🌳What’s in this issue?
Short and sweet this week because we are about to move house. Here are your author opportunities organized by date and emoji, plus…
The Space and Time ToC for #148
All four weeks of Authortunities!
I’m speaking on hacking your muse today!
🍃Bullet Points
The new Authortunities Hub has over doubled in growth this last week. A free community for aspiring authors, escape the algorithms here.
I’ll be speaking about hacking your muse today at the Celebrating Authors Summit: Getting Real Support. Free to watch for a limited time. Come say hi! Here’s your free ticket!
- , one of my coaching stars, is my guest this week on the Extra podcast. Melissa is the author of the newly released book Hannah. In this episode she shares what it’s like to work on Reedsy with a book coach. Get your Extra here.
Stephen Schwartz is opening up crowd sales for Smalltown Tales, his card game for writers building story. I’m proud to have contributed an episode to the game based on my Bram Stoker nominated book Bitter Suites. Get on the list here.
Congratulations to Natalie D’Amore, one of my coaching stars, who just published Late Night Bites and it’s her own birthday. Happy double birthday! You can get your copy here.
Kylie Wang is offering a special deal on her book, Healer’s Blade. It’s free on KU and .99 to purchase right now. Find it here.
Ryan Aussie Smith (aka my husband) is on a push to make Twitch Partner, so any likes, follows and lurks appreciated. Thank you everyone! He streams Saturday-Tuesday here: Twitch.tv/Aussiemanplays.
I’m moving to a new house Monday. I don’t expect any problems with getting next week’s newsletter on time, but just in case, this issue has all four weeks open so you won’t miss anything, even if I do.
And Another Space and Time ToC!
There has been one last minute acceptance for fiction in #147, to be published October 1, 2024: "Recreate and Remember" by Camden Rose. Congratulations!
And here are the poets that will be appearing in Space and Time #148, to be published April 1, 2025:
“Cow Planet” by A J Dalton
“it holds me” by Corey Niles
“Farting While Asleep on a 787 Starliner” by Danny Robb
“Lamppost Moon” by John C. Mannone
“Endings” by Larina Warnock
“Existence is an Earthbound Encyclopedia” by Lesley Hart Gunn
“aspects” by Mark A. Fisher
“I Left It All Behind” by Matthew Roy
“Call Him The Eye For Short” by Michael Getty
“Sentio” by Darius Jones
“Andro-gynous” by Osmani Alcaraz-Ochoa
“Dear Albert” by Nancy Taylor
“Root Liquor” by R Mac Jones
Thank you to Linda D. Addison for curating this poetry! 💙 Congratulations to all the poets! Next week I hope to announce the accepted poets for the upcoming HWA Poetry Showcase 11!
Comments, questions, compliments or concerns?
🦝This calendar is organized by emoji! Use [ctrl F] to find what you want fast.
🟢 opening subs
🔴 closing subs
⭐ networking
💼 conference
🎤 open mics
🎓 education
♻️ reprints
🏆 awards
💰 grants
🟢 BookLife runs the Indie Spotlight feature, a thematic roundup of self-published books from a broad range of genres and topics, both online and in print in Publishers Weekly magazine. Each Indie Spotlight is open to all types of books as long as they match the month's topic. Submit your works of horror, mystery, and the supernatural until October 1.
🟢 Reedsy Prompts is open until the following Friday for short fiction between 1,000 - 3,000 words based on one of five prompts. Writers have until the following Friday at 11.59 pm EST to enter. No fee to enter and have work posted. $5 fee to be eligible for the $250 cash prize. New prompt every Friday. This week’s prompt is: Overcoming Obstacles 🚧.
⭐🎓 SEP 7 · Celebrating Authors Summit: Getting Real Support Free to attend live. “There are so many distractions that can sideline your efforts to write your book. Are there ways you can adjust your environment and your support system to help you focus, rather than distract you?” This summit shares author stories about how they've created a supportive environment that helps them produce content.
⭐🎤 SEP 8 · Rattlecast livestreams, is part interview and open mic with a prompt-based open mic. Hangout with Rattle editor Timothy Green and Katie Dozier. Each Rattlecast begins with an interview, a writing prompt, and poets reading from the last week’s prompt. | Rattlecast at 8 pm EST.
