Authortunities #37 Dec. 2—Dec. 30
❗ S&T Pushcart Nominations ❗ ➕ Strange Women Holiday Extravaganza ➕ FREE Space and Time #7 from August 1969 〓 100+ author opportunities for you!

Happy December already?!? That means 2023 is drawing to a close. It was a busy year but (as usual) there is so much more I want to do. Good thing there is a new year right around the corner, one I fully anticipated (for once). Since October I’ve been busy making my 2024 masterplan behind the scenes… muhahahahaha!
I may have missed my calling as a super-villain.
As most of you are reading this on Saturday, I’ll be over at the Strong Women, Strange Worlds holiday celebration. I’ll be popping in all day, but at 5 pm EST I’ll be reading a personal, real life ghost story from my essay in Unquiet Spirits.
See the schedule of planned events and register for free here.
Space and Time magazine Pushcart Nominations for 2023
In 2023, Space and Time published two regular issues plus a special discovery issue. I’ve selected two works from each issue that stand out, but there were so many it was nearly impossible to choose. The final selections were:
Spring/Summer #143 - “How Sublime Were the Lights” by Maxwell I. Gold
Spring/Summer #143 - “Post-Apocalyptic Love Story” by Amanda Worthington
AI Discovery Special Issue #144 - “Airborne” by Colleen Anderson
AI Discovery Special Issue #144 - “Life and (Erasure Poem)” by R.K. Rugg
Fall/Winter #145 - “Shopping with Ida” by Peter J. Carter
Fall/Winter #145 - “Sitting at the Edge of Nothing” by Brian Hugenbruch
Congratulations to all our Pushcart nominations, and good luck!
I’ve really been making use of my Substack. It’s made me wonder if I can get away with shutting down all my socials and just being active here. So tempting… I’ll keep thinking on that. While I do, here’s the best thing I read on Substack this week:
Thanks to
’s share, I read a great article about how SubstackerBeth Spencer’s newsletter was hijacked by a quirky kitty that accidentally launched a whole new newsletter for her. Called the Introvert Drawing Club, I’m off to subscribe now. Maybe I’ll luck out and an adorable evil robot will come visit Authortunities 😂.Last week’s poll asked “How seriously do you take your writing career?” The results:
86% of you are “here for the long haul.”
11% of you say “This is a hobby.”
2% of you are “a reader spying on you writers.”
It makes me very happy to know that a large majority of you are serious writers playing for keeps. May we have a long and beautiful relationship with each other because I’m here for the long haul too. For those of you who consider your writing a hobby, there is nothing wrong with that. Writing can be a joyful therapy. For the 2% of you readers that are really just here to spy on us writers, show yourselves! We will send you our books. 😂
But seriously, if you are interested in an ARC for Inujini, I can hook you up here.
✅ Time for a new poll!
🚀📦Be sure to collect your free issue of Space and Time magazine! This week’s issue is #7 from August 1969 and will be free from NOW to Wednesday, December 6, 2023, 11:59 PM PST.
When you read for free, you support authors with your Kindle Edition Normalized Page Count (KENPC). That’s money in our pocket that didn’t come from yours which means we can make more art. Thank you for the love! 🧡🧡🧡
🔗Own #7 from August 1969 for free!
Space and Time Alumni
🚀From Jonathan Ukah: I have been published by Space and Time magazine in the AI issue [#144]. Recently, I have been twice nominated for the Pushcart Prize. Thank you Space and Time magazine for your encouragement.
Congratulations Jonathan! Good luck on the Pushcarts!
🚀From A.L. Sirois: So far I have not had any of my written work published in the magazine, but I have illustrated several stories, so I'd say that makes me an alumni. :-) Anyway, the first volume in The Imhotep Chronicles, a YA trilogy from Regal House, will be out in June of '24. The cover is attached. The next two books -- Imhotep and the Witch Doctor and The King's Ghost, will be out in '25 and '26, respectively.
That definitely makes you an alumni 😂 Be sure to let us know when that book is out and I’ll share the link. Congratulations on the series! If I were to judge this book by it’s cover, I would say it looks pretty awesome!
