel. Looking for horror stories in the vein of what they've previously published, not dystopian science fiction nor dark fantasy, and likely won’t publish YA.
🟢 Open now · Cast of Wonders is dedicated to publishing fiction reflecting the entire spectrum of the human experience, they seek stories that evoke a sense of wonder, have deep emotional resonance, and something unreal about them. Aimed at a 12-17 age range, they prefer sophisticated, non-condescending stories with wide appeal. Genres include fantasy, science fiction, and horror, along with comedy, Steampunk, age-appropriate paranormal romance, superheroes, and more. Submit stories of up to 6,000 words with strong pacing, well-defined characters, engaging dialogue, and clear action.
🟢 Open now · Frivolous Comma is dedicated to spotlighting and elevating diverse writers of speculative fiction, especially those underrepresented (BIPOC, LGBTQIA2S+), they focus on stories set in some type of transition. They accept science fiction, fantasy, horror, the uncanny, or any work (fiction, nonfiction, or poetry) orbiting these genres. Pays $0.08/word with a $100 minimum.
🟢 Open now · Factor Four Magazine is seeking flash fiction in the genres of speculative fiction, including science fiction, fantasy, supernatural, super hero, or any combination. Accepting stories up to 1,000 words, they pay fiction at a rate of eleven (11) U.S. cents per word.
🟢♻️ Open now · Samovar, published by Strange Horizons, is in search of Writers and Poets. A triannual magazine of and about speculative fiction in translation, they seek excellent speculative fiction stories and strong poems. For newly translated stories, they pay 8 US cents per word to the author and 8 US cents per word to the translator, up to a maximum word count of 3,750 words. For reprints of translated stories, they pay a flat US$100 to the author and US$100 to the translator. For poetry, they pay US$40 to the author and US$40 to the translator.
🟢♻️ Open now · Mysterion is looking for speculative stories in the genres of science fiction, fantasy, and horror, with Christian themes, characters, or cosmology. Stories can be up to 9,000 words. Mysterion pays eight cents/word for original stories (or original translations of stories that have not previously appeared in English), and four cents/word for reprints.
🟢 Open now · Worlds of Possibility is seeking original (not reprint) science fiction and fantasy flash stories up to 1,000 words, with no minimum requirement. Speculative poems of any length are also welcome. Ideally, the stories should leave the reader feeling hopeful, peaceful, or happy. Worlds of Possibility pays ten cents per word for fiction and fifty dollars for poetry.
🟢 Open now · If There's Anyone Left is in search of Writers. Regular entries are for science fiction and speculative fiction, no more than 1,000 words. They pay eight cents/word. This opportunity is for marginalized members of the sci-fi/spec community, including people of color, the LGBTQ2S+ community, members of marginalized genders, and disabled and neurodiverse people.
🟢 Open now · Burial Books is in search of Horror Writers for "Inanimate Things: Volume Two." They are looking for horror short stories between 1,500 and 6,000 words in length about inanimate things that are living. Payment includes $10 and a paperback copy of the anthology. The deadline is May 1st, 2024. Submissions should be emailed to with the subject line: ATTN: SUBMISSION FOR INANIMATE THINGS.
🟢 Open now · WolfSinger Publications is taking submissions for "The Dragon’s Hoard 2." The theme revolves around dragons and what they hoard, which must factor into the story. They accept creative twists in various speculative fiction genres, including fantasy and science fiction. Payment is a $15.00 flat rate plus an equal share of 50% of the anthology’s royalties. The deadline is March 31st, 2024. Submissions should be attached as a .rtf file and sent to with the subject line: Submission: Dragon Hoard: Title of your story: Your name.
🟢 Open now · Heathen Magazine is in search of Horror and Dark Fantasy Writers. They are looking for stories no more than 7,500 words in length, with preference given to stories that have less than 5,000 words. The initial submissions period is open until 11:59 p.m. Central on January 31st, with the first issue released in Spring 2024. Heathen pays writers a HWA-qualifying $0.05 per word.
🟢 Open now · Perihelion Publications is seeking Writers for a new science fiction anthology titled "THE EXODUS MANIFEST." The anthology features ten short stories focusing on humanity's last days on Earth before the final ship leaves forever. Some of humanity will be left behind, but a lucky few will be included on THE EXODUS MANIFEST. Successful submissions will be 2500-7500 words long and feature humanity preparing to or having recently fled Earth, never to return. Payment is $25 USD.
🟢 Open now · Menage A-More is seeking Writers for a collection of adult stories about more than two lovers of ANY gender. Submit no more than 3 stories (7.5k words max each) in PDF format to Payment is $10 per story & 1 contributor copy.
