Authortunities May 24-June 21
Two weeks of open paying submissions, grants, contests, fellowships, events+. Additional two weeks (one full month) for paid subscribers. Thank you to ALL subscribers 🧡🧡🧡

I’m alive! I apologize for missing last week’s mailout. I think I let myself get worn down too much from the Nebulas and I came down with a horrible flu. To give you a boost up on submissions, here are three paying reprint authortunities that are always open:
♻️Submissions for CRAFT Creative Nonfiction are open year-round and offers payment of $1-200 for accepted original work. This category is for essays and standalone excerpts between 1,000 and 6,000 words. See our Flash Creative Nonfiction category for essays of fewer than 1,000 words. They accept previously unpublished creative work, with occasional reprints, as well as critical pieces including craft essays and interviews. All published creative pieces include an author’s note and an editorial introduction that both discuss stylistics in the work. Details:
♻️Radon Journal is a triannual online journal publishing prose and poetry relating to science fiction, anarchism, transhumanism, and dystopia with a goal to “amplify leftist speculative writers who see the world differently, who use story and verse to expose injustice and investigate our futures.” Semi-professional market paying 1¢/word for fiction and $10 per accepted poem, $50 for cover art and $30 for art used on the site. They publish every January, May, and September. Submissions accepted year-round. Simultaneous subs are welcome. Reprints taken if writer has rights. Details:
♻️The Dread Machine publishes futuristic dark fiction, speculative fiction, cyberpunk, slipstream, and science fiction. They do not accept religious fiction, fetish horror, or erotica. All submissions must be in English. Payment: ORIGINAL FICTION: $0.05 per word. REPRINTS: $0.01 per word. POETRY: $10 per poem. Details:
⭐If you missed the FREE panel discussion about Artificial Intelligence and Writing from the Horror Writers Association, you can still register to watch that here. It was a great discussion on the reality of AI and how writers can deal with it. Register here:
📚And finally, I’m thrilled to announce that I’m teaching once more at The Crystal Lake Academy’s latest workshop, The Author’s Journey: Poetry! Book your spot in this year’s online workshop now. You can get it for $25 less as of this post. Poets Colleen Anderson, Maxwell I. Gold and Jamal Hodge will join me to guide your poetry writing journey for three months from June 15th to September 7th. We’ll work together to enhance your craft and prepare a poem for publication. Crystal Lake Publishing will compile all final poems into an anthology and publish it before Christmas. Poets at any stage of their writing journey can benefit from this course. To register your spot, visit Crystal Lake Academy here.
And now, on to the main course. In this entire calendar share you will find:
11 newly opened submissions 🟢
58 submission deadlines 🔴
9 events for authors ⭐
12 reprint markets ♻️
If you know of something you think should be included, submit via this link:
If you find success through this list, let me know so I can share that too. Feel free to pass this on, and thank you. Most of all, good luck! 🥰
And now, your Authortunity knocks:
🟢May 24: BIPOC only submissions of science fiction flash stories open for Lightspeed from May 24-31 and June 1-7 for all. Lightspeed pays 8 cents per word for original fiction stories of 1500-10,000 words; stories of 5000 words or less are preferred. They also consider flash fiction stories of 1500 words or less. For details:
⭐May 27: Exercise Your Writes with Alma Katsu. Check the YouTube link for times in your area. SPILLING THE INK - YouTube
🔴May 27: The Other Stories (Audio) seeks horror stories on themes. Payment is 15 GBT. See website for complete details:
🔴May 29: Cry Baby Bridge: A Collection of Utter Speculation seeks speculative fiction. Payment is $20 and a contributor's copy. Details:
⭐May 29: Colleen Anderson, president of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association ( will be speaking twice at the University of the Alto Vale do Itajaí (Unidavi) Monday, May 29th about her newest poetry book, The Lore of Inscrutable Dreams, published by Yuriko Publishing. Video highlights and updates will be posted at
🔴May 29: Space & Time magazine has a unique submissions call closing May 29 for a special issue exploring AI and human creators in poetry, prose, and visual art. Share your personal experiences with this fusion of technology and creativity. Seeking: AI-involved pieces showcasing unique ways to benefit from AI across all genres with a speculative element. Works up to 3,000 words (5,000 max considered) Payment & Rights: Penny-per-word payment via PayPal + digital contributor copy. First print, electronic, and audio rights.Submit your work through Duotrope’s Duosuma Submissions Manager. Details: or
