Authortunities #35 Nov. 18—Dec. 16
❗ My birthday gift to you ❗ ➕ LeVar Burton on Book Banning ➕ FREE Space and Time #10 from March 1971 〓 100+ author opportunities for you!

Good morning my bright, brave and beautiful friends! 🧡
🎂 It’s my birthday! On November 21 I’ll celebrate 55 years of life. Born in 1968, by the Chinese zodiac, I’m a monkey. I know, that explains a lot 😂 Because it’s my birthday and I can do what I want (within reason) I want to gift all my free subscribers a paid subscription to last through the holidays. Please take full advantage of your holidays to get a head start on your 2024 submissions. Everyone will be upgraded on November 21 until December 28. If you get accepted from something I’ve shared, please let me know! 💌
💚💛💙Because I now live in Brazil, I’m trying out an Edição Portuguesa. You can read that here. If you read Portuguese, let me know what you think!
Best thing I read on
this week:If Your Livelihood Depends on Readers... by
This was such a good article to help define who we are sharing to. It really made a lot of sense, and I admit to being one of those people that blindly shares “publishing hot takes.” If you are wondering where the readers are, be sure to check out this out. Mother Horror is wise.💀📚I’m about to send out ARCs for INUJINI! This is the book I wrote following the Bram Stoker Awarded Tortured Willows. This is my first novel length work. Interested in an ARC? Please sign up to receive an advanced reviewer copy of INUJINI. I'm interested in any platform to promote it so bring on the invitations, please and thank you. No podcast, publication or interview is too small or large. I’ll talk to your grandmother about this book 😂 Thanks to everyone who has signed up so far!
The ARC should be ready to send by the end of November. Sign up for an advanced reader copy here!
📚The National Book Award winners were announced just now! The winning titles in the categories of Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, Translated Literature, and Young People’s Literature were selected by panels of literary experts from shortlists of five titles each. Congratulations to the winners and finalists!
My favorite highlight was of course LeVar Burton’s inspiring speech about literacy being under attack and a special nod to his mother, who believed “if you can read in at least one language, you are, by her definition, free.” He begins with a funny poke at Moms of Liberty and book banning. Oprah Winfrey is also thrilling. Watch that here.
Last week’s poll asked “Should people seek permission or guidance from members of a culture before using elements of that culture in art, fashion, or other forms of expression?” The results:
13% think “Always”
75% of you think “Sometimes. It depends.”
13% of you think “Never.”
✅ Time for a new poll!
What do you think? I’ll share the results next week.
🚀📦Be sure to collect your free issue of Space and Time magazine! This week’s issue is #10 from March 1971 and will be free from Sunday, November 19, 2023, 12:00 AM PST to Thursday, November 23, 2023, 11:59 PM PST.
This is a win-win. When you read for free you support the magazine with your Kindle Edition Normalized Page Count (KENPC). That’s money in our pocket that didn’t come from yours which we can put into more poetry, stories and art. As always, reviews and shares are welcome.
🔗Own #23 from March 1974 for free!
Space and Time Alumni
🚀From Randall Andrews: I've had two poems published in Space & Time. They were two of the first poems I ever sold - and two of my favorites. Recently, my poem "Metamorfish" won the long form category of the Science Fiction Poetry Association's poetry contest. It can be read here: Science Fiction Poetry Association (
🚀From Lisa Timpf: I've had a few poems published in Space & Time, the most recent being "In the Weight Room," (Issue 141) [also "The Further We Flew," Issue 138, and "Long Gone," March 2019]. One of my recent publications was a little different: My poem “For Laika” was included in the VR forward exhibit as part of The Wrong Biennale. The exhibits are located in a VR space called “Second Life.” The “For Laika” exhibit includes a video of me reading the poem, and an exhibit of stamps created by various countries in Laika’s memory. Part of my motivation in writing the poem was to help Laika’s memory live on, and I think the exhibit does that. There are even little animated Laikas at the exhibit, and available for visitors to take around Second Life with them. Though the official launch took place in November 2023, the exhibits are available to visit until March 1, 2024. To access the exhibits, one would need to create an avatar in Second Life. A link to the exhibit, once in Second Life, is provided here: I've also had a collection of speculative haibun titled In Days to Come published by Hiraeth Publishing. In Days to Come is available both in print and electronic versions. I really appreciate receiving the free version of Authortunities, and have found some markets I haven't seen in the other venues I check for submission leads, so thank you for that.