🟢 Open now · Friends Fur-Ever is seeking Writers for stories featuring diverse animal duos with themes centered around friendship. Any genre is acceptable as long as the theme of friendship is addressed. Stories should be between 2500 and 7000 words. Submit in Word doc or PDF format by May 31st, 2024, to
🟢 Open now · Horror Over the Handlebars is the first in a series of Connecticut-based anthologies—Yankee Scares. They are looking for 80's and 90s nostalgia horror, the "kids on bikes" coming-of-age genre, set in Connecticut. Open to stories 1,000 to 8,000 words. Payment is $30 for first publication rights, plus a hard copy and PDFs of all future Yankee Scares anthologies. Submissions close on January 15, 2024.
🟢 Open now · Mythulu eMagazine is seeking Writers and Artists. They pay an average of $0.06/word or $15/page for creative works, with non-fiction earning $0.08/word. Short stories are capped at $75. They strongly encourage contributors to boost their earnings through their contributor-exclusive affiliate program. Short stories should be 500-2,800 words, non-fiction articles 200-1,200 words, and cartoons or graphic panels are also welcome. This opportunity will close after 500 submissions have been received.
🟢 Open now · Little Ghosts Books is now accepting submissions for Horror Novellas between 17,500-50,000 words. They are specifically looking for transgressive horror fiction, queer fiction, and submissions from Canadian writers. LGBTQA+ folks, POC writers, and first-time submitters are encouraged. To submit, write them with a (no more than 500-word) story pitch and a short author bio. If interested, they will request a chapter sample. Submissions are open from December 2023 to February 2024, and writers will be contacted by the beginning of March 2024.
🟢♻️ Open now · Alpha Mercs is accepting submissions for "Stories in the Key of Tull," an anthology of stories inspired by the music of Jethro Tull. The genre is open, and the length should be 5000-8000 words (negotiable). Reprints are accepted. The due date is March 1, 2024, with final acceptance notices by April 1, 2024, and estimated publication in 2024Q3. Payment is an equal royalty share via PubShare, and contributing authors must have a free PubShare account.
🟢 Open now · Applications close January 15th for the Kundiman Retreat held at Fordham University's beautiful Rose Hill Campus located in the Bronx, NYC from June 26–30, 2024 in order to mentor and build community among AAPI writers. Submit a cover letter and brief writing sample 5–7 pages of poetry or 5 pages of prose (1250 words max). Notification on application status will be given by mid-March.
🟢 Open now · Goatshed Press seeks short stories, flash fiction, poetry and creative nonfiction with payment of £60 for stories and essays (over 1000 words) and £25 for poems and flash fiction. They are also looking to publish longer form work in 2023, including novels, novellas, graphic novels, non fiction books and short story collections. Ongoing submissions.
🟢♻️ Open now · Radon seeks short stories and poetry containing elements of anarchism, transhumanism, dystopia, and/or science fiction until April 15 for their May 2024 issue. Payment: 1 cent per word for original work, half a cent per word for reprints.
🟢♻️ Open now · The Hungur Chronicles seeks horror about vampires or creatures with vampiric themes. Payment for original stories is $25.00; for reprints, $12. Payment for poems is $5. The pay for illustrations is $8. The payment for articles is $10. The pay for cover art is $25.
🟢 Open now · The Were-Traveler: Curst & Twysted Tarot seeks short fiction. Choose an image you would like to write a story about. Payment: $10 for flash, $15 for short stories. Open until filled.
🟢 Open now · Backyard Earth is a "round the world" series of five books, one for each continent (more or less). Each book will contain one story for every country on that continent. Submissions will stay open until the Table of Contents is filled.. Short fiction only. Payment is $25.
🟢 🟢 Open now · Psychopomp has ongoing submissions for nonfiction essays on art, short fiction, novels, movies, music, fashion, culture, entertainment, science, and more, that fall under the umbrella of goth, death, funerary, grief, loss, alternative, otherworldly themes. Payment is $50.
🟢 Open now · The International Human Rights Art Festival’s submission window for IHRAF Publishes 2023 remains open. Please submit your poem, short story, or essay (2500 words or less) to along with a 2-5 sentence biography. Translations are also welcome. IHRAF Publishes will pay $50 per accepted piece.
🟢 Open now · Assemble Artifacts is currently open until filled for stories of wonder and suspense. They prefer stories of at least 5,000 words, but are open to longer and shorter works. Please include a one to three sentence pitch of your story, and an author bio with your submission. Open to writers of all levels of experience. Payment: 8-10 cents per word for short fiction.
🟢 Open now · Jay Henge Publishing seeks speculative fiction for two anthologies: The Kafka Protocol & the Burden of Compliance, The Pelagic Zone: Uncharted Waters and AI, Robot. Payment is $5 USD per 1000 words, up to 15k words. Open until filled.
🟢 Open now · Through the Gate is open ongoing for submissions of fantastical poetry ”of literary and emotional depth from a diversity of voices and perspectives. Our definition of fantastical is quite fluid, encompassing fantasy, magic realism, myth, folklore, surrealism and slipstream. We desire poetry that is atypically beautiful, unconventionally imaginative, and boundary-crossing. We are not interested in work that is strictly science fiction or mainstream, but poetry that blurs the lines between such genres and the fantastical is welcome." Send up to three poems. Payment is $20 per poem. Open until filled.