🚀❗Thank you both for sending me your news. I love seeing what the S&T Alumni are up to now. If you’ve had any work (including art) published in Space and Time at anytime? I’d love to share what you’re doing now. Send me a message to
❓Ever wonder where I gather the information for my calendar? I have some great sources and they all deserve credit. Assistant of Awesome Lenoff and I keep an eye on them all week looking for new opportunities. If you prefer to go to the source, you can find a list at 🔗
🧡And that’s it from me this week. Enjoy this week’s Authortunities and go write something that matters… because you matter.
🏁 Organized by emoji! Ctrl F to find what you want.
In this entire calendar share you will find:
43 newly opened submissions 🟢
64 submission deadlines 🔴
1 events for authors ⭐
11 reprint markets ♻️
4 award 🏆
Send comments, items, Signal Boosts+ to
🟢 Open now · Goatshed Press seeks short stories, flash fiction, poetry and creative nonfiction with payment of £60 for stories and essays (over 1000 words) and £25 for poems and flash fiction. They are also looking to publish longer form work in 2023, including novels, novellas, graphic novels, non fiction books and short story collections. Ongoing submissions.
🟢♻️ Open now: Radon seeks short stories and poetry containing elements of anarchism, transhumanism, dystopia, and/or science fiction. Payment: 1 cent per word for original work, half a cent per word for reprints.
🟢♻️ Open now: The Hungur Chronicles seeks horror about vampires or creatures with vampiric themes. Payment for original stories is $25.00; for reprints, $12.00. Payment for poems is $5. The pay for illustrations is $8.00. The payment for articles is $10. The pay for cover art is $25.00.
🟢 Open now: The Were-Traveler: Curst & Twysted Tarot seeks short fiction. Choose an image you would like to write a story about. Payment: $10 for flash, $15 for short stories. Open until filled.
🟢 Open now: Fantasy Magazine is open until filled for BIPOC authors with fantasy short stories, flash fiction, poetry. Payment: 8 cents per word; $40 per poem.
🟢 Open now: Backyard Earth is a "round the world" series of five books, one for each continent (more or less). Each book will contain one story for every country on that continent. Submissions will stay open until the Table of Contents is filled.. Short fiction only. Payment is $25.
🟢 Open now: Psychopomp has ongoing submissions for nonfiction essays on art, short fiction, novels, movies, music, fashion, culture, entertainment, science, and more, that fall under the umbrella of goth, death, funerary, grief, loss, alternative, otherworldly themes. Payment is $50.
🟢 Open now: The International Human Rights Art Festival’s submission window for IHRAF Publishes 2023 remains open. Please submit your poem, short story, or essay (2500 words or less) to along with a 2-5 sentence biography. Translations are also welcome. IHRAF Publishes will pay $50 per accepted piece. Ongoing.
🟢 Open now: Assemble Artifacts is currently open until filled for stories of wonder and suspense. They prefer stories of at least 5,000 words, but are open to longer and shorter works. Please include a one to three sentence pitch of your story, and an author bio with your submission. Open to writers of all levels of experience. Payment: 8-10 cents per word for short fiction.
🟢 Open now: Jay Henge: The Back Forty seeks speculative fiction. "In The Back Forty, we are looking for your stories that explore new, lawless frontiers, backwater towns, self-appointed sheriffs, lonesome explorers, bounty hunters, and other Wild West in Outer Space kinds of themes." Payment is $5 USD per 1000 words, up to 15k words. They currently have two publications open until filled.
🟢 Open now: Through the Gate is open ongoing for submissions of fantastical poetry ”of literary and emotional depth from a diversity of voices and perspectives. Our definition of fantastical is quite fluid, encompassing fantasy, magic realism, myth, folklore, surrealism and slipstream. We desire poetry that is atypically beautiful, unconventionally imaginative, and boundary-crossing. We are not interested in work that is strictly science fiction or mainstream, but poetry that blurs the lines between such genres and the fantastical is welcome." Send up to three poems. Payment is $20 per poem. Open until filled.