⭐ SEP 8 · GoIndieNow presents This Week In Indies for 2024 a weekly Sunday chat show that covers issues relevant for Indie artists and the scoop on who is publishing what and where you can get it. Broadcasting every Sunday at Noon ET/11a CT/10a MT/9a PT.
🎓 SEP 9-13 · Science Fiction Writers' Week, from ProWritingAid Unlock the secrets for writing, editing, and publishing a science fiction story at this free weeklong online summit. If you can't make it live, free replays are available after the event. Attend live sessions with award-winning authors + educators. Learn strategies for outlining, editing, publishing, marketing and more. Meet like-minded writers in daily networking events. Free to attend.
🔴 SEP 10 · Orion's Beau is closed for LGBTQ science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, and dark fantasy in fiction, poetry, and art. Payment is $3.
⭐🎓 SEP 10 · Black Lawrence Press presents Sarah Giragosian – Assembling the Poetry Manuscript: Strategies for Envisioning and Organizing Your Poems at 8 pm EST. Attendance is free. Zoom registration required.
⭐🎓 SEP 10 · Mastering ROI Tracking: The Data-Driven Author’s Guide Unlock the power of data-driven decision making in your author business. Whether you're a seasoned author or just starting your publishing journey, this session will equip you with the knowledge and tools to understand the key metrics that matter in book advertising, accurately track your income and advertising expenses, calculate and interpret your ROI across different platforms, make informed decisions to optimize your marketing spend, and use data to refine your advertising strategies and boost sales.
🎓 SEP 12 · Improve Your Author Website—From Homepage to Contact Page with Jane Friedman Every professional author needs a website, but too often bad design choices and lack of focus prevent it from doing its job. This 2-hour live webinar will address best practices for any author website—whether you’re published or unpublished—with simple tips and tricks you can put to work immediately. In partnership with Writer’s Digest, class starts at 1 p.m. EST and costs $99.
🔴 SEP 13 · Rattle Magazine’s “Poets Respond” challenge calls for poems inspired by “a news story or public event from the previous week, and has been written in the time since.” Selected poems will appear as the Sunday poem at Rattle.com which appear to over 10,000 people via RSS feed and daily email service. Poets will receive $100 and a free print magazine subscription. Each week's deadline is Friday midnight PST.
🟢 SEP 13 · Reedsy Prompts calls for short fiction between 1,000 - 3,000 words based on one of five prompts. Writers have until the following Friday at 11.59pm EST to enter. No fee to enter and have work posted. $5 fee to be eligible for the $250 cash prize. New prompt every Friday.
⭐🎓 SEP 13 · Rattle Magazine’s livestream Poetry Critique of the Week Rattle's editor hosts a livestreamed poetry critique on YouTube and Facebook, offering suggestions and feedback. The viewing audience is encouraged to participate. The goal is to help us all become better poets through the honest sharing of our reactions, similar to the experience of an MFA roundtable workshop. Critique of the Week at 4 pm EST.
🔴 SEP 14 · Apparition Lit’s 2024 Flash Fiction Contest closes for submissions of speculative flash fiction (under 1k words) prompted by “Noodles.” The writer of the selected story will be notified and their story published the following month. The prize is $30 USD.
🔴 SEP 14 · Fahmidan Journal closes for “your thought-provoking existentialism, your phobias, your darkest moments” as short stories, poetry and flash. Payment is $25 per piece.
⭐🎤 SEP 14 · Rattlecast livestreams, is part interview and open mic with a prompt-based open mic. Hangout with Rattle editor Timothy Green and Katie Dozier. Each Rattlecast begins with an interview, a writing prompt, and poets reading from the last week’s prompt. | Rattlecast at 8 pm EST.
⭐ SEP 14 · GoIndieNow presents This Week In Indies for 2024 a weekly Sunday chat show that covers issues relevant for Indie artists and the scoop on who is publishing what and where you can get it. Broadcasting every Sunday at Noon ET/11a CT/10a MT/9a PT.
⭐🎓 SEP 14 · Celebrating Authors Summit: Being True to You Writing a book is a time and energy intensive process, so it's very important to know why you're choosing your book topic before you put a lot of resources into the process. Our speakers share their experience, both positive and negative, about their choice of book theme and how it worked out for them. Regardless of where you are in your writing process, there is wisdom in learning from the experience of others. Join us to expand your awareness of options as you move forward as an author. Free to attend live.