🟢 Open now · Three-lobed Burning Eye is open for ingoing submissions of "Original speculative fiction: horror, fantasy, and science fiction. We're looking for short stories from across the big classifications and those shadowy places between: magical realism, fantastique, slipstream, interstitial, and the Weird. We will consider suspense or western, though we prefer it to contain some speculative element. We like voices that are full of feeling, from literary to pulpy, with styles unique and flowing, but not too experimental. All labels aside, we want tales that expand genre, that value imagination in character, narrative, and plot. We want to see something new and different." Length for short fiction 1000–7000 words, flash fiction 500–1000 words, (2000–5000 preferred). Payment is $100 for short fiction, $30 for flash fiction; + 1 print annual. Open now.
🟢♻️ Open now · The Dark seeks dark fantasy and horror. "Don’t be afraid to experiment or to deviate from the ordinary; be different—try us with fiction that may fall out of “regular” categories. However, it is also important to understand that despite the name, The Dark is not a market for graphic, violent horror." Length is 2,000 – 6,000 words. Payment is 6 cents/word for original fiction up to 6,000 words on publication for first world rights; and 1 cent/word for reprint fiction up to 6,000 words on publication for nonexclusive reprint rights. Open now.
🟢 Open Now · Iterant is open for poetry submissions, offering $50 for 3 to 8 poems with a maximum of 10 pages. “All submissions are read blind by our reading team.“
🔴 DEC 25 · Unnerving is accepting horror and sleazy crime submissions, with a length of up to 4,000 words. The payment is $0.01 USD per word for accepted stories.
🔴 DEC 25 · Off Topic Publishing: Poetry Box is open for poetry submissions with a payment of $30 CAD. This is a monthly call.
🔴 DEC 27 · Nightmare Diaries is seeking dark fiction short stories, fairy tales, flash fiction, and novellas with lengths ranging from 500 to 10,000 words. They offer a payment of $0.10 per word.
🔴 DEC 25 · The Ex-Puritan is closed for interviews, essays, reviews, fiction, poetry and experimental work for their February issue. Payment ranges from $35 CAD per page for poetry to $200 CAD for essays.
🔴 DEC 25 · Unnerving is accepting submissions for horror and sleazy crime stories. They welcome lengths up to 4,000 words. Payment is $0.01USD per word for accepted stories, and payment is made via PayPal ONLY! The deadline for submissions is December 25, 2023. Make sure to read the full guidelines at
🔴 DEC 27 · Nightmare Diaries is open for submissions in the dark fiction genre, including short stories, fairy tales, flash fiction, and novellas ranging from 500 to 10,000 words. They offer a payment of $0.10 per word. The submission deadline is December 27, 2023. Check the guidelines at
🔴 DEC 27 · Moonstruck Books seeks submissions for the Nightmare Diaries anthology. They want dark fiction, short stories, fairy tales, flash fiction, and novellas (500-10,000 words). Payment is $0.10 per word.
🔴 DEC 29 · Rattle Magazine’s “Poets Respond” challenge calls for poems inspired by “ a news story or public event from the previous week, and has been written in the time since.” Selected poems will appear as the Sunday poem at which appear to over 10,000 people via RSS feed and daily email service. Poets will receive $100 and a complimentary subscription to the print magazine. The deadline for each week is Friday at midnight PST.
🔴 DEC 29 · Narratively invites pitches for "Life in the Age of Extremes," a special series focusing on ambitious reporting projects that explore the future of the human race. The deadline is December 29, 2023. Funding from the Narrative Storytelling Initiative at Arizona State University ensures rates starting at $2,000 per story. Details at
🔴 DEC 29 · Angry Gable Press invites submissions for "Extrasensory Overload," an anthology of speculative excess. They seek engaging speculative fiction and poetry that explore multi-sensory and extra-sensory experiences. Payment is $5 per poem and $10 per short story. The deadline for submissions is December 29, 2023. Details available at
🔴 DEC 29 · Havok is looking for flash fiction submissions based on specified themes. They offer a payment of $50 via PayPal for each story selected for an anthology. No payment is provided for online publication. The submission deadline is December 29, 2023. Find more information and upcoming themes at
🔴 DEC 30 · Girls Right the World is a literary journal inviting girls and young, gender-expansive writers and artists, ages 14–21, to submit work for consideration for the eighth annual issue. They believe girls’ voices transform the world for the better. They accept poetry, prose, and visual art of any style or theme. After publication, the rights return to the creators. Send your best art and/or writing, in English or English translation, to by December 30, 2023. Include a note mentioning your age, where you’re from, and a bit about your submission.
