Kickstarter project, Space & Time: Celebrating 50 Years of Speculative Fiction goes live tomorrow! Imagine a time when creativity wasn’t confined to screens but poured onto paper, fueled by nothing but passion and imagination. That’s how Space and Time Magazine began in 1966—just a mimeograph machine, Gordon Linzner’s dream, and the scent of fresh ink. Today, this iconic magazine celebrates over 50 years of speculative fiction, storytelling, and wonder under the care of myself and a team of dedicated volunteers.
Now, we’re inviting you to be part of this extraordinary legacy with our Kickstarter project, Space & Time: Celebrating 50 Years of Speculative Fiction. Together, we’ll create a stunning archival-quality book that captures the spirit of Space and Time with exclusive stories, behind-the-scenes insights, and interactive features that bring history to life.
This is more than a book—it’s your chance to honor the past, celebrate the present, and inspire the future. Join us in building something timeless.
Click here to back the Kickstarter and claim your place in this legacy.
Your support matters. Let’s make history—together.
🔎Also, six more clues for the Book Fair Scavenger Hunt! Look through the Book Fair to find the answers. On December 28th there will be a form link to submit your answers. The first person to correctly answer all the clues will win a $50 Amazon gift card and be announced in the following issue.
Your next six clues are…
Look for the cover with riders in flight, The king’s men march, a formidable sight.
Locked in chains with a mischievous gleam, A touch of pink hides a scorpion’s sting.
Find the story of hard times and pains, Where strength held firm, guarding what remains.
Amid the snow where secrets lie, A shadowed scheme begins to spy.
Seek the robot with a gentle touch, Reaching for wings it longs to clutch.
Spot the sharp suit and the lady in red, Like a fox and phoenix, their sparks widespread.
🔎Find your answers in December’s Book Fair Scavenger Hunt here.
The final six clues will be in next week’s Authortunities!
🌳What’s in this issue?
First Friday - Third Thursday Quick Read annual Year End Party Featuring Party Games, Readings, Gifts, and All Manner of Fun! Appearances by a wide array of SW-SW authors from our past 3 years of QuickReads! This free event is hosted by Strong Women - Strange Worlds. Pre-register for free here.
The Smalltown Tales Tournament will be December 15. Have fun collaboratively creating stories with fellow writers, poets, artists, gamers, and avid readers. Winner will have their story published in Space and Time magazine and win $50! Last chance to sign up at
This Sunday I’ll be on This Week in Indies at Noon ET/11a CT/10a MT/9a PT. We will be discussing how to get your work translated with an exclusive 1st look at CL Cannon's Indie Connection. You can watch it here.
Reedsy is hosting a special giveaway this week — three lucky winners will receive a free copy of one of this week’s featured books! Simply fill out this form by Monday, December 16 at 11:59 pm PST to be entered.
Authortunities may contain affiliate links that might earn a small fee for Authortunities at no extra cost to you. Comments, questions, compliments or concerns?
My authortunities are organized by emoji! Use your “Ctrl+F” keys to find what you want fast. Video tutorial on how to do this.
🟢 opening subs
🔴 closing subs
⭐ networking
💼 conference
🎤 open mics
🎓 education
♻️ reprints
🏆 awards
💰 grants
🟢 BookLife runs the Indie Spotlight feature, a thematic roundup of self-published books from a broad range of genres and topics, both online and in print in Publishers Weekly magazine. Each Indie Spotlight is open to all types of books as long as they match the month's topic. Submit your works of SELF-HELP/PERSONAL FINANCE until January 1.
🟢 DEC 14 · Reedsy Prompts is open until the following Friday for short fiction between 1,000 - 3,000 words based on one of five prompts. Writers have until the following Friday at 11.59 pm EST to enter. No fee to enter and have work posted. $5 fee to be eligible for the $250 cash prize. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #ReedsyOctober to share your creepy tales (and potentially be featured on on Reedsy social accounts)! This week’s prompt is: The Fright Before Christmas 👻.
🔴 DEC 14 · Apparition Lit’s 2024 Flash Fiction Contest closes for submissions of speculative flash fiction (under 1k words) prompted by “Fast or Feast.” The writer of the selected story will be notified and their story published the following month. The prize is $30 USD.
⭐ DEC 14 · First Friday - Third Thursday Quick Read annual Year End Party Featuring Party Games, Readings, Gifts, and All Manner of Fun! Appearances by a wide array of SW-SW authors from our past 3 years of QuickReads! This free event is hosted by Strong Women - Strange Worlds. Pre-register.
