Hello to all of you amazing, enthusiastic authortunists! I hope you’ve had a good week. Mine has been picking up. I got a few invites to projects, found out a long-time project is finally being published and tomorrow I get to participate in the 3rd International Hybrid Poetry event hosted by the Cornwall Library along with 30 other poets. Ten of us are reading locally, ten are reading nationally and ten of us are reading internationally. Thank you to C.C. Arshagra for organizing this!
✅⭐ APR 20 · Share the onsite microphone with 10 poets reading live from Northwest CT. Free event is 2-4 pm EST. Registration required. Poets interested in being invited to read local & live or attend a future event, email C.C. Arshagra at arshagra@gmail.com.
Civil Writes
🟠Fair Trade for AI? Here’s an interesting post from ALLi News Editor, Dan Holloway on efforts to create the first ethically trained certification for AI. Is it feasible? Read what he has to say in “Self-Publishing News: Fairly Trained Certifies First Ethical AI Platform.”
My Writes
🟠 Free books! Every month on the 21st I try to have a selection of free books to offer. This month I’m giving away Bitter Suites, HWA Poetry Showcase Volume X, Tortured Willows, Thorn: Shadow's Lament by Ryan Aussie Smith, How to Break Up: Poinsettia Creams, How To Find Love: Perfect Girlfriend, How to Be an Authortunist and the just released How To Be Perfect: Skin Dowdy.
All books will be free to download on Amazon from Sunday, April 21, 2024, 12:00 AM PDT to Monday, April 22, 2024, 11:59 PM PDT.
Your Writes
🟠 Congratulations to L. Marie Wood for her new poetry collection, Imitation of Life: Poems. “The new collection of poetry by Bram Stoker Award Finalist L. Marie Wood takes events from everyday life and looks at them through a lens simultaneously incisive and macabre. From the author of Tales of Time and The Open Book.”
🟠 Congratulations to Bruce Boston! ReAnimus Press will be publishing new editions of his psychedelic coming-of-age novel Stained Glass Rain and his best-of fiction collection Masque of Dreams.
Next week I should be sharing the brand new issue, there's free Space and Time! This week’s free issue is #145 from Fall/Winter 2023. It will be free from now until Tuesday, April 23, 2024, 11:59 PM PDT. Get your free issue here.
A big thank you to everyone who reads for free. This boosts our Kindle Edition Normalized Page Count (KENPC). As much as we all want to support each other, who can afford to buy every book? Reviews, shares, likes and KENPC are all easy ways to support your favorite authors.
While I find author opportunities everywhere, you can find a list of my favorite resources and sources here. 🔗https://angelaysmith.com/subscribe/
🏁 This calendar is organized by emoji! Ctrl F to find what you want.
🟢 opening subs
🔴 closing subs
⭐ networking
♻️ reprints
📚 education
🏆 awards
💲 grants
🟢 APR 19 · Reedsy Prompts calls for short fiction between 1,000 - 3,000 words based on one of five prompts. Writers have until the following Friday at 11.59pm EST to enter. No fee to enter and have work posted. $5 fee to be eligible for the $250 cash prize. New prompt every Friday. This week’s prompt is The Great Unknown 🗺️.
⭐ APR 20 · The 3rd International Hybrid Poetry event hosted by the Cornwall Library will be a Live / Zoom Real-Time Hybrid connection of poets on earth as 10 poets from all across the earth (including Angela Yuriko Smith 😂) join with 10 poets from all across the United States. Share the onsite microphone with 10 poets reading live from Northwest CT. Free event is 2-4 pm EST. Registration required. Poets interested in being invited to read local & live or attend a future event, email C.C. Arshagra at arshagra@gmail.com.
⭐ APR 20 · Cascade Writers Workshop offers “Inspiration Meets Speculation,” a 1-hour inspirational presentation from Chris La Tray followed by an interactive 2-hour workshop on “What exactly is Speculative Poetry?” with facilitators Jeannine Hall Gailey, Brian Garrison, and Brianna Malotke, moderated by Tamara Sellman. This event is free and happens online via Zoom from 1-4 pm EST.