🔴 DEC 30 · Valley Voices is currently accepting submissions for its spring 2024 special issue on "The Southern Crossroads." Whether you explore real, metaphorical, or cultural crossroads in the South, this is your chance to contribute your poetry (up to 5 pieces) or creative nonfiction/critical essays (up to 5,000 words) related to the theme. Send your submissions to, including a cover letter with a brief bio (30 words or less). For detailed guidelines, visit
🔴🏆 DEC 30 · Virginia Commonwealth University presents the Cabell First Novelist Award, honoring debut novels published in 2023. The award includes a cash prize of at least $3,000, along with lodging and travel expenses for the recipient to attend the event night at VCU in fall 2024. Submit one digital copy and five hard copies by December 30. No entry fee. For guidelines, visit
🔴🏆 DEC 31 · The Griffin Trust for Excellence in Poetry invites submissions for the Griffin Poetry Prize until December 31, 2023. This prestigious award offers a cash prize of $130,000 Canadian for an outstanding poetry collection published in the current year. Publishers can submit books of at least 48 pages, published between July 1 and December 31, by the end of December. There is no entry fee, and finalists receive $10,000 Canadian each. For guidelines and the entry form, email or visit
🔴🏆 DEC 31 · Livingston Press: Tartt Fiction Award is in search of short story writers. The deadline for submissions is December 31, 2023. The award offers a cash prize of $1,000, along with publication by Livingston Press and 60 author copies. Eligibility requires the submission of a manuscript of 160 to 275 pages by the specified deadline. There is no entry fee, and all entries are considered for publication. For complete guidelines and to submit your work, please visit the official website at
🔴🏆 DEC 31 · The Black Caucus of the American Library Association announces its Literary Awards, recognizing outstanding works by African American writers. Each award carries a $1,000 cash prize for the best poetry collection, first novel, fiction, and nonfiction book portraying the "cultural, historical, or sociopolitical aspects of the Black Diaspora." Publishers can nominate books published in 2023 by December 31. No entry fee. For details and a list of jurors, visit
🔴 DEC 31 · Divergent Realms, a speculative fiction anthology centered on neurodivergent characters by neurodivergent writers, is accepting submissions until December 31st. Seeking speculative fiction stories (2,000-5,000 words) in fantasy, sci-fi, and horror genres (with a speculative element) while maintaining a PG-13 rating. Compensation is $0.06 per word, retaining exclusive rights for six months post-publication.
🔴🏆 DEC 31 · The Alice Fay Di Castagnola Award is open for submissions until December 31, 2023. Submit 10 pages of poetry from a manuscript-in-progress with a $15 entry fee, unless a member of the Poetry Society. The first prize is $1,000. Check the details at
🔴🏆 DEC 31 · Submit to the George Bogin Memorial Award $15 entry fee (free for members). Seeking four or five poems that creatively engage with the ordinary, extraordinary, and stand against oppression. First prize is $500. Check details at
🔴🏆 DEC 31 · Lucille Medwick Memorial Award is accepting submissions until December 31. Submit a single prose poem with a $10 entry fee. Free for members. Prize: $500. Details at
🔴🏆 DEC 31 · Lyric Poetry Award welcomes submissions until December 31. Enter with a single lyric poem on any subject. $10 entry fee, free for members. First prize: $500. Learn more at
🔴🏆 DEC 31 · Cecil Hemley Memorial Award is open for submissions until December 31. Submit a single narrative poem with a $10 entry fee. Free for members. First prize: $500. Details at
🔴🏆 DEC 31 · The Writer Magazine/Emily Dickinson Award is accepting short poems until December 31. Submit poems no longer than 16 lines with a $10 entry fee. Free for members. First prize: $250. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 31 · Uncanny & Unearthly Tales (Vol 2) – The Midnight Labyrinth [Grendel Press] seeks “Genre-bending… Sci-fi, steampunk, horror, fantasy, etc” of 2,500-7,000 words for .05 cents per word.
🔴 DEC 31 · Sunshine Superhighway: Solar Sailings [Jay Henge Publishing] seeks speculative, solarpunk fiction. Payment is $5 USD per 1000 words, up to 15k words.
🔴🏆 DEC 31 · Poetry Society Of America Annual Awards close for applications for prizes ranging from $250 to $2,500. Awards include the The Writer Magazine/Emily Dickinson Award, Cecil Hemley Memorial Award, Lyric Poetry Award, Lucille Medwick Memorial Award, Alice Fay Di Castagnola Award, George Bogin Memorial Award, and the Robert H. Winner Memorial Award. All submissions must be through Submittable. Poetry Society of America members can enter all awards for free. Non-Members of the Poetry Society can enter each contest for a fee.
🔴 DEC 31 · Chicken Soup for the Soul seeks stories or poems on the theme “Funny Stories” for $250 paid “one month after publication of the book and you will receive ten free copies of the book your story or poem appears in.”
🔴♻️ DEC 31 · Short Story on Substack is closed for short stories from 6- 10,000 words in any genre. Payment is $100 + 50% of subscription revenue to be sent by Paypal, Zelle, or check. Selected story to be announced on the 15th. Reprints welcome.
🔴 DEC 31 · Map of Lost Places [Apex Book Company] seeks “stories about places where weird things happen” of 2,500-7,000 words for .05 cents per word until December 31.