🔴 DEC 15 · Pretend You Don’t See Her, a Women of Horror Anthology from Kandisha Press, closes for stories from 3000-5000 words about “ordinary, often forgotten ladies with dark secrets.” Payment: Royalties will be paid through Pubshare.
🔴 DEC 15 · Book Worms Horror Zine Issue #7, from Crystal Lake, is closed for Space and Science Fiction Horror stories. Payment is 8 cents a word for fiction and essays (1500 words or less). $25 for short poems (ten lines or less), $50 for longer poems. Includes one contributor copy.
✅🟢 DEC 15 · Space and Time: Celebrating 50 Years of Speculative Fiction Kickstarter opens until January 15. You are invited to be part of this extraordinary legacy with our Kickstarter project, Space & Time: Celebrating 50 Years of Speculative Fiction. Together, we’ll create a stunning archival-quality book that captures the spirit of Space and Time with exclusive stories, behind-the-scenes insights, and interactive features that bring history to life. This is more than a book—it’s your chance to honor the past, celebrate the present, and inspire the future. Join us in building something timeless.
🟢 DEC 15 · Furious Flower Poetry Prize for emerging writers is open until February 15 for submissions from poets with no more than one published book. Eligible poets are invited to submit up to three poems (no more than a total of 6 pages) for consideration. The winner and honorable mention receive $1500 and $750 respectively and will be invited to read James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Va in April 2025. The winner, honorable mention, and select finalists will also be published in Obsidian. $15 submission fee.
🟢 DEC 15 · penumbric opens until March 15 for submissions of prose and poetry up to 10k words that “constitutes the ever moving edge of its kind, a place between light and dark, consciousness and un…” Payment is $10 USD.
⭐🎤 DEC 15 · Rattlecast livestreams, is part interview and open mic with a prompt-based open mic. Hangout with Rattle editor Timothy Green and Katie Dozier. Each Rattlecast begins with an interview, a writing prompt, and poets reading from the last week’s prompt. | Rattlecast at 8 pm EST.
⭐ DEC 15 · GoIndieNow presents This Week In Indies for 2024 a weekly Sunday chat show that covers issues relevant for Indie artists and the scoop on who is publishing what and where you can get it. Broadcasting every Sunday at Noon ET/11a CT/10a MT/9a PT. With JD Estrada, Angela Yuriko Smith, Frances Ippolito, Steffanie Costigan, and Katherine Hayes.
🎓 DEC 15 · The Arcane University offers valuable video game development skills, including game writing, from experienced modders and industry professionals. In collaboration with TESRenewal, the AU aims to provide teaching and support to any and all members and applicants to help them to acquire, expand, or improve the skill set needed to contribute to Beyond Skyrim and/or their partnered modding projects. In addition, it serves as the primary location for learning or enhancing existing skills for the wider modding community, becoming the go-to place for anyone looking to learn. Free.
🟢 DEC 15 · Star*Line, the official print journal of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association (SFPA), is a literary venue for speculative (including science-fiction, fantasy, and horror) poets and poetry enthusiasts. The site features interviews, articles, reviews, member news and letters, association business, and poetry. Star*Line is open for submissions year-round. Payment for poetry: 4¢/word rounded to next dollar, minimum $4. Nonfiction, 1¢/word rounded to the next dollar. Reviews pay a flat fee of $4.
🔴 DEC 15 · Fahmidan Journal closes for “your thought-provoking existentialism, your phobias, your darkest moments” as short stories, poetry and flash. Payment is $25 per piece.
🔴 DEC 15 · Radon closes to short stories and poetry containing elements of anarchism, transhumanism, dystopia, and/or science fiction for their January issue. Payment: 1 cent per word for original work, half a cent per word for reprints.
🔴 DEC 15 · Propagule is currently accepting short stories that embrace experimentation and oddity, exploring the strange, surreal, atypical, and unexpected. “We are excited about stories that have traditionally not been considered literary, such as science fiction and fantasy.” Payment is up to $20.
🔴 DEC 15 · Split Lip Magazine closes tip jar submissions for poems, memoirs, flash, fiction, art, interviews/reviews, and mini-reviews. Payment is $75 per author for poems, memoirs, flash, fiction, and art, $50 for interviews/reviews, and $25 for mini-reviews.