🟢 APR 20 · A Velvet Giant is open until May 15 for “ambiguity: flash pieces, found pieces, cross-genre experiments, the "poem" that thinks it might be a story, the "story" that thinks it might be a poem. Retellings and reimaginings. Work that chips away at institutional structures. Work that breaks everything down so that it can build” in various formats, including words, recordings, visual art, hybrid forms, and translations. Payment is $20.
🟢 APR 20 · Arc Poetry Magazine is open until July 31 for poetry, essays, interviews and columns on “How Poems Work.” Payment is $50 per page, $50 per column or $50 split between interviewer and interviewee.
🟢 APR 20 · Pulp Literature is open until April 30 for “entertaining, accessible stories. We do appreciate clever and poetic turns of phrase, but first and foremost we want a story readers can sink into late at night before they go to bed. We want to stretch people’s minds, but not give them a headache.” Payment is $0.05 – $0.08 per word for short stories (to 5000 words), $0.03 – $0.06 per word between 5000 and 10000 words, and $0.02 – $0.04 per word for works over 10000 words. Poetry and interior illustrations pay between $25 – $50. Sequential art (graphic novels and cartoons) and illustrations are at a rate of $25 to $75 per page and a limited number of reprints at rates up to 50% of first publication rates.
🟢♻️ APR 20 · The Lorelei Signal is open until May 15 for fantasy short stories, flash fiction, and poetry with strong female characters. Payment is $15 for short stories, $5 for poems and flash (<1,000 words) fiction pieces, and $5 for reprints.
🟢 MAY 1 · Seven Story Hotel opens until May 1 for “the weird, esoteric, and outsider fringes of contemporary culture, art, and technology through an eclectic mix of interviews, essays… and artwork.” They are closed to fiction and poetry at this time. Payment is $35 per contributor.
🟢 APR 20 · Barrelhouse is currently open for book reviews. “We're interested in running reviews of books that fit Our Whole Thing.” Guidelines linked in the description. Payment is $50.
🟢 APR 20 · Bright Wall/Dark Room is open until May 2 for “interviews, profiles, formal analysis, cultural criticism, personal essays, and humor pieces” on filmmaking with a theme of “Spike Lee.” Payment is $100 USD.
🟢 APR 20 · Intrepidus Ink is open for genre fiction, including flash (no horror, erotica, or children’s fiction). “Our stories feature four elements in every story: danger, struggle, emotion, and OVERCOMING.”. Payment is 2 cents/word for stories of 300-1,000 words and $30 for stories of 1,500-2,500 words.
♻️🔴 APR 21 · Flash Fiction Online closes for subs of speculative (science fiction, fantasy, slipstream, and horror) and literary flash fiction between 500- to 1000-words for their Special Call: Weird Horror. Payment: $100.
🟢 APR 21 · Ofic is open until June 30 for short fiction, flash fiction, nonfiction, and art up to 12,000 words in any genre. Payment is “a small honorarium.”
🟢 APR 21 · Spellbinder is open until May 1 for poetry, fiction, nonfiction, drama, and art. One submission is permitted per quarterly. Payment is a £3 honorarium.
🟢♻️ APR 21 · Luna Station Quarterly is open until May 15 for “speculative fiction written by women-identified authors” from 500 to 7000 words in length. No poetry. Payment is $10 USD.
🟢 APR 21 · Nonbinary Review is open until May 1 for poetry, fiction, essays, and art around the theme of "heredity." Payment is 1 cent per word up to 3,000 words for prose, and a flat fee of $10 for poetry.
🟢 APR 21 · Strange Aeon: 2024 (Mythic Art) is open until May 31 or “until filled” stories in a cosmic horror/Lovecraftian vein. Payment is $”$20 and a compensatory copy for the author, or $35 for authors outside the USA.”
🟢 APR 21 · Honeyguide Magazine is open until May 15 for fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and art about animals and their human neighbors. “Thanks to the generosity of donors and supporters, we are able to pay cartoonists, the featured writer and featured artist prizes, and the contest winner” $25 for the story, $50 for art.