🟢 Open now: Three-lobed Burning Eye is open for ingoing submissions of "Original speculative fiction: horror, fantasy, and science fiction. We're looking for short stories from across the big classifications and those shadowy places between: magical realism, fantastique, slipstream, interstitial, and the Weird. We will consider suspense or western, though we prefer it to contain some speculative element. We like voices that are full of feeling, from literary to pulpy, with styles unique and flowing, but not too experimental. All labels aside, we want tales that expand genre, that value imagination in character, narrative, and plot. We want to see something new and different." Length for short fiction 1000–7000 words, flash fiction 500–1000 words, (2000–5000 preferred). Payment is $100 for short fiction, $30 for flash fiction; + 1 print annual. Open now. 🔗
🟢♻️ Open now: The Dark seeks dark fantasy and horror. "Don’t be afraid to experiment or to deviate from the ordinary; be different—try us with fiction that may fall out of “regular” categories. However, it is also important to understand that despite the name, The Dark is not a market for graphic, violent horror." Length is 2,000 – 6,000 words. Payment is 6 cents/word for original fiction up to 6,000 words on publication for first world rights; and 1 cent/word for reprint fiction up to 6,000 words on publication for nonexclusive reprint rights. Open now.
🟢 Open Now · Iterant is open for poetry submissions, offering $50 for 3 to 8 poems with a maximum of 10 pages. Learn more at
🟢Open Now · Hamilcar Publications, a Boston-based nonfiction publisher, is accepting manuscript proposals. They focus on professional boxing, true crime, hip-hop, and jazz. Before submitting your manuscript, read through common submission mistakes to avoid. Details can be found at
🟢 DEC 2 · rolling: Horror Story Magazine seeks horror poetry and short stories featuring monsters. Length: 2,000-10,000 words. Payment is 2 cents/word. 🔗
🟢 DEC 2 · Event Poetry and Prose opens free submissions for poetry and prose. Payment is $40/page for poetry and $35/page for prose, up to a maximum of $500. 🔗
🟢 DEC 2 · Map of Lost Places [Apex Book Company] seeks “stories about places where weird things happen” of 2,500-7,000 words for .05 cents per word until December 31. 🔗
🟢 DEC 2 · The Cincinnati Review opens to submissions of miCRo, poetry, fiction, fiction translations, literary nonfiction, poetry translations, and drama until they hit the submissions cap for that period. Payment of $25/page for prose and $30/page for poetry in the print journal and $25 for miCRo posts or special features.
🟢 DEC 2 · Apparition Lit’s Reality Show Madness Flash Fiction Prompt opens for submissions of speculative flash fiction (under 1k words) prompted by “Terrace House/Big Brother/The Real World” until the 14th. Payment is $30 USD.
🟢 DEC 2 · Split Lip Magazine opens tip jar submissions for poems, memoirs, flash, fiction, art, interviews/reviews, and mini-reviews until December 15. Payment is $75 per author for poems, memoirs, flash, fiction, and art, $50 for interviews/reviews, and $25 for mini-reviews. 🔗
🟢 DEC 2 · Rattle Magazine’s Ekphrastic Poetry challenge calls for poems inspired by a visual art prompt posted on their site. Poets have until the end of the month to write. Two winners will receive online publication and $100 each. 🔗
🟢 DEC 2 · Flame Tree Fiction Newsletter calls for monthly themed submissions from newsletter subscribers only (free to subscribe) up to 1k words for $0.08 per word USD for original fiction. 🔗
🟢♻️ DEC 2 · The Other Stories Podcast calls for 2,000 word speculative fiction on the theme of “The End” for a $15 GBP flat rate until December 9. 🔗
🟢♻️ DEC 2 · Showcase: Object & Idea seeks flash fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. A poem and a prose piece are selected for each monthly issue, and the authors answer questions about the meaning behind their work. Payment is $50. Reprints accepted.🔗
🟢📚 DEC 2 · The Scholarship From Hell is the only scholarship offered by Horror Writers Association provides one winner access to the intensive, hands-on workshop environment of Horror University during HWA’s annual StokerCon. The winner of the Scholarship From Hell will receive domestic coach airfare (contiguous 48 states) to and from the StokerCon venue, $50 for luggage reimbursement, a 4 night stay at the convention, free registration to StokerCon, and HU Workshops. 🔗