🟢♻️ DEC 15 · Luna Station Quarterly opens for “speculative fiction written by women-identified authors” from 500 to 7000 words. Reprints considered at least 3 years past their initial publication date. No poetry. $10 USD plus a lifetime digital subscription to the magazine.
🟢 DEC 16 · Radon opens to short stories and poetry containing elements of anarchism, transhumanism, dystopia, and/or science fiction until April 15 for their May issue. Payment: 1 cent per word for original work, half a cent per word for reprints.
🎓 DEC 15 · Story Genres with Jule Kucera In this class with Jule Kucera, you’ll learn to: Use the crucial interplay between external and internal genres and to shape your story’s trajectory, identify genres using an intuitive classification system, discover or confirm the specific genres at work in your current project to ensure your story consistently attacks your protagonist with their primary need to change, and delivers the type of emotional catharsis your reader expects. Free to attend, class takes place on Zoom from 3–4 p.m. EST.
🟢 DEC 16 · Fahmidan Journal opens until March 15 for “your thought-provoking existentialism, your phobias, your darkest moments” as short stories, poetry and flash. Payment is $25 per piece.
🟢💰 DEC 17 · The Scholarship From Hell is open until March 1, 2025 for applications for the only scholarship offered by Horror Writers Association. Provides one winner access to the intensive, hands-on workshop environment of Horror University during HWA’s annual StokerCon. The winner of the Scholarship From Hell will receive domestic coach airfare (contiguous 48 states) to and from the StokerCon venue, $50 for luggage reimbursement, a 4 night stay at the convention, free registration to StokerCon, and HU Workshops.
🎓 DEC 17 · It’s Not Enough To Write A Good Story—Joseph Badal is the latest offering from the Outliers Online Ongoing Writers Conference where all classes are taught by working, best-selling authors with two classes per month, every month on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 4 pm PST. “It's not enough to write a good story. There are rules that must be followed for your writing to be accepted. Joseph Badal, the author of 19 award-winning suspense novels will share with you a list of writing rules he uses as a template to take his manuscripts from rough drafts to publishable works.” Costs $45.
🎓 DEC 18 · Hybrid Publish or Self-Publish? with Jane Friedman, hosted by Craft Talks. Jane Friedman covers everything you need to know about the self-publishing, hybrid publishing, and paid publishing services landscape, in plain English. You’ll come away with a clear picture of how these companies work, how they differ from each other, and how it all compares to what professional, self-publishing authors do.
🔴 DEC 19 · Narratively 2024 Memoir Prize is no longer accepting entries for “revealing and emotional first-person nonfiction narratives from unique and overlooked points of view.” The top three writers will win cash prizes, as well as publication on and inclusion in a special Narratively 2024 Memoir Prize Digital Collection with a Grand Prize of $3,000 USD. Further, Narratively editors will work with the finalists to potentially adapt their stories into larger projects in different mediums (TV, film, podcasts, etc.).
🔴 DEC 20 · Rattle Magazine’s “Poets Respond” challenge calls for poems inspired by “a news story or public event from the previous week, and has been written in the time since.” Selected poems will appear as the Sunday poem at which appear to over 10,000 people via RSS feed and daily email service. Poets will receive $100 and a free print magazine subscription. Each week's deadline is Friday midnight PST.
⭐🎓 DEC 20 · Rattle Magazine’s livestream Poetry Critique of the Week Rattle's editor hosts a livestreamed poetry critique on YouTube and Facebook, offering suggestions and feedback. The viewing audience is encouraged to participate. The goal is to help us all become better poets through the honest sharing of our reactions, similar to the experience of an MFA roundtable workshop. Critique of the Week at 4 pm EST.
🟢 DEC 20 · Reedsy Prompts calls for short fiction between 1,000 - 3,000 words based on one of five prompts. Writers have until the following Friday at 11.59pm EST to enter. No fee to enter and have work posted. $5 fee to be eligible for the $250 cash prize. New prompt every Friday.
🟢 DEC 21 · Astrolabe is open for submissions until January 21 for fiction, creative nonfiction, and photography/art that explores themes of connection across boundaries, from the mystical to the imaginative. Submissions should total no more than 3,000 words for written pieces or up to five images for art. Payment is $50 per published piece.
⭐🎤 DEC 22 · Rattlecast livestreams, is part interview and open mic with a prompt-based open mic. Hangout with Rattle editor Timothy Green and Katie Dozier. Each Rattlecast begins with an interview, a writing prompt, and poets reading from the last week’s prompt. | Rattlecast at 8 pm EST.