❗❗❗Thank you always to all our S&T Alumni! I love seeing what you are up to now. Have you had work published in Space and Time at anytime? I’d love to share what you’re doing now. Send me a message to
❓Ever wonder where I gather the information for my calendar? I have some great sources and they all deserve credit. My awesome assistant Lenoff and I keep an eye on them all week looking for new opportunities. If you prefer to go to the source, I keep a list at 🔗
🧡And that’s it from me this week. Enjoy this week’s Authortunities and go write something that matters… because who else is going to do it?
🏁 Organized by emoji! Ctrl F to find what you want.
In this entire calendar share you will find:
21 newly opened submissions 🟢
64 submission deadlines 🔴
2 events for authors ⭐
10 reprint markets ♻️
12 award 🏆
Send comments, items, Signal Boosts+ to
From November 18
🟢 NOV 18 · Horror Tree: The First Line Spring 2024 is open for submissions. Writers can explore the theme by beginning their story with the line: "Mr. Morton needed a new pair of shoes." Payment ranges from $25.00 to $50.00 for fiction and $5.00 to $10.00 for poetry. While they appreciate global inspiration, submitting stories starting with their first lines to other journals or public sites is discouraged until a decision is communicated (usually four weeks after the deadline). Closes at February 1st. Check submission details at 🔗
🟢 NOV 18 · Doubly Mad Reading Period Open Now! is currently accepting SUBMISSIONS. We welcome your best poetry, fiction, and nonfiction! Please send all work to No reading fees; responses within three months. Check the details at 🔗
🔴 NOV 18 · Flora & Fungi is seeking horror stories with a maximum length of 4000 words. Please note that they do not consider previously published works, and if your submission is accepted, Horns and Rattles Press will claim First North American Publication Rights. . They also accept simultaneous submissions. Submissions should adhere to a 4000-word limit, and standard Shunn manuscript formatting is preferred. If your work is accepted, you will receive one copy of the book, and Horns and Rattles Press will cover shipping fees up to $20. Additionally, all contributors will be paid a one-time flat fee of $20 per accepted submission, with payments sent via PayPal. The submission deadline is November 18, 2023. For more details and to submit your work, visit 🔗
⭐ NOV 19 · The Speculative Sundays Poetry Reading Series presents Jeannine Hall Gailey reading their work live on Facebook via Zoom. 🔗
🔴 NOV 20 · Chicken Soup for the Soul seeks stories or poems on the theme “Funny Stories” for $250 paid “one month after publication of the book and you will receive ten free copies of the book your story or poem appears in.”
🔴 NOV 20 · Farmer-ish: Winter Solstice 2023 Special Online Issue: Farmer-ish Kids: is calling for creative and engaging content on farming, homesteading, raising animals, cooking, making, and raising a family for their Winter Solstice 2023 Special Online Issue: Farmer-ish Kids. They are interested in creative nonfiction, personal essays, memoirs, how-to pieces, informational and instructional essays, poetry, and more. Compensation for accepted submissions is $25, and the deadline for your contributions is November 20, 2023. To submit your work, visit
🔴 NOV 20 · Stanchion is currently accepting submissions in the form of short stories, poems, and creative non-fiction. They are particularly interested in pieces that explore how sharing the intimacy of someone else's home can take us beyond our boundaries, provide perspective, and allow us to reflect on where we came from. Accepted submissions will receive a payment of $15. The deadline for submissions is November 20, 2023. They also consider writing and art posted on social media and personal blogs. To submit your work, visit 🔗
🔴 NOV 21 · Solarpunk Magazine invites submissions for their micro fiction mini issue. Each quarterly mini-issue will feature four solarpunk stories of 250 words or less. Authors can submit up to one micro-fiction piece per submission period. If your story is selected, you will receive $25, which equals 10 cents per word for 250 words. These mini issues will be posted on the Solarpunk Magazine Patreon page. The submission window opens on November 14, 2023, and the deadline for submissions is November 21, 2023. To learn more and submit your micro fiction, visit
🔴 NOV 24 · Rattle Magazine’s “Poets Respond” challenge calls for poems inspired by “ a news story or public event from the previous week, and has been written in the time since.” Selected poems will appear as the Sunday poem at which appear to over 10,000 people via RSS feed and daily email service. Poets will receive $100 and a complimentary subscription to the print magazine. The deadline for each week is Friday at midnight PST.