🟢 DEC 2 · Cincinnati Review seeks prose, poetry, and art. Opens December 1 deadline when submissions cap is filled. Payment is $25/page for prose and $30/page for poetry in the journal. 🔗
🟢♻️ DEC 2 · Short Story on Substack is open for short stories from 6-10,000 words in any genre. Payment is $100 + 50% of subscription revenue to be sent by Paypal, Zelle, or check. Selected story to be announced on the 15th. Reprints welcome.🔗
🟢♻️ DEC 2 · Poetry on Substack is open for poems with “a rhyme scheme or a rhythm scheme” (no blank or free verse) in any genre. Payment is $10 + 50% of subscription revenue to be sent by Paypal, Zelle, or check. Winners announced every Sunday. Reprints welcome. 🔗
🟢 DEC 2 · Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores is open for new work, reprints, poetry (up to 40 lines) and prose from 1,000 words and up. Payment is .08 per word for new fiction, .02 per word for reprints, .02-.08 for new fact based work, .01-.04 for reprinted fact based work, $1 per line for original poetry, .50 per line for reprinted poetry. No simultaneous or multiple submissions. 🔗
🟢 DEC 2 · The Deadlands, a monthly speculative fiction magazine, is currently open for submissions. They welcome short stories, poems, and essays exploring other realms, the ends we face here, and the beginnings found elsewhere. Rolling deadline for fiction and nonfiction, accepting stories up to 5000 words. Payment is 10¢/word for original fiction, 1¢/word for reprints, and $100/essay (1-4k words) for non-fiction. Check the details at🔗
🟢 DEC 2 · Heartlines seeks speculative fiction and poetry about long-term relationships. Payment is $0.08 CAD per word for short fiction (1,000-3,500 words) and $60 CAD flat per poem. 50% of content is from writers identifying as being from Canada/Turtle Island. Opening December 1
🟢 DEC 2 · Solarpunk Magazine seeks nonfiction submissions now. $75 per essay or article for nonfiction. 🔗
🟢 DEC 2 · Spooky Magazine is currently accepting submissions until December 31, 2023. They are seeking cozy, fun, classy, and wholesome horror stories of 5000 words or fewer, presented in the Shunn Manuscript Format. Submit your work to with the subject heading SUBMISSION: Story Title / Author Name. Check the details at
🟢 DEC 2-7 · A Coup Of Owls is currently accepting submissions for their Spring 2024 Issue (Early Listing) until December 7, 2023. They offer payment for Drabbles and Flash (£5), Short Stories (1001 to 4000 words - £10, 4001 to 8000 words - £15). The theme is speculative fiction with no set theme, though they appreciate stories inspired by the season. A Coup Of Owls exclusively publishes creators from underrepresented and/or marginalized communities. Check the details at
🟢 DEC 2 · Sky Island Journal is inviting submissions for Issue 27. They publish poetry, flash fiction, and creative nonfiction, providing a free-access literary experience to readers worldwide. Submit your work before midnight (MST) on December 31 at
🟢 DEC 2 · Ploughshares is open for submissions to the Fall Longform Issue until January 15. They accept submissions of 7,500 to 20,000 words, including novel and memoir excerpts if self-contained. Check the guidelines at
🔴 DEC 5 · Invisible City is currently accepting nonfiction submissions of up to 5,000 words. Writers have the opportunity to receive $20 for their work. The submission deadline is December 5, 2023. For more details and to submit, check the guidelines at
🔴 DEC 5 · Bad Day Book is currently accepting poetry and prose submissions with themes specified on their site. They offer payment ranging from $40 to $75, depending on length. The deadline is December 5, 2023. Check the details at🔗
🔴🏆 DEC 6 · The Edgar® Awards, sponsored by the Mystery Writers of America, honor the best in mystery fiction, non-fiction, television, film, and theater. Submissions close for books published in October thru December. Books must be submitted during the month of publication. In addition, the book MUST arrive to the judges within 30 days of sending the submission form to the national office.