⭐ DEC 22 · GoIndieNow presents This Week In Indies for 2024 a weekly Sunday chat show that covers issues relevant for Indie artists and the scoop on who is publishing what and where you can get it. Broadcasting every Sunday at Noon ET/11a CT/10a MT/9a PT.
⭐🎓 DEC 21 · PARSEC, Pittsburgh’s premier Science Fiction & Fantasy Organization, welcomes the public to their monthly meetings held the third Saturday of each month beginning at 12:30 pm EST. Virtual Zoom meetings are available for those unable to attend in person.
🟢 DEC 21 · Astrolabe opens to fiction, creative nonfiction, and photography/art for $50 USD flat rate with free submissions until January 22, 2025.
🔴 DEC 26 · The Ex-Puritan is closed for interviews, essays, reviews, fiction, poetry and experimental work for their February issue. Payment ranges from $35 CAD per page for poetry to $200 CAD for essays.
🔴 DEC 27 · Every Day Fiction closes for winter and holiday stories up to 1000 words. Payment is $3 USD. “All fiction genres are acceptable, and stories that don’t fit neatly into any genre are welcome too.”
🔴 DEC 27 · Rattle Magazine’s “Poets Respond” challenge calls for poems inspired by “a news story or public event from the previous week, and has been written in the time since.” Selected poems will appear as the Sunday poem at which appear to over 10,000 people via RSS feed and daily email service. Poets will receive $100 and a free print magazine subscription. Each week's deadline is Friday midnight PST.
⭐🎓 DEC 27 · Rattle Magazine’s livestream Poetry Critique of the Week Rattle's editor hosts a livestreamed poetry critique on YouTube and Facebook, offering suggestions and feedback. The viewing audience is encouraged to participate. The goal is to help us all become better poets through the honest sharing of our reactions, similar to the experience of an MFA roundtable workshop. Critique of the Week at 4 pm EST.
🟢 DEC 27 · Reedsy Prompts calls for short fiction between 1,000 - 3,000 words based on one of five prompts. Writers have until the following Friday at 11.59pm EST to enter. No fee to enter and have work posted. $5 fee to be eligible for the $250 cash prize. New prompt every Friday.
⭐🎤 DEC 29 · Rattlecast livestreams, is part interview and open mic with a prompt-based open mic. Hangout with Rattle editor Timothy Green and Katie Dozier. Each Rattlecast begins with an interview, a writing prompt, and poets reading from the last week’s prompt. | Rattlecast at 8 pm EST.
⭐ DEC 29 · GoIndieNow presents This Week In Indies for 2024 a weekly Sunday chat show that covers issues relevant for Indie artists and the scoop on who is publishing what and where you can get it. Broadcasting every Sunday at Noon ET/11a CT/10a MT/9a PT.
🔴 DEC 31 · Shallow Waters Flash Fiction Contest, from Crystal Lake, is closed for “story that captures the essence of liminal spaces” for their monthly flash fiction contest. The winner will receive $0.03 per word, publication in an upcoming Hotel Macabre anthology, and an Author Spotlight on our newsletter and Patreon page. The second-place winner will receive $0.02 a word, and the third place winner $0.01 per word. The winner will also have the option of hosting the following month’s contest for an additional $50. Free to enter. Need not be a Patreon member to enter.
🔴 DEC 31 · Spooky Magazine is open for submissions for their Spring/Summer 2024 issue, seeking cozy, classic, and whimsical horror stories with a twist. Stories should be under 5,000 words, with a sweet spot around 2,500-3,000 words. Payment is $0.01 per word, plus a contributor’s copy. Horror-themed haiku submissions are also welcome. Payment is .01 USD per word.
🔴 DEC 31 · Variant Literature Journal is closed for flash fiction or flash nonfiction (1200 words or less) or a connected series of THREE micros (250 to 400 words each). Payment is $10 per accepted story, poem, or micro series.
🔴♻️ DEC 31 · Short Story on Substack is closed for short stories from 6- 10,000 words in any genre. Payment is $100 + 50% of subscription revenue to be sent by Paypal, Zelle, or check. Selected story to be announced on the 15th. Reprints welcome.
🔴 DEC 31 · Arc Poetry is closing for poetry on any subject or form, and for pitches of 250-500 words for both essays and interviews with poets. Payment is $50 per poem, or printed page. Poets based in the USA must pay a small submission fee of $2 per poem.