🔴 NOV 27 · Rough Cut Press is open for short prose submissions from the LGBTQIA community on the theme 'Withhold.' They accept works up to 650 words and offer a payment of $25. Submit your prose at 🔗
🔴 NOV 30 · Dismantle Magazine welcomes essays, prose, poetry, art, and unconventional submissions exploring the intersection of fashion, pop culture, and social issues. They pay $100 for articles over 1,000 words. For submissions, check 🔗
🔴 NOV 30 · Tyche Books is seeking submissions for the 'Carpe Noctem Anthology.' They want fiction and poetry exploring darkness, night, and nocturnal elements. Word limit: Up to 5,500 words. Payment is CAD50 for fiction and CAD20 for poetry. For details, visit 🔗
🔴 NOV 30 · Mirror World is seeking writers of "escapism fiction for all ages." They are open to various genres, including Fantasy, science fiction, Romance, LGBTQ themes, Adventure, Paranormal/Occult, Comedy, Historical, Portal Fiction, Speculative Fiction, and more. Mirror World offers higher royalties (50% of net profits), author copies at wholesale rates and worldwide distribution. They accept submissions for both paperbacks and e-books. 🔗
🔴♻️ NOV 30 · Short Story on Substack is closed for short stories from 6- 10,000 words in any genre. Payment is $100 + 50% of subscription revenue to be sent by Paypal, Zelle, or check. Selected story to be announced on the 15th. Reprints welcome. 🔗
🔴🏆 NOV 30 · The A Poulin, Jr. Poetry Prize is available to U.S. poets who have not previously published a book. This prize includes $1,000 and publication. There is an entry fee of $25, and the submission deadline is November 30, 2023. The genre for this competition is poetry. To learn more, please visit🔗
🔴🏆 NOV 30 · The Cider Press Review Book Award is open to all poets. This award includes a prize of $1,500 and publication. There is an entry fee of $26, and the submission deadline is November 30, 2023. The genre is poetry. For additional details, please check🔗
🔴🏆 NOV 30 · The Narrative Fall Story Contest is open to all writers. This contest offers a prize of $2,500 with an entry fee of $27. The submission deadline is November 30, 2023, and the genre is multi-genre. For detailed guidelines, visit🔗
🔴 NOV 30 · Broken Sleep Books closes for poetry pamphlets (up to 40 pages) from November 30. Payment is 10% royalties, with the author receiving five (5) free author copies and a 50% discount on future purchases. Simultaneous submissions. 🔗
🔴 NOV 30 ·· Submissions close to the DBS Press call for 1500-5000 word stories at .05 cents a word for “Issue 4: The Brides of Dracula.” Simultaneous submissions accepted. Cover art also sought. 🔗
🔴 NOV 30 · Split Lip Magazine closes free submissions for poems, memoirs, flash, fiction, art, interviews/reviews, and mini-reviews until November 30 or free cap is reached. Payment is $75 per author for poems, memoirs, flash, fiction, and art, $50 for interviews/reviews, and $25 for mini-reviews. 🔗
🔴 NOV 30 · Black Lawrence Press seeks innovative, electrifying manuscripts in various categories, such as novel, novella, short story collection, poetry, biography & cultural studies, translation from German, and creative nonfiction. The deadline for submissions is November 30. They do request submitters to select one Black Lawrence Press publication at a discounted price ($14, including shipping for print editions). Proceeds from the open reading period will go directly back into supporting the activities of the press. 🔗
🔴 NOV 30 · Rattle Magazine’s Ekphrastic Poetry challenge calls for poems inspired by a visual art prompt posted on their site. Poets have until the end of the month to write. Two winners will receive online publication and $100 each. 🔗
🔴 NOV 30 · Engen Books and Kit Sora Photography have teamed up to offer the “Flash Fiction Photography Contest” which calls for ekphrastic flash prose pieces of 250 words or less inspired by the photography of Kit Sora. Payment is 10 cents a word. 🔗
🔴 NOV 30 · Death in the Mouth Anthology is calling for horror fiction submissions and art portfolios from BIPOC and ethnically marginalized writers and artists. They seek stories spanning from the mythic past to the far future, exploring unique manifestations of horror. Payment is $0.08 per word for stories of 1,000-6,000 words. 🔗
🔴 NOV 30 · Blueline: A Literary Magazine Dedicated to the Spirit of the Adirondacks Submission Call is seeking poems, stories, and essays that capture the essence of the Adirondacks and similar regions in both geography and spirit, emphasizing the influence of nature on these areas. Submissions are welcome until November 30, and decisions will be made by mid-February. Compensation includes contributor copies. Simultaneous submissions are accepted with proper identification, and please notify if your work is accepted elsewhere. Electronic submissions in Word format are preferred and can be sent to Be sure to specify the genre in the subject line. For more details, visit
🔴🏆 NOV 30 · The Quill Prose Award is open to queer writers. This award includes a prize of $1,000 and publication. There is an entry fee of $10, and the submission deadline is November 30, 2023. The genre for this competition is fiction. For additional details, please check