🔴 DEC 7 · Stone’s Throw seeks dark fiction, crime, and noir submissions between 1,000 and 2,000 words. They offer a payment of $25 with a deadline of December 7, 2023. Submissions are open the first week of every month. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 7 · The J. Anthony Lukas Prize Project is open for submissions. NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline: Dec 7, 2023. Two J. Anthony Lukas Work-in-Progress Awards, each $25,000, to aid in completing significant works of nonfiction on American political or social topics. Applicants must have a U.S.-based publisher contract. Judges consider impact on the book project and financial need of the author. Check details at
🔴🏆 DEC 7 · The Big Bang!: Black Spring Prize for Best Opening to a Crime Book open for entries. £10 ENTRY FEE. Deadline: Dec 7, 2023. Judged by Lee Child. Seeking the best 50-200 words of an opening for a crime-mystery-thriller novel. The winner receives £200, an hour-long online mentoring session with Luca Veste, and a potential publishing contract. Check details at
🔴 DEC 8 · Rattle Magazine’s “Poets Respond” challenge calls for poems inspired by “ a news story or public event from the previous week, and has been written in the time since.” Selected poems will appear as the Sunday poem at which appear to over 10,000 people via RSS feed and daily email service. Poets will receive $100 and a complimentary subscription to the print magazine. The deadline for each week is Friday at midnight PST.
🔴 DEC 8 · Chicken Soup for the Soul seeks stories or poems on the theme “Miracles, messages from heaven, angels” for $250 paid “one month after publication of the book and you will receive ten free copies of the book your story or poem appears in.” 🔗
🔴♻️ DEC 9· The Other Stories Podcast in need of 2,000 word speculative fiction on the theme of “The End” for a $15 GBP flat rate on December 9. 🔗
🔴 DEC 9 · The Other Stories (Audio) is accepting horror submissions based on themes until December 9, 2023. They offer a payment of 15 GBT. Explore the themes and check the details at
🔴 DEC 10 · Coffee-House Poetry is accepting submissions for the Troubadour International Poetry Prize. The prize includes £2,000 for the winner and £1,000 for the second-place, along with publication on their website and an invitation to read at a celebration. Mona Arshi and Tom Sleigh will judge. Submit any number of poems, each up to 45 lines, with an $8 entry fee per poem by December 10. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 10 · Friends of American Writers is offering the Literature Awards with a $2,500 prize for a book of fiction or creative nonfiction set in the Midwest or by a Midwest resident. Eligible writers must have published up to three books, and self-published books are not accepted. Submit two copies of books published in 2023 with an author bio by December 10. There is no entry fee. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 10 · Northern Gravy invites fiction, poetry, and Kid Lit submissions from UK & Ireland writers, offering £100 per contributor. The deadline is December 10, 2023. Check the details at
🔴🏆 DEC 10 · Troubadour International Poetry Prize accepting entries. ENTRY FEE £6/€7/$8. Deadline: Dec 10, 2023. First prize £2,000, second prize £1,000, third prize £500. Plus 20 commendeds. Poems may be submitted from any country, on any theme, in English, no longer than 45 lines, original work, and unpublished. Check details at 🔗
🔴 DEC 11 · Funicular Magazine is seeking fiction, poetry, and flash fiction submissions. They pay $10/printed page for short stories, $25 per piece for flash, and $25 per piece for poetry. The deadline is December 11, 2023. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 14 · Apparition Lit’s Reality Show Madness Flash Fiction Prompt closes to submissions of speculative flash fiction (under 1k words) prompted by “Terrace House/Big Brother/The Real World” until the 14th. Payment is $30 USD.
🔴 DEC 14 · Jelly Bucket, published annually by Bluegrass Writers Studio, is currently accepting works of fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. They are reading for a special issue with a section focused on neurodivergent writers, to be published in Summer 2024. Currently, submissions for this issue are free and close on December 14th.