⭐📚 APR 21 · Rattlecast livestreams, a livestreaming poetry reading and podcast, is part interview and part reading, with a prompt-based open mic. It’s a casual way to hangout with Rattle editor Timothy Green. Each Rattlecast begins with a Poets Respond Live segment, featuring poems about the news, and also features a writing prompt at the end of the show, and open lines for poems written for the last week’s prompt. Tribute to Gerald Locklin | Rattlecast 242 at 8 pm EST.
🟢 APR 22 · GriffithReview85 opens submissions for poetry with a theme of “Status Anxiety.” Payment is AUD $200 per poem and AUD $500 for “work commissioned for GR Online.”
🔴💲 APR 23 · The Whiting Foundation Creative Nonfiction Grants closes applications for creative nonfiction writers under contract with a publisher as of April 23. Grants of $40,000 each will be awarded annually to up to 10 writers to support them in completing their books. No entry fee.
🟢 APR 23 · Mythaxis opens for submissions until April 30th for fiction from 1,000-5,000 words for €0.01 per word, with a €20 minimum.
⭐ APR 23 · Night Time Logic with Douglas Ford and Jeffrey Ford will be from 7-9 pm EST. Host Daniel Braum, welcomes “two guys named FORD” the (unrelated) authors Douglas Ford and Jeff Ford to talk about their work and a fascinating selection of genre fiction.
Event is online only and free.
⭐💲 APR 23 · The Asian American Arts Alliance (A4) and The Museum of Contemporary African Diasporan Arts (MoCADA) are pleased to present The Bandung 2024-25 Residency, a year-long Residency program designed to uplift the work of artists, organizers, educators, and waymakers interested in engaging in social justice discourse, restorative healing, place-based cultural practices, expanding the narrative and deepening understanding between communities, and promoting cross-community allyship. Lisa Gold, Executive Director of A4 and Amy Andrieux, Executive Director + Chief Curator of MoCADA will present a pre-submission information session from 12-1pm ET. The session will discuss the vision of the program and review the guidelines and best practices to submit an application for participation.
⭐ APR 24 · Meet the Author Podcast LIVE with hosts Rob and Joan Carter will be available on YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook and WDJY 99.1 FM RADIO (Atlanta, Georgia). Wednesdays at 7 pm EST, today’s guest will be Michael Sanchez.
⭐📚 APR 24 · An online Harvard Diversity Discussion on “Race and Gender: Expressions and Experience” will be open to the public via Zoom from 6-7 pm EST.
⭐APR 24 · The Muse’s Mic: A Conversation with Rick Christiansen begins at 6 pm CST with hosts James Bryant and Ohio Beat Poet Laureate Sandra Feen to talk poetry and writing with Rick Christiansen, play the Fill in the Blank and answer audience Q&A.
🔴 APR 25 · Mudroom closes to poetry of all types, fiction, essays, and essays in translation. Payment is $15. “MudRoom is a place for you to kick your shoes off. It’s somewhere between where you’ve come from and where you’re going… we believe in the liminal, the dirty, the messy, and the mundane.”
🔴 APR 25 · Off Topic Publishing’s Poetry Box closes to submissions of poetry to be sent out as a physical card with tea and chocolate to subscribers. Payment is for $30 CAD.
⭐📚 APR 25 · Prepare to Be a Success with Julie Broad hosted by Draft2Digital. Julie Broad is a four-time author and the Founder of Book Launchers, a professional self-publishing services company that helps non-fiction authors write, publish, and promote non-fiction books. She will talk about how to set your book up for success before you even begin to write, discuss typical author misconceptions, chat about how to build a business around your books, andl answer your questions. Useful for nonfiction, fiction, or yet-to-publish writers. 1 pm, EST, free registration.
⭐📚 APR 25-27 · IBPA Publishing University 2024 will take place at the Hilton Denver City Center, “the #1 conference for independent book publishers in the United States.” Registration costs $549 for IBPA Members, $645 for Non-Members. Includes a complimentary 1-year IBPA membership.