🔴 SEP 15 · penumbric closes for submissions of prose and poetry up to 10k words that “constitutes the ever moving edge of its kind, a place between light and dark, consciousness and un…” Payment is $10 USD.
🔴 SEP 15 · Eye to the Telescope 54 closes for submissions of poetry on the theme “Outlaws,” to be edited by Melissa Ridley Elmes. The issue will appear October 15. Payment: US 4¢/word rounded up to nearest dollar; minimum US $4, maximum $25.
🟢 SEP 15 · New Orleans Review opens for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Payment is $300 for prose and $100 for poetry. In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, there are no submission fees for Latinx writers from September 15th to October 15th. $3 submission fee otherwise.
🟢 SEP 15 · Riddlebird opens until October 26 for literary fiction, personal essays, and genre fiction from 650-5000 words focusing on humor and lighthearted pieces until full. Payment is $100.
🟢♻️ SEP 15 · Luna Station Quarterly opens until November 15 “speculative fiction written by women-identified authors” from 500 to 7000 words. Reprints considered at least 3 years past their initial publication date. No poetry. $10 USD plus a lifetime digital subscription to the magazine.
🟢 SEP 15 · Star*Line, the official print journal of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association (SFPA), is a literary venue for speculative (including science-fiction, fantasy, and horror) poets and poetry enthusiasts. The site features interviews, articles, reviews, member news and letters, association business, and poetry. Star*Line is open for submissions year-round. Payment for poetry: 4¢/word rounded to next dollar, minimum $4. Nonfiction, 1¢/word rounded to the next dollar. Reviews pay a flat fee of $4.
🟢 SEP 15 · Translunar Travelers Lounge opens until October 15 for speculative fiction in the form of “Swashbuckling adventure, deadly intrigue, and gleeful romance are some of the most obvious examples of what we’re looking for, but we won’t say no to more subtle or complicated topics, as long as they fit under the wider “fun” umbrella.” The first week of submissions (Sept 15-21) is reserved for writers of color. Payment is .03 per word with a $20 minimum.
🎓 SEP 15 · The Arcane University offers valuable video game development skills, including game writing, from experienced modders and industry professionals. In collaboration with TESRenewal, the AU aims to provide teaching and support to any and all members and applicants to help them to acquire, expand, or improve the skill set needed to contribute to Beyond Skyrim and/or their partnered modding projects. In addition, it serves as the primary location for learning or enhancing existing skills for the wider modding community, becoming the go-to place for anyone looking to learn. Free.
🟢 SEP 16 · Fahmidan Journal opens until December 15 for “your thought-provoking existentialism, your phobias, your darkest moments” as short stories, poetry and flash. Payment is $25 per piece.
⭐🎓 SEP 17 · Plot Perfect: Mastering the Secrets of Book Outlining Learn effective techniques, streamline your process, and craft compelling stories. For new and experienced writers alike. From StoryOrigin, includes Q&A with Cameron Sutter of Plottr.
🎓 SEP 17 · Highway To The Outline Zone—Tamara Grantham is the latest offering from the Outliers Online Ongoing Writers Conference where all classes are taught by working, best-selling authors with two classes per month, every month on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 4 pm PST. “Want to know the secret to writing a good book and writing it in record time? Welcome to the Outline Zone! In this class, award-winning author Tamara Grantham shares her secrets on how she’s written more than twenty novels in the past ten years, many of which have become bestsellers. Learn the insider tips on the best outlining practices that will ensure you have a solid novel before you ever write the first word.“ Costs $45.
⭐ SEP 19 · First Friday - Third Thursday Quick Read features 6 authors each reading a selection of speculative fiction for 8 minutes. There will be time for questions & answers at the end and a giveaway from the authors. This free event is hosted by Strong Women - Strange Worlds and features J.L. Delavega, Raven Oak, Marisa Wolf, Catherine LaCroix, K.A. Hough and Marcie Rendon. Pre-register.
🔴 SEP 20 · Rattle Magazine’s “Poets Respond” challenge calls for poems inspired by “a news story or public event from the previous week, and has been written in the time since.” Selected poems will appear as the Sunday poem at Rattle.com which appear to over 10,000 people via RSS feed and daily email service. Poets will receive $100 and a free print magazine subscription. Each week's deadline is Friday midnight PST.