🔴♻️ DEC 31 · Workers Write! is closing for submissions of “fiction and poetry about the people who clean up after everyone, such as maids, janitors, custodians, waste management workers, crime scene cleaners, and even laundromat owners.” Payment is $5-50, “depending on length and rights requested.”
🔴 DEC 31 · Moth Poetry Prize is open for a single unpublished poem on any subject with no line limit. The winner receives €6,000, three runners up receive €1,000 each and eight “commended” awards of €250. Open worldwide to poets at least 16 years of age. The entry fee is €15 per poem.
🔴 DEC 31 · Lilith’s Annual Fiction Contest is closing for “quality short stories with heart, soul, and chutzpah.” First prize receives $300 and publication. Welcoming feminist and Jewish nuance, especially from writers of color and emerging writers.
🔴 DEC 31 · The John Ridland Poetry Prize is closing for submissions of “an unpublished book-length manuscript of 48-100 pages” from a US poet 55 years and older. The winner receives $500, publication by Gunpowder Press, and 10 author copies. Entry fee of $20.
🔴 DEC 31 · The 2024 Society of Classical Poets International Poetry Competition is closing for “One to three poems on any topic.” First Prize is $2,000. Poems must contain meter. Rhyme and other traditional techniques encouraged but not required. You can enter up to three submissions, each containing one to three poems, not exceeding 108 lines in total per submission. Each submission requires the standard entry fee of $20, which includes a free subscription to their monthly e-Newsletter.
🔴 DEC 31 · The 2024 SCP International High School Poetry Competition is closing for “One to three poems on any topic.” First Prize is $200. Poems must contain meter. Rhyme and other traditional techniques encouraged but not required. You can enter up to three submissions, each containing one to three poems, not exceeding 108 lines in total per submission. Each submission requires the standard entry fee of $5, which includes a free subscription to their monthly e-Newsletter.
🔴♻️ DEC 31 · Lascaux Prize in Short Fiction is closing for submissions of previously published or unpublished short fiction up to 10,000 words. Simultaneous submissions are accepted. Winner receives $1,000, a bronze medallion, and publication in The Lascaux Review. Entry fee is $15 USD.
🔴 DEC 31 · Flash Fiction 500 Competition is closing for original flash fiction up to 500 words. First place winner receives £300, second place winner receives £200, and third place winner receives £100. Entry fee is £5 for one story, £8 for two stories, £11 for three stories, £14 for four stories.
🔴 DEC 31 · Rattle Magazine’s Ekphrastic Poetry Challenge closes for ekphrastic poetry in response to selected visual art posted on their page. Two winners receive $100 and publication online.
🔴 DEC 31 · The Other Stories Podcast closes for 2,000 word speculative fiction on the theme of FOUND FOOTAGE. Bring us stories from lost tapes, forgotten diaries, old film, banned video games, or wherever else you might find strange echoes in lost media.” Payment is $15 GBP.
🔴💰 JAN 1 · Poetry Society Of America Annual Awards is closing entries for nine separate poetry contests with prizes ranging from $250 to $2,500. Awards include the The Writer Magazine/Emily Dickinson Award, Cecil Hemley Memorial Award, Lyric Poetry Award, Lucille Medwick Memorial Award, Alice Fay Di Castagnola Award, George Bogin Memorial Award, and the Robert H. Winner Memorial Award. Poetry Society of America members can enter all awards for free. Non-Members of the Poetry Society can enter each contest for a fee.
🟢 JAN 1 · Last Girls Club is open until February 1 for feminist horror short stories and poems. Payments for short story-2,500 words or less is $0.015 USD per word ($37.50 USD max); Flash Fiction-less than 1,000 words $0.015 USD per word ($15 USD max); Poems-less than 200 words $10.
🟢 JAN 1 · Electric Spec is open until January 15 for speculative fiction stories of “science fiction, fantasy, and the macabre” between 250 and 7000 words for their February issue. Payment is $20 per piece.
🟢 JAN 1 · Strange Horizons is open until January 31 with Vanessa Jae as January’s editor for speculative poetry. Payment is $50 USD per poem, regardless of length or complexity.
🟢 JAN 1 · The Hudson Review is open until March 31 for nonfiction submissions. Payment is 2.5 cents per word for prose. Submissions should be mailed with a self-addressed stamped envelope.