🔴 DEC 31 · Applications open from Sept. 1-Dec 31 for Arc Poetry’s open submissions call for unpublished poetry in English or previously unpublished translations of poetry into English, on any subject and in any form. They are also closing for subs of essays of about 1500-2000 words and interviews with poets of around 1500-2000 words. Payment is $50 per poem, or printed page.
🔴 DEC 31 · Engen Books and Kit Sora Photography have teamed up to offer the “Flash Fiction Photography Contest” which calls for ekphrastic flash prose pieces of 250 words or less inspired by the photography of Kit Sora. Payment is 10 cents a word.
🔴 DEC 31, 2023 · Zombies Need Brains is open for submissions to two anthologies: 'Familiars' (science fiction, fantasy, or urban fantasy with animal or human familiars) and 'Last-Ditch' (military SFF revolving around espionage and last-ditch efforts). Deadline: Dec 31, 2023. Pay: $0.08/word for up to 7,500 words.
🔴 DEC 31 · Workers Write! invites submissions for Issue 20, 'Further Tales from the Cubicle.' Seeking fiction and poems from the office worker’s perspective. Length: 500-5,000 words. Pay: $5-50. Submit or inquire about 'Overtime!' series (5,000-10,000 words, $40-60).
🔴🏆 DEC 31 · Moth Poetry Prize Open to all. NO LINE LIMIT. The overall winner receives €6,000 and is announced at a special online award ceremony in spring 2024.
🔴🏆 DEC 31 · Lilith’s Annual Fiction Contest is now accepting submissions. NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline: Dec 31, 2023. Lilith magazine seeks short stories (3,000 words or under) with heart, soul, and chutzpah. First prize: $300 and publication. Welcoming feminist and Jewish nuance, especially from writers of color and emerging writers.
🔴🏆 DEC 31 · John Ridland Poetry Prize accepting entries. $20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline: Dec 31, 2023. Annual prize for an unpublished book-length manuscript (48-100 pages) open to poets 55 years and older. Prize includes $500, publication by Gunpowder Press, and 10 author copies.
🔴🏆 DEC 31 · Society of Classical Poets Poetry Competition is accepting entries. $20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline: Dec 31, 2023. First Prize: $2,000. One to three poems on any topic totaling 108 lines or less. Poems must contain meter. Rhyme and other traditional techniques encouraged but not required. High school prize $200. Check details at
🔴🏆 DEC 31 · Lascaux Prize in Short Fiction is open for submissions. $15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline: Dec 31, 2023. Accepts previously published or unpublished stories. Winner receives $1,000 and a bronze medallion. Finalists receive $100. Published in The Lascaux Review. Length should not exceed 10,000 words. All genres and styles welcome. Check details at
🔴🏆 DEC 31 · Flash Fiction 500 Competition is open. £5 ENTRY FEE. Limit 500 words. Quarterly open-themed competition with closing dates of June 30, September 30, and December 31, 2023. First: £300. Second: £200. Third: £100.
🔴 DEC 31 · Chicken Soup is accepting submissions for "Laughter is the Best Medicine." Share a 1,200-word real story in the first person on the theme of laughter. Selected stories receive $250 and 10 free copies. Submit your true, silly, outrageous, and hilarious stories at
🔴♻️ DEC 31 · The Black Beacon is calling for submissions until December 31, 2023, for their Book of Pirate Tales. They offer $20 USD for original stories and $5 for reprints, plus a contributor’s copy. The theme revolves around pirate tales, particularly focusing on pirates and buccaneers from the 16th to 18th centuries. While they consider stories set in completely fictional/fantasy worlds, preference is given to tales with central characters and settings involving piracy. Explore various genres as long as the core theme centers on pirates. For more details, visit
🔴♻️ DEC 31 · Rattus Futura invites submissions until December 31, 2023, for their anthology of Future Rodents. They offer $10 per accepted poem, 1 cent/word ($5 minimum) for accepted fiction, $15 per page for graphic narrative fiction, $20 per accepted non-narrative internal visual art, and half of the above for reprints. Additionally, $100 (negotiable) is offered for the cover illustration. The theme centers around stories about the future featuring rodents, spanning various genres such as Hard and Soft Sci-fi, (Post-)apocalyptic, Solarpunk, Slipstream, Fantasy, Magical Realism, Alternate (future) History, Supernatural, Retro-futurism, etc. Your story doesn’t have to fit into one specific genre.