⭐🎓 SEP 20 · Rattle Magazine’s livestream Poetry Critique of the Week Rattle's editor hosts a livestreamed poetry critique on YouTube and Facebook, offering suggestions and feedback. The viewing audience is encouraged to participate. The goal is to help us all become better poets through the honest sharing of our reactions, similar to the experience of an MFA roundtable workshop. Critique of the Week at 4 pm EST.
🟢 SEP 20 · Reedsy Prompts calls for short fiction between 1,000 - 3,000 words based on one of five prompts. Writers have until the following Friday at 11.59pm EST to enter. No fee to enter and have work posted. $5 fee to be eligible for the $250 cash prize. New prompt every Friday.
⭐🎓 SEP 21 · PARSEC, Pittsburgh’s premier Science Fiction & Fantasy Organization, welcomes the public to their monthly meetings held the third Saturday of each month beginning at 12:30 pm EST. Virtual Zoom meetings are available for those unable to attend in person. Timons Esaias will be September’s guest as he leads a discussion on “Finding the Future in the Past.”
🎓 SEP 21 · Celebrating Authors Summit: Getting to Know Your Readers Are You Writing for Yourself or Your Readers? Sometimes you start out writing for yourself, and afterward it's a revelation where your message will have the most impact. If you have a professional goal and you know who you want to see you in a particular way, join this summit to learn from the experts who understand avatars and how to learn their characteristics so you can create your book in a way your intended audience will hear you. Free to attend live.
⭐🎤 SEP 22 · Rattlecast livestreams, is part interview and open mic with a prompt-based open mic. Hangout with Rattle editor Timothy Green and Katie Dozier. Each Rattlecast begins with an interview, a writing prompt, and poets reading from the last week’s prompt. | Rattlecast at 8 pm EST.
⭐ SEP 22 · GoIndieNow presents This Week In Indies for 2024 a weekly Sunday chat show that covers issues relevant for Indie artists and the scoop on who is publishing what and where you can get it. Broadcasting every Sunday at Noon ET/11a CT/10a MT/9a PT.
🟢 SEP 22 · Astrolabe opens to fiction, creative nonfiction, and photography/art for $50 USD flat rate with free submissions until October 22.
⭐🎓 SEP 24 · Navigating the Self-Publishing Ecosystem: A Deep Dive Join Nick Thacker, VP of Author Success at Draft2Digital, to explore the comprehensive ecosystem of Draft2Digital, AuthorEmail, and SelfPubBookCovers.com, providing you with actionable insights to succeed in today's competitive publishing landscape. In this webinar, you'll learn strategies for expanding your global readership and maximizing your book's reach, effectively using email to engage with your audience, tips for creating eye-catching book covers, and emerging trends in self-publishing and how to stay ahead of the curve.
🔴 SEP 25 · Off Topic Publishing’s Poetry Box closes to submissions of poetry to be sent out as a physical card with tea and chocolate to subscribers. Payment is for $30 CAD.
🔴 SEP 27 · Rattle Magazine’s “Poets Respond” challenge calls for poems inspired by “a news story or public event from the previous week, and has been written in the time since.” Selected poems will appear as the Sunday poem at Rattle.com which appear to over 10,000 people via RSS feed and daily email service. Poets will receive $100 and a free print magazine subscription. Each week's deadline is Friday midnight PST.
⭐🎓 SEP 27 · Rattle Magazine’s livestream Poetry Critique of the Week Rattle's editor hosts a livestreamed poetry critique on YouTube and Facebook, offering suggestions and feedback. The viewing audience is encouraged to participate. The goal is to help us all become better poets through the honest sharing of our reactions, similar to the experience of an MFA roundtable workshop. Critique of the Week at 4 pm EST.
🟢 SEP 27 · Reedsy Prompts calls for short fiction between 1,000 - 3,000 words based on one of five prompts. Writers have until the following Friday at 11.59pm EST to enter. No fee to enter and have work posted. $5 fee to be eligible for the $250 cash prize. New prompt every Friday.