🔴 DEC 14 · Hippocampus Magazine is open for Memoir Excerpts, Personal Essays, and Flash Nonfiction submissions. They offer a payment of $40. Submissions are fee-free from December 1 to December 14, 2023. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 15 · Gival Press is holding the Poetry Award, offering a $1,000 prize and publication for a poetry book. Submit a manuscript of at least 45 pages with a $20 entry fee by December 15. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 15 · Longleaf Press is open for submissions for a poetry collection with a $1,000 prize, publication, and 25 author copies. Submit a manuscript of at least 50 pages with a $27 entry fee using the online submission system by December 15. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 15 · Radon seeks short stories and poetry with elements of anarchism, transhumanism, dystopia, and/or science fiction. They pay 1 cent per word for original work and half a cent per word for reprints. The deadline is December 15, 2023. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 15 · Eye to the Telescope is accepting speculative poetry submissions with a payment of $0.04/word, up to $25. The deadline is December 15, 2023. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 15 · On Spec is open for speculative fiction and poetry submissions with a payment of $100CAD. The deadline is December 15, 2023. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 15 · Propagule is currently accepting short stories that embrace experimentation and oddity, exploring the strange, surreal, atypical, and unexpected. Payment is up to $20, and the deadline is December 15, 2023. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 15 · Copper Nickel is open for poetry, fiction, essays, and translation folios. They offer a payment of $30 per printed page, two copies of the issue, and a one-year subscription. Submit early in the month to avoid submission fees. The deadline is December 15, 2023. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 15 · Baffling Magazine is seeking speculative flash fiction submissions with a payment of 8 cents/word. The deadline is December 15, 2023. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 15 · Lost Boys Press is open for Romantasy submissions, seeking romance set in a fantasy world. The word count should be between 60,000 and 120,000 words, and payment is in royalties. The deadline is December 15, 2023. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 15 · Brazenhead Review is accepting poetry submissions with a payment of $200. The deadline is December 15, 2023, and submissions close when the cap is reached. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 15 · Eavesdrop Magazine welcomes fiction, poetry, comics, plays, CNF, and art submissions from Canadian writers. Payment ranges from $30 per poem to $70 per short fiction, CNF piece, short play, and visual art piece. The deadline is December 15, 2023. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 15 · Midstory Magazine is seeking personal essays about love, loss, and friendship at midlife. They offer a payment of $50 for accepted essays. The preferred word count is 750-2000 words, and the deadline is December 15, 2023. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 15 · The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts is open for fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, mixed media, and visual arts submissions. They offer a payment of $50, and the deadline is December 15, 2023. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 15 · Archive of the Odd is seeking speculative fiction, with a preference for horror. They accept stories in various formats and pay $15-$25 for fiction of 500-5,000+ words. The deadline is December 15, 2023. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 15 · Samjoko Magazine is accepting fiction, nonfiction, poetry, play, and screenplay submissions. They offer a payment of $20, and the deadline is December 15, 2023. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 15 · Muse Magazine is open for nonfiction articles for children. The payment is not specified, and the deadline is December 15, 2023. See themes and submit queries only. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 15 · Eastover Press: Rural Writers of Color is open to BIPOC writers presenting short stories featuring characters in rural or semi-rural spaces. They offer a payment ranging from $100-$300. The deadline is December 15, 2023, considering previously published stories in 2021 and 2022. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 15 · Rebel Satori Press is accepting full-length LGBTQ+ speculative fiction submissions. Payment is in royalties, and the deadline is December 15, 2023. Check the details at🔗
🔴 DEC 15 · Borne in the Blood is seeking stories about elements carried in the blood, whether magic, disease, or something else. The length should be 1000-7000 words, and the payment is $20. The deadline is December 15, 2023. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 15 · Meetinghouse is open for fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry submissions. They offer a minimum payment of $100 for prose and $20/page for stories over 5 pages. The deadline is December 15, 2023, accepting up to 7,500 words per submission. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 15 · Orca is seeking literary fiction submissions. They offer $50 for short stories, $25 for flash fiction. Submit early in the month to avoid submission fees. The deadline is December 15, 2023. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 15 · Chicken Soup for the Soul seeks stories or poems on the theme “Cat Stories” for $250 paid “one month after publication of the book and you will receive ten free copies of the book your story or poem appears in.” 🔗
🔴 DEC 15 · Split Lip Magazine closes tip jar submissions for poems, memoirs, flash, fiction, art, interviews/reviews, and mini-reviews. Payment is $75 per author for poems, memoirs, flash, fiction, and art, $50 for interviews/reviews, and $25 for mini-reviews.