🔴 DEC 31 · Food Blog Horror Anthology: Necroyummycon is open for horror stories in the form of food blogs. Payment is $25. Submit your entry at
🔴 DEC 31 · Interstellar Flight Press is accepting speculative flash fiction submissions with a payment of 8 cents/word. Details at
🔴 DEC 31 · Spooky magazine seeks horror stories, embracing cozy, fun, and classy horror. Payment is 1 cent/word. Submit at
🔴 DEC 31 · Monsters in Masquerade is a horror fantasy fiction anthology focusing on Upper YA (18+) to New Adult and Adult age range. Payment is 10 cents/word. Submit your work at
🔴 DEC 31 · The Theatre Phantasmagoria invites horror flash fiction up to 2,000 words. Payment is £10. Check the monthly themes and submit at
🔴 DEC 31 · Ninth Letter is open for poems, nonfiction, and short fiction. Poetry payment is $25, and prose payment is $100. Submit fee-free until 300 submissions are reached at
🔴 DEC 31 · The Map of Lost Places Anthology seeks stories about places where weird things happen. Payment is 8 cents/word. Submit your entry at
🔴 DEC 31 · Dracula Beyond Stoker is open for fiction based on Stoker’s characters. Payment is 5 cents/word. Submit your entry at
🔴 DEC 31 · The Margins welcomes poetry by emerging and established Asian American and diasporic poets. Payment ranges from $50 to $90 for a single poem. Submit at
🔴 DEC 31 · In The Mood Magazine is accepting submissions for features and Film Diaries related to your hometown within a 1,000-word limit for features and 300 words for Film Diaries. Compensation is $30 CAD for features and $20 CAD for Film Diaries. The deadline is December 31, 2023. Guidelines available at
🔴 DEC 31 · Channel welcomes submissions in fiction, art, creative non-fiction, and poetry that engage with the natural world. They are particularly interested in work reflecting on human interaction with plant and animal life, landscape, and the self. Payment is €40 per poem and €50 per page of prose up to €150. Submissions close on December 31, 2023. Details can be found at
🔴 DEC 31 · The Way of Worlds is seeking speculative fiction manuscripts, including aliens, solar systems, spaceships, alternate universes, and imaginative realms. Polished manuscripts of approximately 3,500 - 12,000 words are accepted. Payment is 3 cents per word, and the deadline is December 31, 2023. Submission guidelines can be found at
🔴 DEC 31 · Haven Speculative is open for submissions of speculative fiction and poetry. They offer a payment of 1 cent per word for fiction and $5 - $10 for poetry. The submission deadline is December 31, 2023. More information is available at
🔴 DEC 31 · Eerie River invites horror submissions inspired by Tarot within the word range of 1500 - 7000. They offer a payment of ¢1 per word CAD. The submission deadline is December 31, 2023. Guidelines can be found at
🔴 DEC 31 · Arithmophobia: An Anthology of Mathematical Horror is accepting horror submissions with a mathematical theme. They offer 1 cent/word for a word count of 3,000 - 15,000. The deadline is December 31, 2023. Submission guidelines available at
🔴 DEC 31 · The Deadlands seeks fiction and poetry exploring liminal spaces between life, death, and elsewhere. They offer 10 cents per word for short stories and $50 per poem. This call is open exclusively to BIPOC writers. The deadline is December 31, 2023. Submission guidelines at
🔴🏆 DEC 31 · The Iridescence Award is open to Black, Indigenous, or People of Color artists and accepts fantasy, folk mythology, science fiction, and paranormal submissions in short fiction and poetry. The prize is up to $500, and the deadline is December 31, 2023. Details can be found at
🔴🏆 DEC 31 · The AIIRA Writing Contest is open to all high school students, prompting exploration of the impact of AI on future careers. Prizes include $500 for first place, $400 for second place, and $250 for third place. The deadline is December 31, 2023. More information at
🔴🏆 DEC 31 · L. Ron Hubbard’s Writers of the Future Contest, held quarterly, welcomes science fiction or fantasy short stories or novelettes. Prizes range from $500 to $5,000. The deadline is December 31, 2023. Contest rules available at
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ೋ ೋ JANUARY ೋ ೋ
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🔴 JAN 1 · HERE THERE BE DRAGONS edited by H. David Blalock seeks art, poetry and “original fiction of 3,000 to 6,000 words” that include “renderings of dragons in writing and art.” Payment is “8 cents/word for the first 3000 words and 3 cents/word thereafter. Poetry shall be paid at $1.00/line. Art shall be paid at $30/piece. Cover art shall be paid $300.”
🔴🏆 JAN 1 · Poetry Society Of America Annual Awards close for applications for prizes ranging from $250 to $2,500. Awards include the The Writer Magazine/Emily Dickinson Award, Cecil Hemley Memorial Award, Lyric Poetry Award, Lucille Medwick Memorial Award, Alice Fay Di Castagnola Award, George Bogin Memorial Award, and the Robert H. Winner Memorial Award. All submissions must be through Submittable. Poetry Society of America members can enter all awards for free. Non-Members of the Poetry Society can enter each contest for a fee.
🟢 JAN 1 · The Forge Literary Magazine calls for fiction and nonfiction under 3,000 words including flash and micro fiction for $75 flat rate until the free submissions quota is full. “If there is no free link, we’ve hit our quota.”