🔴🏆 SEP 29 · The Edgar® Awards, sponsored by the Mystery Writers of America, honor the best in mystery fiction, non-fiction, television, film, and theater. Submissions close for books published in August. Books must be submitted during the month of publication. In addition, the book MUST arrive to the judges within 30 days of sending the submission form to the national office.
🔴 SEP 30 · Split Lip Magazine closes free submissions for poems, memoirs, flash, fiction, art, interviews/reviews, and mini-reviews. Payment is $75 per author for poems, memoirs, flash, fiction, and art, $50 for interviews/reviews, and $25 for mini-reviews.
🔴♻️ SEP 30 · Short Story on Substack is closed for short stories from 6- 10,000 words in any genre. Payment is $100 + 50% of subscription revenue to be sent by Paypal, Zelle, or check. Selected story to be announced on the 15th. Reprints welcome.
🔴🏆💰 SEP 30 · The PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction submission period closes September 30. The winner will receive $15,000 and finalists will receive $5,000 each. $95 entry fee
🔴 SEP 30 · Rattle Magazine’s Ekphrastic Poetry challenge calls for poems inspired by a visual art prompt posted on their site. Poets have until the end of the month to write. Two winners will receive online publication and $100 each.
🔴 SEP 30 · The Kenyon Review closes submissions for short fiction and essays (up to 7,500 words), flash fiction and essays (up to 3 pieces, up to 1,000 words each; please format and submit as a single document), poetry (up to 6 poems; please format and submit as a single document), plays (up to 30 pages double-spaced), and excerpts (up to 30 pages double-spaced) from larger works for payment of $0.08 per published word of prose (minimum $80, maximum $450) and $0.16 per published word of poetry (minimum $40, maximum $200).
🔴 SEP 30 · Event Poetry and Prose closes free submissions for poetry and prose. Payment is $40/page for poetry and $35/page for prose, up to a maximum of $500.
🔴 🏆💰 SEP 30 · 2023 Willie Morris Awards for Southern Poetry, seeks poems that evoke the American South. Winner will receive a $3,000 prize and an all-expenses-paid trip to Oxford, Mississippi, for the awards ceremony in April 2024. Judged by Susan Kinsolving. No entry fee. One entry per person and 3 pages maximum for the poem.
🔴 🏆 SEP 30 · The Iowa Short Fiction Award & John Simmons Short Fiction Award seeking merging short fiction writers. No entry fee. Winning works will be published by the University of Iowa Press
🔴 SEP 30 · Rattle Magazine’s Ekphrastic Poetry Challenge closes for ekphrastic poetry in response to selected visual art posted on their page. Two winners receive $100 and publication online.
🔴 SEP 30 · Event Magazine closes for poetry or “when our allowable unpaid submission limit is reached (whichever comes first).” Payment is $40 (CAD) per page.
🔴 SEP 30 · The Other Stories Podcast closes for 2,000 word speculative fiction on the theme of SHAKESPEARE. “Pay homage or re-imagine the Bard’s timeless works. We’re looking for stories of star-crossed lovers, tragic heroes, cunning jesters, and more.” Payment is $15 GBP.
🔴 OCT 1 · The Last Line opens for fiction, poetry, and nonfiction using the last line “I didn't want to admit it, but Lee was usually right.” Payment: $20–$40 for fiction. The story should be 300 to 5000 words. There are also related submission calls for their sister publication, The First Line.
🔴💰 OCT 1 · Horror Writers Association Scholarships close for applications for their variety of scholarships to assist writers looking to pursue a career as a writer of horror fiction, nonfiction, or poetry. They also offer one endowment to libraries to expand their young adult reading programs. HWA membership is not a requirement.
The available scholarships are:
💰The Horror Writers Association Scholarship, $2500
💰The Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley Scholarship, $2500 http://horrorscholarships.com/mary-shelley-scholarship/
💰Up to 4 Diversity Grants, $500
💰The Dark Poetry Scholarship, $1,250
💰The Dennis Etchison Young Writers Scholarship, $500
💰Up to 5 Young Adults Write Now endowment program, $250
🟢 OCT 1 · Last Girls Club opens for feminist horror short stories and poems. Payments for short story-2,500 words or less is $0.015 USD per word ($37.50 USD max); Flash Fiction-less than 1,000 words $0.015 USD per word ($15 USD max); Payment for poems $10 USD.