🔴 APR 26 · Rattle Magazine’s “Poets Respond” challenge calls for poems inspired by “a news story or public event from the previous week, and has been written in the time since.” Selected poems will appear as the Sunday poem at Rattle.com which appear to over 10,000 people via RSS feed and daily email service. Poets will receive $100 and a complimentary subscription to the print magazine. The deadline for each week is Friday at midnight PST.
⭐📚 APR 26 · Rattle Magazine’s livestream Poetry Critique of the Week Rattle's editor hosts a livestreamed poetry critique on YouTube and Facebook, offering suggestions and feedback. The viewing audience is encouraged to participate. The goal is to help us all become better poets through the honest sharing of our reactions, similar to the experience of an MFA roundtable workshop. Critique of the Week at 4 pm EST.
🟢 APR 26 · Reedsy Prompts calls for short fiction between 1,000 - 3,000 words based on one of five prompts. Writers have until the following Friday at 11.59pm EST to enter. No fee to enter and have work posted. $5 fee to be eligible for the $250 cash prize. New prompt every Friday.
⭐📚 APR 29 · Rattlecast livestreams, a livestreaming poetry reading and podcast, is part interview and part reading, with a prompt-based open mic. It’s a casual way to hangout with Rattle editor Timothy Green. Each Rattlecast begins with a Poets Respond Live segment, featuring poems about the news, and also features a writing prompt at the end of the show, and open lines for poems written for the last week’s prompt. Richard Garcia | Rattlecast 243 at 8 pm EST.
🟢 APR 29 · Havok is open until May 31 for flash fiction to the theme of Remember August in “all five genres: mystery, science fiction, humor, thriller, and fantasy.” Payment is $50 via PayPal for each story selected for an Anthology; no payment for online publication.
🔴 APR 30 · Chicken Soup for the Soul closes for stories or poems on the theme “Funny Stories” for $250 paid “one month after publication of the book and you will receive ten free copies of the book your story or poem appears in.”
🔴 APR 30 · Pulp Literature is open until April 30 for “entertaining, accessible stories. We do appreciate clever and poetic turns of phrase, but first and foremost we want a story readers can sink into late at night before they go to bed. We want to stretch people’s minds, but not give them a headache.” Payment is $0.05 – $0.08 per word for short stories (to 5000 words), $0.03 – $0.06 per word between 5000 and 10000 words, and $0.02 – $0.04 per word for works over 10000 words. Poetry and interior illustrations pay between $25 – $50. Sequential art (graphic novels and cartoons) and illustrations are at a rate of $25 to $75 per page and a limited number of reprints at rates up to 50% of first publication rates.
🔴 APR 15 · Cast of Wonders closes for YA speculative fiction for Banned Books Week. Payment is $.08/word for original fiction up to 6,000 words.
🔴 APR 30 · Mythaxis closes for submissions of fiction from 1,000-5,000 words for €0.01 per word, with a €20 minimum.
🔴♻️ APR 30 · Short Story on Substack is closed for short stories from 6- 10,000 words in any genre. Payment is $100 + 50% of subscription revenue to be sent by Paypal, Zelle, or check. Reprints welcome.
🔴🏆 APR 30 · The Edgar® Awards, sponsored by the Mystery Writers of America, honor the best in mystery fiction, non-fiction, television, film, and theater. Submissions close for books published from January thru March. Books must be submitted during the month of publication. In addition, the book MUST arrive to the judges within 30 days of sending the submission form to the national office.
🔴 APR 30 · Tundra Swan Press closes for original dark haunting stories for its third anthology, Don’t Ask, Ghosts Tell, edited by Bram Stoker Award® Winner, Vince A. Liaguno and TSP Editor-in-Chief, Sirrah Medeiros. Payment is $0.03/word per accepted submission, possible boost if Kickstarter goals are reached. Poetry by invitation only.
🔴 APR 30 · The Temz Review closes for prose (fiction and creative non-fiction) up to 10,000 words long. Payment is $20 for prose and “$20 per batch of poems.”