🔴 NOV 30 · Red Hen Press Quill Prose Award is currently accepting submissions. The award, offering a $1,000 prize and publication by Red Hen Press, is dedicated to a story or essay collection, a novel, or a hybrid work of prose by a queer writer. Interested writers should submit a manuscript of at least 150 pages using the online submission system. An entry fee of $10 is applicable. For detailed guidelines, visit
🔴 NOV 30 · BOA Editions A. Poulin Jr. Poetry Prize is currently accepting submissions. A prize of $1,000 and publication by BOA Editions is given annually for a first book of poetry by a U.S. resident. Matthew Shenoda will judge. Submit a manuscript of 48 to 100 pages with a $25 entry fee by November 30. Check the details at 🔗
🔴 NOV 30 · Autumn House Press Rising Writer Prize is currently accepting entries. A prize of $1,000 and publication by Autumn House Press is given in alternating years for a debut work of poetry or fiction. The 2024 prize will be given for poetry. The winner will also receive a $500 grant for travel and book promotion. Eduardo C. Corral will judge. Submit a poetry collection of 50 to 80 pages with a $25 entry fee by November 30. The submission fee may be waived in cases of financial need. All finalists are considered for publication. Check the details at 🔗
🔴 NOV 30 · LitMag Anton Chekhov Award for Flash Fiction is currently accepting submissions. A prize of $1,250 and publication in LitMag is given annually for a work of flash fiction. The winner will also have their work reviewed by agents from the Bent Agency, Brandt & Hochman, Folio Literary Management, InkWell Management, Sobel Weber Associates, and Triangle House Literary. The editors will judge. Using only the online submission system, submit a story of 500 to 1,500 words with a $16 entry fee by November 30. All entries are considered for publication. Check the details at
🔴 NOV 30 · PodCastle, the fantasy podcast and magazine, is open for submissions. They welcome various sub-genres of fantasy, from magical realism to high fantasy, with a particular interest in stories set outside of America and featuring diverse characters. Translations and reprints are accepted, with writers allowed to submit one original story and one reprint simultaneously. Deadline: November 30, 2023. Length: Up to 6,000 words (longer for reprints, refer to guidelines). Payment: $20 for flash fiction, $0.08/word for short fiction. For detailed guidelines, visit 🔗
🏆 🔴 NOV 30 · Tadpole Press 100-Word Writing Contest is accepting entries. A prize of $2,000 is given biannually for a work of flash poetry or prose. English translations of works originally written in another language are accepted. Submit a work of poetry, fiction, or nonfiction of no more than 100 words with a $15 entry fee by November 30. Check the details at 🔗
🏆 🔴 NOV 30 · Green Linden Press Stephen Mitchell Translation Prize is currently accepting submissions. A prize of $1,000 and publication by Green Linden Press will be given annually for a book of poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction translated from any language into English. Christopher Nelson will judge. Submit a manuscript of at least 48 pages with a $25 entry fee by November 30. All finalists will be considered for publication. Check the details at 🔗
🏆 🔴 DEC 1 · Regal House Publishing W.S. Porter Prize for Short Story Collections is open for submissions. A prize of $1,000 and publication by Regal House Publishing is given annually for a story collection. The editors will judge. Submit a manuscript of 100 to 350 pages with a $25 entry fee by December 1. Check the details at 🔗
🏆 🔴 DEC 1 · African Poetry Book Fund Sillerman First Book Prize for African Poetry is currently accepting entries. A prize of $1,000 and publication by University of Nebraska Press is given annually for a debut poetry collection by an African poet. Writers who were born in Africa, are African nationals or residents, or whose parents are African are eligible. The African Poetry Book Fund editorial board will judge. Using only the online submission system, submit a manuscript of at least 50 pages by December 1. There is no entry fee. Check the details at 🔗
🏆 🔴 DEC 1 · Slipstream Press Poetry Chapbook Contest is currently accepting submissions. A prize of $1,000, publication by Slipstream Press, and 50 author copies is given annually for a poetry chapbook. The editors will judge. Submit a manuscript of up to 40 pages with a $20 entry fee, which includes a copy of the winning chapbook and an issue of Slipstream, by December 1. Check the details at 🔗
🏆 🔴 DEC 1 · Pushcart Press Pushcart Prizes is currently accepting nominations. Publication in The Pushcart Prize: Best of the Small Presses is awarded annually for works of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction published by literary magazines or small presses during the current year. Editors may nominate up to six poems, short stories, novel chapters, or essays published, or scheduled to be published, in 2023; submit one copy of each work by December 1. There is no entry fee. Check the details at 🔗
🔴 DEC 1 · Rattle Magazine’s “Poets Respond” challenge calls for poems inspired by “ a news story or public event from the previous week, and has been written in the time since.” Selected poems will appear as the Sunday poem at which appear to over 10,000 people via RSS feed and daily email service. Poets will receive $100 and a complimentary subscription to the print magazine. The deadline for each week is Friday at midnight PST.