🟢 OCT 1 · Solarpunk Magazine opens until October 14 for submissions of prose and poetry that will “stir readers with themes of defiance, change, and achievement.” Pro rates paid as defined by the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA): $.08 per word for fiction ($100 minimum), $40 per poem, $75 for for nonfiction, $100 for reprint cover art, $200 for original unpublished cover art, $50 for reprint interior art, and $100 for original unpublished interior art.
🟢 OCT 1 · Rattle Magazine’s Ekphrastic Poetry Challenge opens until the last day of the month for ekphrastic poetry in response to selected visual art posted on their page. Two winners receive $100 and publication online.
🟢 OCT 1 · New Orleans Review opens for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Payment is $300 for prose and $100 for poetry. In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, there are no submission fees for Latinx writers from September 15th to October 15th. $3 submission fee otherwise.
🟢 OCT 1 · Riddlebird opens until October 26 for literary fiction, personal essays, and genre fiction from 650-5000 words focusing on humor and lighthearted pieces until full. Payment is $100.
🟢 OCT 1 · Last Girls Club opens until November 1 for feminist horror short stories and poems. Payments for short story-2,500 words or less is $0.015 USD per word ($37.50 USD max); Flash Fiction-less than 1,000 words $0.015 USD per word ($15 USD max); Poems-less than 200 words $10.
🟢 OCT 1 · Brick opens until October 31 for literary non-fiction. Payment $65–720, “depending on the length of accepted work, plus two copies of the issue the work appears in and a one-year subscription to the magazine.”
🟢 OCT 1 · Chestnut Review opens until November 30 for poetry, prose, or hybrid chapbooks of 15-25 pages of poetry, or 15-35 pages of prose: Submission fee is on a sliding scale between $6-$12. Payment is $150 USD, 50 copies of their chapbook plus 30% royalties on all Amazon sales of the chapbook, paid annually.”
🟢 OCT 1 · Electric Spec opens for speculative fiction stories of “science fiction, fantasy, and the macabre” between 250 and 7000 words for their November issue until October 15. Payment is $20 per piece.
🟢♻️ OCT 1 · Solar Punk Magazine opens for submissions until October 14 of speculative works around Solarpunk, envisioning a future where humanity has addressed challenges like climate change and established sustainable societies. Payments are fiction at $.08 per word, $100 minimum, poetry at $40 per poem), nonfiction $75 per essay or article, cover art $100 for reprints, $200 for original unpublished, and interior art $50 for reprints, $100 for original unpublished.
🟢 OCT 1 · Off Topic Publishing’s Poetry Box opens to submissions of poetry until the 25th of the month. Selected poems to be sent as a physical card with tea and chocolate to subscribers. Payment is for $30 CAD.
🟢 OCT 1 · Strange Horizons opens for speculative poetry submissions year-round, including at times when they are closed to fiction submissions. The editors operate on a rotation system, so the person who reads and replies to your poem will depend on when you send it. This month Lisa M. Bradley (she/her/hers) is the editor. Payment is $50 USD per poem, regardless of length or complexity.
🟢 OCT 1 · Bourbon Penn is open now for 2000-7500 word “highly imaginative stories with a healthy dose of the odd… looking for genre / speculative stories and are quite partial to slipstream, cross-genre, magic realism, absurdist, and the surreal." Payment is .04 cents per word.
🟢💰 OCT 1 · PEN America’s U.S. Writers Aid Initiative opens applications until October 31 for the PEN America Writers Emergency Fund, which offers grants for “writers in the United States facing acute financial need following an emergency situation.” Applications received on or before the following quarterly deadlines will be reviewed before the last day of that month. (For example, an application received on or before January 1, 2024 will be reviewed before January 30, 2024.)
🟢 OCT 1 · Split Lip Magazine opens tip jar submissions for poems, memoirs, flash, fiction, art, interviews/reviews, and mini-reviews until October 31. Payment is $75 per author for poems, memoirs, flash, fiction, and art, $50 for interviews/reviews, and $25 for mini-reviews.
🟢 OCT 1 · The Forge Literary Magazine calls for fiction and nonfiction under 3,000 words including flash and micro fiction for $100 flat rate until the free submissions quota is full. “If there is no free link, we’ve hit our quota.”