🔴 APR 30 · Chestnut Review is closed for poetry, prose, or hybrid chapbooks of 15-25 pages of poetry, or 15-35 pages of prose: Submission fee is on a sliding scale between $6-$12. Payment is $150 USD, 50 copies of their chapbook plus 30% royalties on all Amazon sales of the chapbook, paid annually.”
🔴 APR 30 · Brick closes for literary non-fiction. Payment $65–720, “depending on the length of accepted work, plus two copies of the issue the work appears in and a one-year subscription to the magazine.”
🔴 APR 30 · Psychopomp closes for speculative fiction or literary novellas between 20,000 to 40,000 words on the theme "Novella Mori." Payment is an advance against royalties of $750, as well as 25% of net net receipts.
🔴 APR 30 · Split Lip Magazine closes tip jar submissions for poems, memoirs, flash, fiction, art, interviews/reviews, and mini-reviews. Payment is $75 per author for poems, memoirs, flash, fiction, and art, $50 for interviews/reviews, and $25 for mini-reviews.
🔴 APR 30 · Egaeus Press closes submissions for “a limited edition (as yet unnamed) volume of stories and poems in the GOTHIC tradition.” Word limit is “with room for negotiation. No word limit for poetry.” Payment is “80p per 100 words along with two copies of the finished book.” Submissions should be emailed as attachments to egaeuspress@gmail.com.
🔴 APR 30 · Rattle Magazine’s Ekphrastic Poetry Challenge closes for ekphrastic poetry in response to selected visual art posted on their page. Two winners receive $100 and publication online.
🔴 APR 30 · Cursed Cooking: A Horror Community Cookbook and Food Horror Anthology closes for flash, short stories, drabble and recipes with an extended submission window exclusively for writers of color, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and other underrepresented groups from May 1 to May 10. Payment is .05 per word.
🔴 MAY 1 · HWA Poetry Showcase XI closes to horror and dark poetry up to 35 lines. Payment is now $35 plus contributor copy. Open to members of the Horror Writer Association only. Edited by Maxwell I. Gold, judges include L.E. Daniels, Sumiko Saulson, Pedro Iniguez, and Ngô Bình Anh Khoa. To join, visit the Horror Writers Association website for details.
🔴 MAY 1 · Spellbinder closes for poetry, fiction, nonfiction, drama, and art. One submission is permitted per quarterly. Payment is a £3 honorarium.
🔴 MAY 1 · After Happy Hour closes for “online issues, we accept fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, visual art, photographs, graphic narratives, and any combination thereof.” Payment is $10.
🔴 MAY 1 · Plenitude Magazine is closed for literary fiction, nonfiction, poetry, graphic narrative, book reviews, and short films “submissions from US and international” LGBTTQI writers. Payment is $50 - $100. “Each genre has a monthly submission cap. If the genre you wish to enter does not appear below, please try again at the start of next month to submit.”
🔴 MAY 1 · Boulevard closes for poems up to 200 lines, fiction and nonfiction. Payment is $50-$250 for poetry and $100-300 for prose. A $3 submission fee for online subs, no submission fee for snail-mailed submissions.
🔴 MAY 1 · Seven Story Hotel closes for “the weird, esoteric, and outsider fringes of contemporary culture, art, and technology through an eclectic mix of interviews, essays… and artwork.” They are closed to fiction and poetry at this time. Payment is $35 per contributor.
🔴 MAY 1 · Massachusetts Review closes for fiction, poetry, hybrid, and translations. Payment is $100. Fee for online submissions. No fee for USPS.
🔴🏆 MAY 1 · 2024 Dwarf Stars Nomination closes to all genres of speculative poetry, including science fiction, fantasy, horror, and “unclassifiable, but speculative.” Anyone may submit their own poems or those of others but only Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association (SFPA) members may vote for the award.