🔴 DEC 1 · Superpresent is seeking submissions for their Winter 2024 issue, which marks the beginning of their 4th year of publication. The theme for the winter issue is Provocations/Instigations. They welcome visual art, poetry, essays, short stories, and videos. Explore more at
🟢 DEC 1 · Event Poetry and Prose opens free submissions for poetry and prose. Payment is $40/page for poetry and $35/page for prose, up to a maximum of $500. 🔗
🟢 DEC 1 · Map of Lost Places [Apex Book Company] seeks “stories about places where weird things happen” of 2,500-7,000 words for .05 cents per word until December 31. 🔗
🟢 DEC 1 · The Cincinnati Review opens to submissions of miCRo, poetry, fiction, fiction translations, literary nonfiction, poetry translations, and drama until they hit the submissions cap for that period. Payment of $25/page for prose and $30/page for poetry in the print journal and $25 for miCRo posts or special features.
🟢 DEC 1 · Apparition Lit’s Reality Show Madness Flash Fiction Prompt opens for submissions of speculative flash fiction (under 1k words) prompted by “Terrace House/Big Brother/The Real World” until the 14th. Payment is $30 USD.
🟢 DEC 1 · Split Lip Magazine opens tip jar submissions for poems, memoirs, flash, fiction, art, interviews/reviews, and mini-reviews until December 15. Payment is $75 per author for poems, memoirs, flash, fiction, and art, $50 for interviews/reviews, and $25 for mini-reviews. 🔗
🟢 DEC 1 · Rattle Magazine’s Ekphrastic Poetry challenge calls for poems inspired by a visual art prompt posted on their site. Poets have until the end of the month to write. Two winners will receive online publication and $100 each. 🔗
🟢 DEC 1 · Flame Tree Fiction Newsletter calls for monthly themed submissions from newsletter subscribers only (free to subscribe) up to 1k words for $0.08 per word USD for original fiction. 🔗
🟢♻️ DEC 1 · The Other Stories Podcast calls for 2,000 word speculative fiction on the theme of “The End” for a $15 GBP flat rate until December 9. 🔗
🟢♻️ DEC 1 · Showcase: Object & Idea seeks flash fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. A poem and a prose piece are selected for each monthly issue, and the authors answer questions about the meaning behind their work. Payment is $50. Reprints accepted.🔗
🟢📚 DEC 1 · The Scholarship From Hell is the only scholarship offered by Horror Writers Association provides one winner access to the intensive, hands-on workshop environment of Horror University during HWA’s annual StokerCon. The winner of the Scholarship From Hell will receive domestic coach airfare (contiguous 48 states) to and from the StokerCon venue, $50 for luggage reimbursement, a 4 night stay at the convention, free registration to StokerCon, and HU Workshops. 🔗
🟢 DEC 1 · Cincinnati Review seeks prose, poetry, and art. Opens December 1 deadline when submissions cap is filled. Payment is $25/page for prose and $30/page for poetry in the journal. 🔗
🟢♻️ DEC 1 · Short Story on Substack is open for short stories from 6-10,000 words in any genre. Payment is $100 + 50% of subscription revenue to be sent by Paypal, Zelle, or check. Selected story to be announced on the 15th. Reprints welcome.🔗
🟢♻️ DEC 1 · Poetry on Substack is open for poems with “a rhyme scheme or a rhythm scheme” (no blank or free verse) in any genre. Payment is $10 + 50% of subscription revenue to be sent by Paypal, Zelle, or check. Winners announced every Sunday. Reprints welcome. 🔗
🟢 DEC 1-2 · Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores is open for new work, reprints, poetry (up to 40 lines) and prose from 1,000 words and up. Payment is .08 per word for new fiction, .02 per word for reprints, .02-.08 for new fact based work, .01-.04 for reprinted fact based work, $1 per line for original poetry, .50 per line for reprinted poetry. No simultaneous or multiple submissions. 🔗