🟢 OCT 1 · Flame Tree Fiction Newsletter calls for monthly themed submissions from newsletter subscribers only (free to subscribe) up to 1k words for $0.08 per word USD for original fiction.
🟢 OCT 1 · Diet Milk Magazine is open until October 31 for submissions of “micro and flash fiction for its December series, IN THE BLEAK MIDWINTER.” Payment is $3 for micro fiction, $5 for flash fiction.
🟢♻️ OCT 1 · Short Story on Substack opens for short stories from 6-10,000 words in any genre. Payment is $100 + 50% of subscription revenue to be sent by Paypal, Zelle, or check. Selected story to be announced on the 15th. Reprints welcome.
🟢 OCT 1 · The Nimrod International Journal, a nonprofit literary magazine published by The University of Tulsa, is closed for poetry, short stories, creative nonfiction pieces, and translations on the theme of refuge up to 7,500 words; poetry may be up to 7 pages. $3 reading fee, payment is $10/printed page with a $200 maximum. Closes October 1.
🎓 OCT 1 · Adding Intrigue & Action To Your Prose—Don Bentley is the latest offering from the Outliers Online Ongoing Writers Conference where all classes are taught by working, best-selling authors with two classes per month, every month on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 4 pm PST. “Learn how to add intrigue and action to your writing with hands on editing exercises as well as thoughts from today’s top thriller writers and editors“ Costs $45.
🟢♻️ OCT 1-2 · Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores is open for new work, reprints, poetry (up to 40 lines) and prose from 1,000 words and up. Payment is .08 per word for new fiction, .02 per word for reprints, .02-.08 for new fact based work, .01-.04 for reprinted fact based work, $1 per line for original poetry, .50 per line for reprinted poetry. No simultaneous or multiple submissions.
🟢🏆 OCT 2 · The BookLife Prize for Nonfiction opens until January 31 for “unpublished or self-published books–works for which the author has subvented the cost of the book’s publication–in the English language” for a chance at a cash prize of $5,000 as well as a profile in Publishers Weekly. All entrants will receive a Critic’s Report, which includes a score and a brief written critical assessment of their novel by a Publishers Weekly reviewer.
⭐ OCT 4 · First Friday - Third Thursday Quick Read features 6 authors each reading a selection of speculative fiction for 8 minutes. There will be time for questions & answers at the end and a giveaway from the authors. This free event is hosted by Strong Women - Strange Worlds and features Stephanie Ellis, Deborah Wilde, Tiffany Putenis, Melanie Bell and Laura McPherson. Pre-register.
🔴 OCT 4 · Rattle Magazine’s “Poets Respond” challenge calls for poems inspired by “a news story or public event from the previous week, and has been written in the time since.” Selected poems will appear as the Sunday poem at Rattle.com which appear to over 10,000 people via RSS feed and daily email service. Poets will receive $100 and a free print magazine subscription. Each week's deadline is Friday midnight PST.
🟢 OCT 4 · Reedsy Prompts calls for short fiction between 1,000 - 3,000 words based on one of five prompts. Writers have until the following Friday at 11.59pm EST to enter. No fee to enter and have work posted. $5 fee to be eligible for the $250 cash prize. New prompt every Friday.
⭐🎓 OCT 4 · Rattle Magazine’s livestream Poetry Critique of the Week Rattle's editor hosts a livestreamed poetry critique on YouTube and Facebook, offering suggestions and feedback. The viewing audience is encouraged to participate. The goal is to help us all become better poets through the honest sharing of our reactions, similar to the experience of an MFA roundtable workshop. Critique of the Week at 4 pm EST.
⭐🎤 OCT 5 · Rattlecast livestreams, is part interview and open mic with a prompt-based open mic. Hangout with Rattle editor Timothy Green and Katie Dozier. Each Rattlecast begins with an interview, a writing prompt, and poets reading from the last week’s prompt. | Rattlecast at 8 pm EST.
⭐ OCT 5 · GoIndieNow presents This Week In Indies for 2024 a weekly Sunday chat show that covers issues relevant for Indie artists and the scoop on who is publishing what and where you can get it. Broadcasting every Sunday at Noon ET/11a CT/10a MT/9a PT.