🔗 https://www.sfpoetry.com/dwarfstars.html
🔴 MAY 1 · Hungry Shadow Press closes for short horror, weird, dark fiction suitable for adaptation into a comic book script of 12 pages or less for Vault of Shadows Issue 1 from LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, neurodivergent, and other marginalized writers until May 1. Payment is $35 per page of the adapted script, up to 12 pages, along with a print copy of the issue.
🔗 https://www.hungryshadowpress.com/submissions-vault-of-shadows
🔴💲 MAY 1 · High Desert Museum's Waterston Desert Writing Prize awards $3,000 annually for a work of nonfiction that explores the role of deserts in the ecosystem and human narrative. Prose, both published and unpublished, up to 10 pages long, are eligible. The winner will attend a reception and awards ceremony in Bend, Oregon.
🔴 MAY 1 · The Sunlight Press closes submissions to poetry submissions on May 1 and to all submissions (including poetry) in July and August. They will reopen to all work on Monday, Sept. 4, 2023. They are open to personal essays (nonfiction), fiction, poetry, reviews, Artists on Craft Series and photography. Payment rates are $40 for essays (including book reviews and Artist on Craft pieces), $40 for fiction (short stories and flash fiction), $30 for the first poem accepted, and $10 for each additional accepted in the same submission, and $15 for photos.
🔴 MAY 1 · The First Line is closed for fiction, poetry, and nonfiction using the first line provided on their site: "Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today." Payment is $25-$50 for fiction, $5-$10 for poetry, and $25 for nonfiction.
🔴 MAY 1 · Nonbinary Review closes for poetry, fiction, essays, and art around the theme of "heredity." Payment is 1 cent per word up to 3,000 words for prose, and a flat fee of $10 for poetry.
🔴 MAY 1 · Last Girls Club closes for feminist horror short stories and poems. Payments for short story-2,500 words or less is $0.015 USD per word ($37.50 USD max); Flash Fiction-less than 1,000 words $0.015 USD per word ($15 USD max); Poems-less than 200 words $10.
🔴 MAY 1 · Foglifter closes submission for “daring and thoughtful” fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, hybrid works, and drama. A journal for LGBTQ+ contributors, they are especially interested in cross-genre, intersectional, marginal, and transgressive work.
🔴 MAY 1 · december magazine closes for poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, and visual art. Payment is $10 per page with a minimum of $40 and a maximum of $200.
🟢 MAY 1 · Rattle Magazine’s Ekphrastic Poetry Challenge opens until the last day of the month for ekphrastic poetry in response to selected visual art posted on their page. Two winners receive $100 and publication online.
🟢 MAY 1 · LONG DIVISION: Stories of Social Decay, Societal Collapse, and Bad Manners is open for “original stories of transgression, of the mechanisms behind what’s fraying the bonds that bind us. We want to ask readers to consider what’s worth keeping and what requires smashing to bits. Preference for stories that have a speculative element (horror, fantasy, sci-fi), but it is not 100% necessary.“ until the submission cap of 500 is reached, Payment is 10c/word for original short fiction up to 5,000 words.
🟢♻️ MAY 1 · Siren’s Call eZine opens until May 31 for short stories, flash fiction, drabbles, and poetry that fit within the horror/dark fiction genre. Reprints welcome. No payment. Reach 35,000 readers! Advertise for only $10 for a full page ad. All story, flash, and poem submissions MUST be submitted to Submissions@SirensCallPublications.com for consideration.
🟢 MAY 1 · Unnerving Books opens until May 6 for “two stories to fill out THE MIDNIGHT EXHIBIT VOL. 4… 6,000-11,000 words of third person POV horror fiction.” Payment is $0.01/word USD + a paperback copy.
🟢 MAY 1 · Diet Milk Minis opens until May 15 for prose and poetry written to the theme of “food.” Payment is $10 for poetry and $20 for prose.
🟢 MAY 15 · Songs of Eretz Poetry Review opens until May 15 for “quality poetry of any genre and length congruent with our themes, including traditional poems, form poems, prose poems, and narrative poems.” The current theme is "Ode on a Grecian Urn." Payment is $7 per poem.