🔴 DEC 1 · Regal House Publishing W.S. Porter Prize for Short Story Collections is open for submissions. A prize of $1,000 and publication by Regal House Publishing is given annually for a story collection. The editors will judge. Submit a manuscript of 100 to 350 pages with a $25 entry fee by December 1. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 1 · African Poetry Book Fund Sillerman First Book Prize for African Poetry is currently accepting entries. A prize of $1,000 and publication by University of Nebraska Press is given annually for a debut poetry collection by an African poet. Writers who were born in Africa, are African nationals or residents, or whose parents are African are eligible. The African Poetry Book Fund editorial board will judge. Using only the online submission system, submit a manuscript of at least 50 pages by December 1. There is no entry fee. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 1 · Slipstream Press Poetry Chapbook Contest is currently accepting submissions. A prize of $1,000, publication by Slipstream Press, and 50 author copies is given annually for a poetry chapbook. The editors will judge. Submit a manuscript of up to 40 pages with a $20 entry fee, which includes a copy of the winning chapbook and an issue of Slipstream, by December 1. Check the details at
🔴 DEC 1 · Pushcart Press Pushcart Prizes is currently accepting nominations. Publication in The Pushcart Prize: Best of the Small Presses is awarded annually for works of poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction published by literary magazines or small presses during the current year. Editors may nominate up to six poems, short stories, novel chapters, or essays published, or scheduled to be published, in 2023; submit one copy of each work by December 1. There is no entry fee. Check the details at 🔗
🔴 DEC 1 · Blue Planet Press is open for submissions for the young adult science fiction anthology 'Space is the Place.' They seek stories set OFF Earth, exploring other planets, starships, space stations, the moon, etc. Word limit: 6,000-10,000 words. Payment is half a cent per word, up to $50. Guidelines at 🔗
🔴 DEC 1 · Parabola, a quarterly journal, is exploring the theme 'Freedom' for its Spring 2024 issue. They welcome submissions in various categories, including articles, translations, retellings, and poetry. Payment details are unspecified. Submit your work at🔗
🔴 DEC 1 · Eternal Haunted Summer is reading work on the 'Horror' theme for its publication focusing on pagan traditions. They seek fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and reviews. Payment is $5. Guidelines available at🔗
🔴 DEC 1 · Death in the Mouth Anthology is accepting horror fiction submissions showcasing BIPOC and ethnically marginalized writers. Word limit: 1,000-6,000 words. Payment is $0.08/word. For submissions, check🔗
🔴 DEC 1 · Big Wing Review, a new magazine, invites poetry, prose, spoken word, and visual art exploring the theme of nature and our relationship with it. Submit works up to 1,000 words for prose and up to 6 poems for a payment of $25. For submission details, visit🔗
🔴 DEC 1 · The Cellar Door – Issue #5: Marshland Horrors is currently accepting submissions. They seek horror/suspense stories set in swamps, bayous, and marshlands. Payment includes $25 and a contributor's copy. The Cellar Door is a biannual anthology of dark fiction compiled and edited by Aric Sundquist. Submit your short stories between December 1, 2023, and January 31, 2024. Check the details at🔗
🔴 DEC 1 · Cosmic Roots And Eldritch Shores seeks submissions for December 2023. They offer 8 cents/word for original works and 2 cents for reprints. Artwork submissions welcome with a $10 payment per image. The theme includes science fiction, fantasy, myth, legend, fairy tales, and eldritch. Reprints accepted. Details at🔗
🔴 DEC 1 · Haven Speculative 2023 General Submissions Call #6 (Early). Open submission window from December 1st to 31st, 2023. Payment: 1 cent/word for fiction, $5 for poetry, 1 cent/word for non-fiction, $35 for cover art. Theme: Speculative fiction. Actively seeks diverse voices globally. Details at🔗
This is the end of the first two weeks, available for free. Access to the full month is available to subscribers at $5 a month. If you think you would benefit from a full month ahead but can’t afford it, email me at and I’ll be happy to set you up with a complimentary year subscription — no questions asked.
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