🟢 JAN 1 · Split Lip Magazine opens free submissions for poems, memoirs, flash, fiction, art, interviews/reviews, and mini-reviews until January 31 or free cap is reached. Payment is $75 per author for poems, memoirs, flash, fiction, and art, $50 for interviews/reviews, and $25 for mini-reviews.
🟢 JAN 1 · The Bombay Literary Magazine opens to submissions of fiction, poetry, translated fiction, translated poetry and graphic fiction but will “only consider the first 400 submissions in each category”. Payment of an honorarium of ₹ 5,000 (approx. $61 or €51) per contribution.
🟢 JAN 1 · Rattle Magazine’s Ekphrastic Poetry challenge calls for poems inspired by a visual art prompt posted on their site. Poets have until the end of the month to write. Two winners will receive online publication and $100 each.
🟢 JAN 1· Cosmic Horror Monthly opens for submissions of “cosmic horror, Lovecraftian, and weird fiction” and non-fiction from 1000-5000 words for $.03 USD per word, interior art at $20 and cover art at $100.
🟢 JAN 1 · Cardinal Rule Press is set to open for submissions of children’s picture books that empower readers aged 4-11, as well as non-fiction books for parents (word count up to 70k). Payment is through royalties. The submission window opens on January 1, 2024.
🟢 JAN 1 · Flame Tree Fiction Newsletter calls for monthly themed submissions from newsletter subscribers only (free to subscribe) up to 1k words for $0.08 per word USD for original fiction.
🟢♻️ JAN 1 · Flash Fiction Online calls for speculative fiction flash from 500-1k words for $80 USD flat rate until January 21 or “unless we reach our submission cap of 425 stories”.
🟢💲 JAN. 1 · The National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Fellowships opens The NEA is currently accepting applications for its Creative Writing Fellowships, which provide writers with $25,000 in funding to work on their writing projects. The deadline for applications is March 8.
🟢🏆 JAN. 1 · The James Laughlin Award, sponsored by the Academy of American Poets, is given to recognize and support a second book of poetry forthcoming in the next calendar year. The winner will receive a prize of $5,000 and publication of their manuscript by Nightboat Books.
🟢🏆💲 JAN. 1 · The Nimrod Literary Awards Annual contest opens now until April 1 for fiction, 7,500 words maximum (one short story or a self-contained excerpt from a novel) and poetry, 3-10 pages. (one long poem or several shorter poems). Submissions are open internationally. All finalists will be considered for publication. In addition to publication and the prize money, winners will also be brought to Tulsa for the Awards Ceremony.
🟢🏆 JAN. 1 · Submissions for the 2024 Lambda Literary Awards, aka Lammy Awards opens on January 1. Lambda Literary Awards celebrate the outstanding LGBTQ+ storytelling from a given year. Lambda uses “LGBTQ+” as a catch-all term, meaning that works reflecting identities beyond lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender/queer or questioning are also welcome, to include two-spirit, intersex, pansexual, aro/ace, and other emerging identities. Submissions by Big 4 publishers and universities: $95.00 USD per title. Submissions by small press/independent publishers and individual authors: $65.00 USD per title for 1-10 titles; $55.00 USD per title for 11+ titles.
🟢♻️ JAN. 1 · Showcase: Object & Idea seeks flash fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. A poem and a prose piece are selected for each monthly issue, and the authors answer questions about the meaning behind their work. Payment is $50. Reprints accepted.
🟢 JAN. 1 · Broken Sleep Books opens for all books (wildcard submissions) from January 1 to February 28. Payment is 10% royalties, with the author receiving five (5) free author copies and a 50% discount on future purchases. Simultaneous submissions.
🟢♻️ JAN 1 · Short Story on Substack is open for short stories from 6-10,000 words in any genre. Payment is $100 + 50% of subscription revenue to be sent by Paypal, Zelle, or check. Selected story to be announced on the 15th. Reprints welcome.
🟢♻️ JAN 1 · Poetry on Substack is open for poems with “a rhyme scheme or a rhythm scheme” (no blank or free verse) in any genre. Payment is $10 + 50% of subscription revenue to be sent by Paypal, Zelle, or check. Reprints welcome.
🟢 ♻️ JAN 1 · Mysterion's submission window is open for speculative stories—science fiction, fantasy, horror—with Christian themes, characters, or cosmology. They accept reprints and offer a payment of 8 cents/word for original works and 4 cents/word for reprints.
For more details, visit 🔗
🟢♻️ JAN 1 · Solar Punk Magazine is open for submissions in January 2024. They seek speculative works, including fiction (1500-7500 words, $.08 per word, $100 minimum), poetry (up to 5 poems or 5 pages, $40 per poem), nonfiction (1000-2000 words, $75 per essay or article), cover art ($100 for reprints, $200 for original unpublished), and interior art ($50 for reprints, $100 for original unpublished). The theme revolves around Solarpunk, envisioning a future where humanity has addressed challenges like climate change and established sustainable societies.