🔴 DEC 15 · Chicken Soup for the Soul seeks stories or poems on the themes “Dog Stories” for $250 paid “one month after publication of the book and you will receive ten free copies of the book your story or poem appears in.” 🔗
🔴 DEC 15 · Rattle Magazine’s “Poets Respond” challenge calls for poems inspired by “ a news story or public event from the previous week, and has been written in the time since.” Selected poems will appear as the Sunday poem at which appear to over 10,000 people via RSS feed and daily email service. Poets will receive $100 and a complimentary subscription to the print magazine. The deadline for each week is Friday at midnight PST.
🔴 DEC 15 · AGNI seeks poetry and prose. Payment is $10 per printed page for prose and $20 per page for poetry, up to $150. Fee for online submissions, but no fee for USPS submissions. Open from September 1st to midnight December 15th
🔴 DEC 15 · RCC MUSE art + literary journal – poetry and prose submissions open: MUSE is especially looking to publish work from under- or misrepresented groups, such as people of color, disabled people, LGBTQ+, present/formerly incarcerated people, and others from a culturally and linguistically diverse background. Submit one short story or creative nonfiction (1500 words max) or up to three poems through December 15, 2023. Mail your submissions to RCC MUSE, Riverside City College, 4800 Magnolia Avenue, Riverside, CA 92506 or email If emailing, send your submission as an attachment with "Last Name – Genre – Title of Submission" in the subject line (e.g., Smith – Prose – "In Summer"). Please include contact information. Review full submission guidelines at
🔴 DEC 15 · Story Foundation Prize is currently accepting submissions. A prize of $1,500 and publication in Story is given annually for a short story. Using only the online submission system, submit a short story of no more than 10,000 words with a $25 entry fee, which includes a subscription to Story, by December 15. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 15 · Longleaf Press Book Contest is open for submissions. A prize of $1,000, publication by Longleaf Press, and 25 author copies is given annually for a poetry collection. The winner will also be invited to give a virtual reading in early 2024. Roger Weingarten will judge. Using only the online submission system, submit a manuscript of at least 50 pages with a $27 entry fee by December 15. Check the details at
🟢♻️ DEC 15 · Luna Station Quarterly seeks “female-fronted speculative stories” of “500 to 7000 words in length” for $5 USD. 🔗
🟢💲 DEC 15 · Restless Books, Prize for New Immigrant Writing, offers $10,000 and publication for a debut book of nonfiction by a first-generation immigrant. Eligible writers who have not published a book of nonfiction in English can submit a prose manuscript of at least 45,000 words or a writing sample of 25,000 words or more and a detailed proposal; a curriculum vitae; and a one-page cover letter using the online submission system. The prize alternates annually between fiction and nonfiction. There is no entry fee.
🟢♻️ DEC 15 · Samovar, published by Strange Horizons, seeks speculative fiction, review-essays, poetry, interview/conversations, and reprints in translation. Payment for fiction is 8 US cents per word to the author, and 8 US cents per word to the translator. Payment for reprints is a flat $100 USD to the author and $100 USD to the translator. Payments for poetry are $40 USD to the author and $40 USD to the translator. Payment for interview/conversations is $40 USD to each participant. Payment for review-essays is $40 USD.
🟢♻️ DEC 15 · Zooscape opens for submissions December 15th for original stories or reprints up to 10,000 words; query for longer. Reprints should not be readily available elsewhere online. All stories must be furry, meaning an anthropomorphic animal figure should be significantly featured in the story — it could be anthropomorphic in body or only intelligence. They love “science-fiction with animal-like aliens and fantasy with talking dragons, unicorns, or witch familiars.” Payment is 8 cents/word for original fiction, $20 for reprints.
🔴 DEC 15 · Eastover Anthology of Rural Stories: Writers of Color invites previously published short stories from BIPOC writers with a connection to rural or semi-rural locales in the United States. The stories should feature characters living and working in such settings and be up to 7,500 words. Compensation ranges from $100 to $300. 🔗
This is the end of the first two weeks, available for free. Access to the full month is available to subscribers at $5 a month. If you think you would benefit from a full month ahead but can’t afford it, email me at 🆕 and I’ll be happy to set you up with a complimentary year subscription — no questions asked.
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