Always Open ♾️
🟢♾️ · New Orleans Review is always open for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry submissions. Payment is $300 for nonfiction and fiction prose and $100 for poetry regardless of word counts.
🟢♾️ · Griffith Review is always open for nonfiction and fiction submissions on the theme "No Place Like Home," what it means to us, why it matters and how it shapes our sense of self. Payment is $0.75 AUD per word for fiction and nonfiction, $200 AUD per poem and $500 per piece AUD per work commissioned for GR Online.
🟢♾️ · Breath & Shadow is always open for submissions from people with disabilities, broadly defined, encompassing physical, mental, emotional, cognitive, or sensory impairments that significantly affect major life functions. They welcome poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and drama on any topic, with a focus on disability-related academic or article-type nonfiction. Payment is $20 for poetry and $30 for prose.
🟢♾️ · Craft is always open for “fiction and creative nonfiction, as well as craft essays and interviews.” They offer free submissions with fast response times for BIPOC and other mis- and underrepresented writers. Craft pays $100 for flash and $200 for short fiction and creative nonfiction.
🟢♾️ · The Gay & Lesbian Review is always open for “unsolicited manuscripts and proposals on all LGBT-related topics.” Payment is $250 for features.
🟢♾️ · Reappropriate, an Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) race advocacy and feminism blog is always open for pitches on topics such as race, gender, identity, Asian American history, and current events. They pay $75-150 for 800 to 2,500 words.
🟢♾️ · Tagg Magazine, a US-based queer women's publication, is always open for pitches on various themes, including personal essays, listicles, dating advice, and fashion-related content. Articles are 350-1,000 words long and pay $75-175. They also welcome pitches for article ideas.
🟢♾️ · Torch Literary Arts is always open for creative writing by Black women for their Friday Features. “We are interested in work that challenges and disrupts preconceived notions of what contemporary writing by Black women should be” in fiction, hybrid works, poetry, and drama, including pieces accompanied by video or dramatic audio. Payment is $150.
🟢♾️ · Solarpunk Magazine is always open for nonfiction that will “stir readers with themes of defiance, change, and achievement.” Payment is $75 for nonfiction.
🟢♾️ · Bourbon Penn seeks “highly imaginative stories with a healthy dose of the odd” from 2000 - 7500 words for 4¢ / word.
🟢♾️ · Orion's Beau is open until September 10 for LGBTQ science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, and dark fantasy in fiction, poetry, and art. Payment is $3.
🟢♾️ · Electric Spec closes to speculative fiction stories of “science fiction, fantasy, and the macabre” between 250 and 7000 words for their next issue. Payment is $20 per piece.
🟢♾️ · Timothy McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern is open to unpublished fiction up to 10k words. Snail mail submissions. Payment is $400.
🟢♾️ · Star*Line, the official print journal of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association (SFPA), is a literary venue for speculative (including science-fiction, fantasy, and horror) poets and poetry enthusiasts, and features interviews, articles, reviews, member news and letters, association business, and poetry. Star*Line is open for submissions year-round. Payment for poetry: 4¢/word rounded to next dollar, minimum $4. Nonfiction, 1¢/word rounded to the next dollar. Reviews pay a flat fee of $4.
🟢♻️♾️ · Samovar, published by Strange Horizons, seeks speculative fiction, review-essays, poetry, interview/conversations, and reprints in translation. Payment for fiction is 8 US cents per word to the author, and 8 US cents per word to the translator. Payment for reprints is a flat $100 USD to the author and $100 USD to the translator. Payments for poetry is $40 USD to the author and $40 USD to the translator. Payment for interview/conversations is $40 USD to each participant. Payment for review-essays is $40 USD.
🟢♾️ · Strange Horizons is open for speculative poetry submissions year-round, including at times when Strange Horizons is closed to fiction submissions. The editors operate on a rotation system, so the person who reads and replies to your poem will depend on when you send it. Payment is $50 USD per poem, regardless of length or complexity.
🟢♾️ The SFWA Blog is open to pitches for original nonfiction articles on topics that might be of interest to new and/or established creators of science fiction and fantasy. SFWA welcomes pitches from both members and nonmembers. Black, Indigenous, and other writers of color, and writers of other under-represented identities, are encouraged to submit article pitches. Payment: 10 cents/word.
Angela, best of luck in your new home!! x o