For more details, visit 🔗
🟢♻️ JAN. 1-2 · Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores is open for new work, reprints, poetry (up to 40 lines) and prose from 1,000 words and up. Payment is .08 per word for new fiction, .02 per word for reprints, .02-.08 for new fact based work, .01-.04 for reprinted fact based work, $1 per line for original poetry, .50 per line for reprinted poetry. No simultaneous or multiple submissions.
⭐📚 JAN 1 · The first Exercise Your Writes of the year in the new format will be live featuring the video submissions of Nicole M. Wolverton, Pixie Bruner, Laura Kester Duerrwaechter, Amy Zoellers, Valerie Williams, and Mark Guyer. Submissions open again on January 7. Visit for details and/or watch the show at:
🔗 Six Pack of Creative Goodness for the New Year!
🔴 JAN 1 · June Road Press is seeking poetry collections for full-length books containing 40 to 60 poems, preferably by authors identifying as women. They have a particular interest in ecological/environmental themes. Payment is through royalties, and the deadline is January 1, 2024.
🔴 JAN 1 · Reservoir Road Literary Review is accepting submissions for literary short stories, lyrical creative non-fiction, and photography. They offer $5 in payment, and the submission window opens on January 1, 2024. Note that the window closes when their cap is reached.
🔴 JAN 1 · Totally Entwined is open for novellas in the range of 30,000 to 50,000 words with the theme "Surprise Babies." Payment is through royalties, and the deadline is January 1, 2024. Submit your work at
🔴 JAN 1 · Three Ravens Press is open for cryptid horror submissions (5,000–10,000 words) with royalties as payment. Details at
🔴 JAN 1 · Wild Umbrella seeks short stories, essays, and poems. Payment is €10 per poem and €25 per fiction story or non-fiction essay. Submit at
🔴 JAN 1 · Book Worms invites dark fiction, essays, and poetry submissions on the theme "My Bloody Valentine." Payment is $0.08/word for prose and $25–$50 per poem. Submit at
🔴 JAN 1 · Cardinal Rule Press opens on January 1 for children’s picture books and non-fiction books for parents. Payment is through royalties. Learn more at
🔴 JAN 1 · The Body’s Experience of Religion is open for poetry submissions with a payment of $10. Submit your work at
🔴🏆 JAN 1 · Lefty Blondie Press First Chapbook Award is open for submissions. $20 entry fee. Deadline: March 31, 2024. Winner gets $250, 10 author copies, and 40% off additional copies. LBP promotes the winning chapbook widely. Submit 18-24 pages of poetry. Eligibility criteria apply.
🔴 JAN 1 · Cafe Irreal, a quarterly webzine specializing in magical realism, invites submissions of irreal fiction resembling the work of Kafka, Abe, Lispector, and Borges. Length should be up to 2,000 words, and the payment is 1 cent/word. The deadline for submissions is January 1.
🔴 JAN 1 · Book Worms Zine calls for submissions for its My Bloody Valentine Winter Issue. Seeking original poetry (any length) and fiction/essays (1500 words or less) on dark love stories and tragic romance. Payment: 8 cents per word for fiction/essays and $25-$50 per poem, including one contributor copy. No reprints or multiple submissions. Exclusive rights for six months post-publication. Details at
🔴 JAN 2 · RockPaperPoem is open for poetry submissions. Their platform embraces all forms and subjects, welcoming up to 5 poems with a 2-page limit per poem. Submissions will reopen on January 2, 2024. For guidelines and to submit your poetry, visit
🔴 JAN 2 · Briarpatch seeks pitches for their May-June issue. They welcome investigative journalism, interviews, feature articles, narrative reporting, project profiles, comics, graphic texts, book reviews, and photo essays rooted in anti-colonial, anti-capitalist, feminist struggle. Payment ranges from $150 to $350. For details, visit
🔴🏆 JAN 2 · Gemini Poetry Open accepting entries. $9 ENTRY FEE FOR THREE POEMS. Deadline: Jan 2, 2024. First Prize $1,000, Second Prize $100. Four Honorable Mentions $25 each. All six finalists published online in the March/April 2024 Issue. Any subject, style, or length. Entries must be unpublished, except for poems on personal blogs.
🔴 JAN 5 · Poet Lore, 'America's Oldest Poetry Journal,' seeks love poetry submissions from queer poets. Accepted poems will be featured in a special issue with a compensation of $50 per poem. Writers can submit up to three poems by January 5.
🔴💲 JAN 5 · San José State University Steinbeck Fellowships in Creative Writing offers yearlong residencies with $15,000 stipends for fiction and creative nonfiction writers. Submit up to 25 pages of prose, a project proposal, résumé, and three letters of recommendation by January 5. No entry fee.
🔴💲 JAN 4 · New Literary Project Jack Hazard Fellowships provide $5,000 fellowships for high school teacher-writers working on ongoing fiction, creative nonfiction, or memoir projects. Eligible candidates must be full-time high school instructors in the current academic year. Submit a writing sample, bio, curriculum vitae, and project description by January 4. No entry fee.
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