🟢JAN 1 · 34 Orchard is open until January 15 for submissions of short fiction from 1000 to 5000 words and poetry of any genre/length. Payment is $50 USD.
🟢 JAN 1 · Flame Tree Fiction Newsletter calls for monthly themed submissions from newsletter subscribers only (free to subscribe) up to 1k words for $0.08 per word USD for original fiction.
🟢 JAN 1 · The Other Stories Podcast is open until January 31 for 2,000 word speculative fiction on the theme of WEIRD. “Bring us the bizarre, the unexplainable, the surreally beautiful. Old weird. New weird. Bizarro. Whatever. Bear in mind — we still want good stories with satisfying endings.” Payment is $15 GBP.
🟢 JAN 1 · Rattle Magazine’s Ekphrastic Poetry Challenge opens until the last day of the month for ekphrastic poetry in response to selected visual art posted on their page. Two winners receive $100 and publication online.
🟢💰 JAN 1 · PEN America’s U.S. Writers Aid Initiative is open for applications until January 31 for the PEN America Writers Emergency Fund, which offers grants for “writers in the United States facing acute financial need following an emergency situation.” Applications received on or before the following quarterly deadlines will be reviewed before the last day of that month. (For example, an application received on or before January 1, 2024 will be reviewed before January 30, 2024.)
🟢 JAN 1 · The Threepenny Review opens for submissions of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction until April 30. Payment is $400 per story or article, and $200 per poem or Table Talk piece.
🟢💰 JAN 1 · The Restless Books Prize for New Immigrant Writing is open to June 7 for outstanding debut nonfiction literary works by first-generation immigrants. The winner receives $10,000 and publication by Restless Books. There is no entry fee.
🟢 JAN 1 · Solarpunk Magazine is open for submissions until January 14 for fiction, poetry, and art. They are seeking works that imagine a sustainable future and highlight themes of community and resilience. Fiction submissions should be 1,500-7,500 words, with preference for 1,500-3,000 words. Payment rates include $0.08 per word for fiction (minimum $100), $40 per poem, and $100 for original cover art.
🟢 JAN 1 · Cosmic Horror Monthly is open until January 7 for weird and cosmic fiction under 5,000 words. Payment is 3 cents USD per word.
🟢♻️ JAN 1 · The Lascaux Prize in Flash Fiction is open until June 30 for submissions of previously published or unpublished flash fiction. True stories are welcome as long as they’re written in a narrative style. Simultaneous submissions are accepted. Winner receives $1,000, a bronze medallion, and publication in The Lascaux Review.
🟢♻️ JAN 3 · The Indieverse Awards is open until January 13 (January 31 for paid categories) for independently published works in categories that “revolve around representation, vibes, characters, tropes, storylines, etc..”
🔴 JAN 7 · Cosmic Horror Monthly is closed for weird and cosmic fiction under 5,000 words. Payment is 3 cents USD per word. Open ♾️
·♾️· Always Open ·♾️·
♾️🟢 · Bad Day Book is currently accepting poetry and prose submissions with themes specified on their site. They offer payment ranging from $40 to $75, depending on length.
♾️🟢 · New Orleans Review is always open for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry submissions. Payment is $300 for nonfiction and fiction prose and $100 for poetry regardless of word counts.
♾️🟢 · Griffith Review is always open for nonfiction and fiction submissions on the theme "No Place Like Home," what it means to us, why it matters and how it shapes our sense of self. Payment is $0.75 AUD per word for fiction and nonfiction, $200 AUD per poem and $500 per piece AUD per work commissioned for GR Online.
♾️🟢 · Breath & Shadow is always open for submissions from people with disabilities, broadly defined, encompassing physical, mental, emotional, cognitive, or sensory impairments that significantly affect major life functions. They welcome poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and drama on any topic, with a focus on disability-related academic or article-type nonfiction. Payment is $20 for poetry and $30 for prose.
♾️🟢 · Craft is always open for “fiction and creative nonfiction, as well as craft essays and interviews.” They offer free submissions with fast response times for BIPOC and other mis- and underrepresented writers. Craft pays $100 for flash and $200 for short fiction and creative nonfiction.
♾️🟢 · Every Day Fiction is always open for flash fiction up to 1000 words. Payment $3 USD. “All fiction genres are acceptable, and stories that don’t fit neatly into any genre are welcome too.”
♾️🟢 · The Gay & Lesbian Review is always open for “unsolicited manuscripts and proposals on all LGBT-related topics.” Payment is $250 for features.