🟢 MAY 1 · Cursed Cooking: A Horror Community Cookbook and Food Horror Anthology opens an extended submission window exclusively for writers of color, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and other underrepresented groups until May 10 for flash, short stories, drabble and recipes. Payment is .05 per word.
🟢 MAY 1 · Bourbon Penn is open now for 2000-7500 word “highly imaginative stories with a healthy dose of the odd… looking for genre / speculative stories and are quite partial to slipstream, cross-genre, magic realism, absurdist, and the surreal." Payment is .04 cents per word.
🟢 MAY 1 · Strange Horizons is open for speculative poetry submissions year-round, including at times when Strange Horizons is closed to fiction submissions. The editors operate on a rotation system, so the person who reads and replies to your poem will depend on when you send it. May’s poetry submissions will be read by Vanessa Jae (she/her/hers). Payment is $50 USD per poem, regardless of length or complexity.
🔗 http://strangehorizons.com/submit/poetry-submission-guidelines/
🟢 MAY 1 · Off Topic Publishing’s Poetry Box opens to submissions of poetry until the 25th of the month. Selected poems to be sent out as a physical card with tea and chocolate to subscribers. Payment is for $30 CAD.
🟢 May 1 · Chicken Soup for the Soul is open until June 30 for stories or poems on the theme “Cat Stories” for $250 paid “one month after publication of the book and you will receive ten free copies of the book your story or poem appears in.”
🏆🟢 MAY 1 · Terrain.org’s Annual Contests in Poetry, Nonfiction, and Fiction opens until September 4 for submissions of poetry, fiction and nonfiction. With $1,000 grand prize in each genre and $200 to finalists.The cost to submit is $20 per story, essay or article, or set of 1-4 poems.
🟢 MAY 1 · The Cincinnati Review opens to submissions of miCRo, poetry, fiction, fiction translations, literary nonfiction, poetry translations, and drama until they hit the submissions cap. Payment of $25/page for prose and $30/page for poetry in the print journal and $25 for miCRo posts or special features.
🟢 MAY 1 · Stone’s Throw, the monthly online companion to Rock and a Hard Place Magazine, opens until May 7 for noir stories “set at home, wherever that is. Apartments. The suburbs. A townhouse. An RV. Under an overpass. We all need to lay our head somewhere, and while we imagine it to always be safe, sometimes that’s just wishful thinking” from between 1- 2,000 words with a payment of $25.
🟢 MAY 1 · Split Lip Magazine opens for submissions of poems, memoirs, flash, fiction, art, interviews/reviews, and mini-reviews until May 31 or free cap is reached. Payment is $75 per author for poems, memoirs, flash, fiction, and art, $50 for interviews/reviews, and $25 for mini-reviews.
🟢 MAY 1 · The Bombay Literary Magazine opens until May 31 (or until subs cap of 400 is reached) for submissions of fiction, poetry, translated fiction, translated poetry and graphic fiction but will “only consider the first 400 submissions in each category”. Payment of an honorarium of ₹ 5,000 (approx. $61 or €51) per contribution.
🟢 MAY 1 · Nonbinary Review is open until August 1 for poetry, fiction, essays, and art around the theme of "false memories." Payment is 1 cent per word up to 3,000 words for prose, and a flat fee of $10 for poetry.
🟢 MAY 1 · Flame Tree Fiction Newsletter calls for monthly themed submissions from newsletter subscribers only (free to subscribe) up to 1k words for $0.08 per word USD for original fiction.
🟢 MAY 1 · Diet Milk Magazine, a “biannual literary magazine devoted to Gothic” opens until May 15 for submissions of “poetry, prose, and visual art of all kinds.” Payment is $15 per poem, $0.01 per word ($40 minimum) for short stories, and $50 per art piece for their annual themed mini-issue. The theme is “food.”
🟢 MAY 1 · The Forge Literary Magazine calls for fiction and nonfiction under 3,000 words including flash and micro fiction for $75 flat rate until the free submissions quota is full. “If there is no free link, we’ve hit our quota.”