🔴May 30: B Cubed Press: Scott's Planet seeks speculative fiction. Payment is royalties and 3 cents/word. Details:
🔴May 30: Heartlines seeks speculative fiction and poetry about long-term relationships. Payment is $0.08 CAD per word for short fiction (1,000-3,500 words) and $60 CAD flat per poem. 50% of content is from writers identifying as being from Canada/Turtle Island. Details:
🔴May 30: The Wire's Dream Magazine seeks fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, art, photography, combined work from underprivileged individuals. Payment is $5. Details:
🔴May 30: Kweli Journal seeks self-contained novel excerpts, short stories, creative nonfiction pieces, and poetry, up to 7,000 words. Payment is "upon publication." Details:
🔴May 31: Haven Speculative seeks speculative fiction and poetry from authors of color, LGBTQIA+ community members, and other underrepresented groups. Payment is 1 cent/word for fiction and $5 - $10 for poetry. Details:
🔴May 31: One Story seeks short stories between 3,000 and 8,000 words. Payment is $500. Details:
🔴May 31: the other side of hope seeks fiction and poetry by refugees, asylum seekers, and immigrants. Payment is £100 per author for the print issue and £50 per author for the online issue. Details:
🔴May 31: Ghoulish Books is now closing to submissions on May 31 for a new anthology edited by Sofia Ajram entitled Bury Your Gays: An Anthology of Queer Tragic Horror. Payment is $0.07 cents USD per word, plus one physical contributor’s copy for 1k-6k words (ideal 2k-4k). Details:
🔴May 31: Variant Lit seeks fiction, nonfiction. Payment is $10. Details:
🔴♻️May 31: Escape Pod seeks science fiction (audio and written format). Payment is $0.08 per word for original fiction and $100 per story for reprints. Reprints accepted. Details:
🔴May 31: Split Lip Magazine seeks fiction, memoirs, and poetry with a pop-culture twist. Payment is $50-$75 per author for web issues, $5 per page for print with a minimum of $20, plus 2 contributor copies and a 1-year subscription. Submit early to avoid fees. Details:
🔴May 31: JMS Books seeks LGBTQ romance stories of at least 12,000 words. Payment is royalties. Details:
🔴May 31: Fanatical seeks sci-fi, fantasy, and horror stories between 2,000 and 6,000 words. Payment is £20. Details:
🔴May 31: Dragon Soul Press: A Death in the Night seeks stories featuring assassins. Payment is royalties. Details:
🔴May 31: Crannóg seeks poetry and short stories. Payment is €120 per poem, €200 per story, author interview, and cover image. Details:
🔴May 31: Black Lawrence Immigrant Writing Series seeks books of poetry, prose, and hybrid texts by immigrants. Payment includes publication, marketing, a standard royalties contract, and a $500 travel stipend. Details:
🔴♻️May 31: Touchpoint Press: Christmas Anthology seeks wholesome stories with a sense of togetherness and community. Payment is $100 for original stories and $50 for reprints. Reprints accepted. Details:
🔴May 31: Augur Magazine seeks fantasy short fiction and flash fiction. Payment is $0.11 cents (CAD) per word for short fiction (1000+ words) and a flat fee of $110.00 for flash fiction (1000 words and under). Extended deadline until June 15th, accepting submissions from creators who are Black, Indigenous, People of Colour, Disabled, and/or Trans, who are also Canadian citizens/permanent residents and/or who are living within the settler-defined borders of the land colonially known as Canada. Details:
🔴May 31: Bi+ Lines seeks poetry from Bi+ poets with the theme 'in-between'. Payment is £75. Details:
🔴May 31: Baltimore Review seeks poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, videos, and cross-genre work. Payment is $40. Details:
🔴May 31: Quarter Press: Quarter(ly) seeks fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and art. Payment is $5. Details:
🔴May 31: Red Cape Publishing: A - Z of Horror: S is for Slasher seeks horror stories on theme. Payment is £10. Details:
🟢May 31: Exile Editions: Through the Portal: Stories from a Hopeful Dystopia and seeks eco-fiction stories or prose poems up to 3,500 words until August 31. Payment is CAD0.05/word. Details:
🟢May 31: Exile Editions: Onwaachigewin seeks fictional stories by Indigenous writers in various genres. Payment is CAD0.05/word until August 31. Payment is CAD0.05/word. Details:
🟢May 31: Exile Editions: Aki seeks short fiction and image-based works by Indigenous creators. Payment is CAD0.05/word until August 31. Payment is CAD0.05/word. Details:
🔴May 31: New Orleans Review seeks fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Payment is $300 for prose and $100 for poetry. No submission fees for API writers in May. Details:
🔴♻️May 31: Touchpoint Press: Nightmares of Strangers Anthology seeks horror stories. Payment is $100 for original stories and $50 for reprints. Reprints accepted. Details:
🔴May 31: Shenandoah seeks creative nonfiction flash/micros from BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, disabled, and/or marginalized writers. Payment is $100. Details:
🔴May 31: Typehouse seeks prose, poetry, and art from API creators and Mental Health identified creators. Payment is $25. Details:
🔴May 31: Long Con Magazine seeks art in response to artwork (poetry, prose poetry, fiction, translations, visual, video, audio, digital, hybrid, etc.). Payment is CAD25 - 50. Details:
🔴May 31: Poet Lore seeks poetry. Payment is $50. Details:
🔴May 31: The Gettysburg Review seeks poetry, fiction, and essays. Payment is $2.50 per line for poetry (max $300), and $25 per printed page for prose. Fee for online submissions, no fee for postal submissions. Details:
🔴May 31: AGNI seeks poetry and prose. Payment is $10 per printed page for prose and $20 per page for poetry, up to $150. Fee for online submissions, no fee for USPS submissions. Details:
🔴May 31: From Brigid's Gate, the Scissor Sisters: Sapphic Villains Anthology seeks horror short stories and flash fiction featuring lesbian villains, between 1,500 and 4,000 words. Payment is $0.08 per word. Details:
🔴May 31: Stanchion seeks writing and visual art on the theme "Away from Home." Payment is nominal. Details:
🔴May 31: Thyme Travelers, open to Palestinian writers, seeks speculative fiction. Payment is 8 cents per word. Details:
🔴May 31: Weird Little Worlds is closing submissions of prose at .5 per word (500 – 5000 words) and poetry at $1 per line (>50 Lines) for their upcoming Playlist of the Damned anthology, edited by Jess Landry. No reprints or multiple submissions. Simultaneous submissions welcome. Payment will increase with Kickstarter stretch goals. Support the Kickstarter at: Submissions details:
🔴May 31: BIPOC only submissions of science fiction flash stories close for Lightspeed. Lightspeed pays 8 cents per word for original fiction stories of 1500-10,000 words; stories of 5000 words or less are preferred. They also consider flash fiction stories of 1500 words or less. For details:
🔴May 31: Horror Tree is pleased to announce the first Shadowed Realms: The 2022 Indie Dark Fiction Anthology. Payment: 1 cent per word for the best 1,000-9,000 word dark fiction published in semi pro and token paying markets in 2022. Stories need not be horror but should be dark in tone.For more info visit:
🔴May 31: Broken Sleep Books closes for poetry collections of 40 poems+ on May 31. Payment is 10% royalties, with the author receiving five (5) free author copies and a 50% discount on future purchases. Simultaneous submissions. For more info visit:
🔴May 31: The Edgar® Awards, sponsored by the Mystery Writers of America, honor the best in mystery fiction, non-fiction, television, film, and theater. Submissions close for books published in April. Books must be submitted during the month of publication. In addition, the book MUST arrive to the judges within 30 days of sending the submission form to the national office. For more information, visit
🟢June 1: Submissions of science fiction flash stories open for Lightspeed from June 1-7 for all. Lightspeed pays 8 cents per word for original fiction stories of 1500-10,000 words; stories of 5000 words or less are preferred. They also consider flash fiction stories of 1500 words or less. For details:
🟢♻️June 1-2: Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores is open for new work, reprints, poetry (up to 40 lines) and prose from 1,000 words and up. Payment is .08 per word for new fiction, .02 per word for reprints, .02-.08 for new fact based work, .01-.04 for reprinted fact based work, $1 per line for original poetry, .50 per line for reprinted poetry. No simultaneous or multiple submissions. For details:
🔴June 1: Eternal Haunted Summer seeks poetry and short fiction with the theme "Genesis." Payment is $5. Details:
🔴June 1: The New Lesbian Pulp seeks short stories and scripts between 3,000 and 10,000 words focused on contemporary lesbian experiences. Payment is $300 to $1,000 per contributor. Details:
🔴June 1: sin cesar (formerly Dryland) seeks fiction, nonfiction, and poetry with a focus on the Climate theme. Prioritizes works by Black and Brown artists, writers, and poets.Payment is $25-75 for poetry and $100 for prose. Details:
🔴June 1: Parabola seeks original essays, translations, poetry, and reviews with specific themes. Payment is not specified. Details:
🔴June 1: Third Flatiron seeks SF, fantasy, space opera, and hopepunk with the theme "Rhapsody of the Spheres." Payment is 8 cents per word. Details:
🔴June 1: Alien Sun Press seeks horror short stories based on themes from Gemma Files' work, Experimental Files. Payment is $50 per piece. Details:
🟢June 1: Black Lawrence Press Summer Reading Period from June 1-30: They seek innovative, electrifying manuscripts in various categories, such as novel, novella, short story collection, poetry, biography & cultural studies, translation from German, and creative nonfiction. The deadline for submissions is June 30. They do request submitters to select one Black Lawrence Press publication at a discounted price ($14, including shipping for print editions). Proceeds from the open reading period will go directly back into supporting the activities of the press. Details:
🟢June 1: Split Lip Magazine Call for Submissions: This literary journal accepts fiction, memoir, poetry, art, and photography. They are particularly interested in promoting Black voices and offer free submissions for Black writers and artists in all genres. Contributors to web issues will receive $75 (paid via PayPal; note that payment cannot be made by any other method than PayPal). Print issue contributor payment is $5 per printed page, minimum of $20, plus 2 contributor copies. Details:
🟢June 1: The 2022 SFPA Speculative Poetry Contest opens for entries from June 1 to August 31 is open to all poets, including non-SFPA-members. Prizes will be awarded for best unpublished poem in 3 categories: Dwarf (poems 1–10 lines [prose poems 0–100 words]); Short (11–49 lines [prose poems 101–499 words]); Long (50 lines and more [prose 500 words and up]). Line count does not include title or stanza breaks. All sub-genres of speculative poetry allowed in any form. Entries are read blind. Prizes in each category are: (Dwarf, Short, Long): $150 First Prize, $75 Second Prize, $25 Third Prize. Publication on the SFPA website for first through third places. This is a fundraiser for the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association with a $3 per poem entry fee payable via PayPal or via email. Details:
🔴 June 2: Space Cat Press closes to poetry, flash fiction, short stories, and creative non-fiction inspired by the theme ‘Into the Forest’. Payment is £5 for poetry/flash fiction and £10 for short stories. Details:
⭐June 2: The Quick Reads event featuring women and non-binary writers of sci-fi, fantasy and speculative fiction Friday, June 2 at noon EST. This event features Casey Berger, Quinn Connor, Melody Johnson, Patricia Miller, Faye Snowden, and Natalie Wright. Details:
🔴 June 2: The Donna Wolf-Palacio Poetry Prize: An annual prize of $500 and publication by Finishing Line Press for a poetry book. Submit a manuscript of 40 to 99 pages with a $10 entry fee by June 2. Details:
⭐June 3: Exercise Your Writes with Amy Zoellers and Linda Addison to celebrate Space and Time magazine’s 57th birthday. Check the YouTube link for times in your area. SPILLING THE INK - YouTube
📚June 3: The Lore of Inscrutable Dreams by Colleen Anderson, is a speculative poetry journey into the depths of the human experience, exploring themes of female empowerment, forging one's own path, and the power of fairytales and magic within us. A masterful blend of imagination, symbolism, and emotion with an introduction by award-winning author Linda D. Addison. Details at
🔴June 4: Havok seeks flash fiction on the theme of Legendary People. Payment is $50 via PayPal for each story selected for an Anthology; no payment for online publication. DEADLINE: June 4. Details:
🔴June 5: Mslexia Showcase seeks work for their Poems for the Planet, Flash Challenge and Timepiece using the theme of Poison. Payment varies but begins at £30. Submissions for this Showcase close on June 5. Authors for this issue will be notified of acceptance by June 5. Details:
🔴June 7: Submissions of science fiction flash stories close for Lightspeed. Lightspeed pays 8 cents per word for original fiction stories of 1500-10,000 words; stories of 5000 words or less are preferred. They also consider flash fiction stories of 1500 words or less. For details:
This is the end of the first two weeks, available free. If you can’t afford to subscribe to the full month, send me a message and I will be happy to set you up with a free subscription.
The next two weeks include:
2 newly opened submissions 🟢
6 submission deadlines 🔴
7 events for authors ⭐
2 reprint markets ♻️
Keep reading with a 7-day free trial
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