♾️🟢 · Reappropriate, an Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) race advocacy and feminism blog is always open for pitches on topics such as race, gender, identity, Asian American history, and current events. They pay $75-150 for 800 to 2,500 words.
♾️🟢 · Tagg Magazine, a US-based queer women's publication, is always open for pitches on various themes, including personal essays, listicles, dating advice, and fashion-related content. Articles are 350-1,000 words long and pay $75-175. They also welcome pitches for article ideas.
♾️🟢 · Torch Literary Arts is always open for creative writing by Black women for their Friday Features. “We are interested in work that challenges and disrupts preconceived notions of what contemporary writing by Black women should be” in fiction, hybrid works, poetry, and drama, including pieces accompanied by video or dramatic audio. Payment is $150.
♾️🟢 · Solarpunk Magazine is always open for nonfiction that will “stir readers with themes of defiance, change, and achievement.” Payment is $75 for nonfiction.
♾️🟢 · Bourbon Penn seeks “highly imaginative stories with a healthy dose of the odd” from 2000 - 7500 words for 4¢ / word.
♾️🟢 · Orion's Beau is open until September 10 for LGBTQ science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, and dark fantasy in fiction, poetry, and art. Payment is $3.
♾️🟢 · Electric Spec closes to speculative fiction stories of “science fiction, fantasy, and the macabre” between 250 and 7000 words for their next issue. Payment is $20 per piece.
♾️🟢 · Timothy McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern is open to unpublished fiction up to 10k words. Snail mail submissions. Payment is $400.
♾️🟢 · Star*Line, the official print journal of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association (SFPA), is a literary venue for speculative (including science-fiction, fantasy, and horror) poets and poetry enthusiasts, and features interviews, articles, reviews, member news and letters, association business, and poetry. Star*Line is open for submissions year-round. Payment for poetry: 4¢/word rounded to next dollar, minimum $4. Nonfiction, 1¢/word rounded to the next dollar. Reviews pay a flat fee of $4.
♾️🟢♻️· Samovar, published by Strange Horizons, seeks speculative fiction, review-essays, poetry, interview/conversations, and reprints in translation. Payment for fiction is 8 US cents per word to the author, and 8 US cents per word to the translator. Payment for reprints is a flat $100 USD to the author and $100 USD to the translator. Payments for poetry is $40 USD to the author and $40 USD to the translator. Payment for interview/conversations is $40 USD to each participant. Payment for review-essays is $40 USD.
♾️🟢♾️ · Strange Horizons is open for speculative poetry submissions year-round, including at times when Strange Horizons is closed to fiction submissions. The editors operate on a rotation system, so the person who reads and replies to your poem will depend on when you send it. Payment is $50 USD per poem, regardless of length or complexity.
♾️🟢 · The SFWA Blog is open to pitches for original nonfiction articles on topics that might be of interest to new and/or established creators of science fiction and fantasy. SFWA welcomes pitches from both members and nonmembers. Black, Indigenous, and other writers of color, and writers of other under-represented identities, are encouraged to submit article pitches. Payment is 10 cents per word.
♾️🟢♻️ Fusion Fragments is open for unpublished science fiction or SF-tinged literary fiction stories and novelettes ranging anywhere from 2,000 to 15,000 words. Their “tastes lean towards slipstream, cyberpunk, post-apocalypse, and anything with a little taste of the bizarre. FF prefers character-driven stories, and often skews towards quiet, reflective pieces.” Payment is “unpublished work and reprints pay 4 cents (CAD) per word, up to a maximum of $400 (CAD) per story.”
♾️🟢♻️ · Chicken Soup for the Soul is always open for stories or poems on a variety of themes posted on their drop down menu. Payment is $250 to be paid “one month after publication of the book and ten free copies.”
♾️🟢 · Lilith Magazine is always open for “high-quality, lively, original writing: reporting, analysis, opinion pieces, memoir, fiction and poetry with a feminist take on subjects of interest to Jewish feminists.” Writers and artists are paid for their work in Lilith, in print and on the blog.
♾️🟢 · Bourbon Penn is always open for 2000-7500 word “highly imaginative stories with a healthy dose of the odd… looking for genre / speculative stories and are quite partial to slipstream, cross-genre, magic realism, absurdist, and the surreal." Payment is .04 cents per word.
Looking forward to celebrating Space and Time!