🟢💲 MAY 1 · The Granum Foundation Prize opens until August 1 to assist U.S.-based writers complete substantive literary works—poetry books, essay or short story collections, novels, and memoirs—or to help launch these works. One winner will be awarded $5,000. Up to three finalists will be awarded $500 or more.
🟢💲 MAY 1 · The Granum Foundation Translation Prize opens until August 1 to assist U.S.-based writers complete their substantive literary works—poetry books, essay or short story collections, novels, and memoirs—or to help launch these works. One winner will receive $1,500 or more to support the completion of a work translated into English by a U.S.-based writer.
🟢🏆💲 MAY 1 · The Francine Ringold Awards for New Writers opens until July 15 to honor the work of writers at the beginning of their careers. Open only to writers whose work has not appeared or is not scheduled to appear in more than 2 publications. (Self-published works, works with a distribution of less than 100 copies, and journalistic articles are not considered toward the count of 2 publications.). $500 prizes will be awarded in both the fiction and poetry categories, and the winning manuscripts will appear in the spring issue of Nimrod. Winners will have the chance to work with the Nimrod board of editors to refine and edit their manuscripts before publication. Open internationally.
🟢 MAY 1 · Horror Story Magazine is open for horror poetry and short stories featuring monsters. Length: 2,000-10,000 words. Payment is 2 cents/word.
🟢 MAY 1 · Weird Little Worlds opens until May 31 for submissions of prose at .5 per word (500 – 5000 words) and poetry at $1 per line (>50 Lines) for their upcoming The Robots Weren’t Wrong: Tales of Unstoppable Technology anthology. No reprints or multiple submissions. Simultaneous submissions welcome.
🟢♻️ MAY 1 · Short Story on Substack is open until May 31 for short stories from 6-10,000 words in any genre. Payment is $100 + 50% of subscription revenue to be sent by Paypal, Zelle, or check. Selected story to be announced on the 15th. Reprints welcome.
⭐ MAY 1 · Meet the Author Podcast LIVE with hosts Rob and Joan Carter will be available on YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook and WDJY 99.1 FM RADIO (Atlanta, Georgia). Wednesdays at 7 pm EST.
🟢♻️ MAY 1-2 · Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores is open for new work, reprints, poetry (up to 40 lines) and prose from 1,000 words and up. Payment is .08 per word for new fiction, .02 per word for reprints, .02-.08 for new fact based work, .01-.04 for reprinted fact based work, $1 per line for original poetry, .50 per line for reprinted poetry. No simultaneous or multiple submissions.
🔴 MAY 2 · Bright Wall/Dark Room closed for “interviews, profiles, formal analysis, cultural criticism, personal essays, and humor pieces” on filmmaking with a theme of “Spike Lee.” Payment is $100 USD.
⭐ MAY 3 · First Friday - Third Thursday Quick Read features 6 authors each reading a selection of speculative fiction for 8 minutes. There will be time for questions & answers at the end and a giveaway from the authors. This free event is hosted by Strong Women - Strange Worlds. Pre-register.
🔴 MAY 3 · Rattle Magazine’s “Poets Respond” challenge calls for poems inspired by “a news story or public event from the previous week, and has been written in the time since.” Selected poems will appear as the Sunday poem at Rattle.com which appear to over 10,000 people via RSS feed and daily email service. Poets will receive $100 and a complimentary subscription to the print magazine. The deadline for each week is Friday at midnight PST.
🔴 MAY 3 · Havok closes for flash fiction to the theme of Remember July in “all five genres: mystery, science fiction, humor, thriller, and fantasy.” Payment is $50 via PayPal for each story selected for an Anthology; no payment for online publication.
⭐📚 MAY 3 · Rattle Magazine’s livestream Poetry Critique of the Week Rattle's editor hosts a livestreamed poetry critique on YouTube and Facebook, offering suggestions and feedback. The viewing audience is encouraged to participate. The goal is to help us all become better poets through the honest sharing of our reactions, similar to the experience of an MFA roundtable workshop. Critique of the Week at 4 pm EST.
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