Authortunities June 21—July 15
Free! Two weeks of authortunity+. Additional two weeks (one full month) for paid subscribers. Winners of the Guess the Angel game plus your chance to play.🧡🧡🧡 Thank you to ALL subscribers!

🍰Congratulations to John R. and Laura Duerrwaechter for guessing the authortunity angel of the week correctly. The answer was Machado de Assis, born on June 21, 1839. He rose from a modest background to become one of the most celebrated writers in Brazil, and 184 years later, my angel of the week. Machado was a pioneer Brazilian novelist, poet, playwright and short story writer, widely regarded as the greatest writer of Brazilian literature. Born from a poor family, he was the grandson of freed slaves. He barely studied in public schools and never attended university, and yet Machado's work shaped the realism movement in Brazil.
🥇Win a paid subscription! Both John R. and Laura Duerrwaechter won a free subscription to Authortunities! To play, be the first to guess the angel’s identity in the comments for a chance to win a year subscription to the paid version of this calendar, a $50 value. I’ll post the winner next week. See if you can guess this week’s angel here:
📚A shout out for ALLi, the only global self-publishing membership organization. They’ve just celebrated their first decade and their authors are found all over the world. Through our members, partners, ambassadors and organization network, ALLi supports ethics and excellence in self-publishing for indie authors everywhere and at all levels of society. To join ➡️
🎬I have a new show! Exorcise Your Writes will now be available on the Horror Writers Association’s YouTube channel beginning this Saturday with Maxwell I. Gold talking about his freshly released collection of poetry Bleeding Rainbows and Other Broken Spectrums.
Since my own channel now has no show, I started Authortunies Forecast to replace it. A streamlined show for pro writers, I cover opportunities that didn’t make this newsletter, news and reminders. For instance, this week I talk about James Aquilone’s new publishing venture, Monstrous Books, his new magazine and how to get in on the first open submission. You can watch the very first Authortunities Forecast here:
And now, on to the main course. In this entire calendar share you will find:
18 newly opened submissions 🟢
28 submission deadlines 🔴
9 events for authors ⭐
11 reprint markets ♻️
7 education 📚
3 awards 🏆
6 grants 💲
If you know of something you think should be included, please share it with me! If you find success through this list, let me know so I can share that too. Feel free to pass this on, and thank you. Most of all, good luck! 🥰
And now, your authortunies:
⭐ JUN 21 · Your Authortunities Forecast, a streamlined show for pro writers covering opportunities that didn’t make this newsletter, news and reminders. See what you may have missed. Every Wednesday. ➡️
⭐ JUN 22 · Asian American Writer’s Workshop presents [VIRTUAL] Celebrating Pride with AAWW, a celebratory reading featuring Kay Ulanday Barrett, Chrysanthemum Tran, Diamond Forde, and Ryka Aoki on Thursday, June 22 at 7 PM ET. Free event. ➡️
🟢 JUN 23 · BIPOC only submissions of fantasy flash stories open for Lightspeed from June 23-30 and July 1-7 for all. Lightspeed pays 8 cents per word for original fiction stories of 1500-10,000 words; stories of 5000 words or less are preferred. They also consider flash fiction stories of 1500 words or less. ➡️
📚 JUN 24 · The AI-Assisted Artisan Author Webinar series by Joanna Penn of The Creative Penn will be available in multiple time zones and the dates are June 24, 25, 26, and July 1. The sessions will cover Attitude to AI, ethical usage, copyright, legalities, what it can and can't do (at the time of recording), How to prompt ChatGPT in the most effective way — designing your mega prompt, ChatGPT for fiction — brainstorming, world-building, character ideation, outlining, discovery writing, book titles, ChatGPT for non-fiction — book titles, outlining, topics, writing Sudowrite for aspects of fiction, ChatGPT for editing — plus, ProWritingAid, ChatGPT for book marketing — sales descriptions, social media, Midjourney — social media images, character portraits, book cover considerations, What's coming next in AI? (auto-GPT, text to video, and more) and a Q&A.These will be live sessions only but ticket-holders will get the recording. This two hour session costs £75. ➡️
⭐ JUN 24 · On Exorcise Your Writes, author, poet and HWA Treasurer Maxwell I. Gold chats about his freshly published poetry collection Bleeding Rainbows and Other Broken Spectrums, a lurid NSFW poetic journey through the vivid landscape of the gay sexual experience. A necessary and vital conversation about a sensitive subject. Season 02, Episode 27 of the show that was originally known as Exercise Your Writes. ➡️
📚 JUN 25 · The AI-Assisted Artisan Author Webinar series by Joanna Penn of The Creative Penn will be available in multiple time zones and the dates are June 25, 26, and July 1. The sessions will cover Attitude to AI, ethical usage, copyright, legalities, what it can and can't do (at the time of recording), How to prompt ChatGPT in the most effective way — designing your mega prompt, ChatGPT for fiction — brainstorming, world-building, character ideation, outlining, discovery writing, book titles, ChatGPT for non-fiction — book titles, outlining, topics, writing Sudowrite for aspects of fiction, ChatGPT for editing — plus, ProWritingAid, ChatGPT for book marketing — sales descriptions, social media, Midjourney — social media images, character portraits, book cover considerations, What's coming next in AI? (auto-GPT, text to video, and more) and a Q&A. These will be live sessions only but ticket-holders will get the recording. This two hour session costs £75. ➡️
🔴 JUN 25 · Poet Lore will close to submissions of poetry written in traditional poetic forms such as sonnets, villanelles, sestinas, pantoums, ghazals, etc. Payment is $50 per published poem, submit up to 3 poems (maximum of 8 pages). Open to translations. Poet Lore nominates for both the Pushcart Prize and Best New Poets. ➡️
🔴💲 JUN 26 · Lighthouse Writers Book Project Fellowship covers partial or full tuition for a two-year program designed to help writers of book-length manuscripts. The deadline for applications is June 26. ➡️
📚 JUN 26 · The AI-Assisted Artisan Author Webinar series by Joanna Penn of The Creative Penn will be available in multiple time zones and the dates are June 26 and July 1. The sessions will cover Attitude to AI, ethical usage, copyright, legalities, what it can and can't do (at the time of recording), How to prompt ChatGPT in the most effective way — designing your mega prompt, ChatGPT for fiction — brainstorming, world-building, character ideation, outlining, discovery writing, book titles, ChatGPT for non-fiction — book titles, outlining, topics, writing Sudowrite for aspects of fiction, ChatGPT for editing — plus, ProWritingAid, ChatGPT for book marketing — sales descriptions, social media, Midjourney — social media images, character portraits, book cover considerations, What's coming next in AI? (auto-GPT, text to video, and more) and a Q&A. These will be live sessions only but ticket-holders will get the recording. This two hour session costs £75. ➡️
📚 JUN 27 · Reedsy hosts a free panel and Q&A on Artificial Intelligence in Publishing featuring professionals from across the industry to discuss the ethical dilemmas posed by AI, the risks but also opportunities of AI in publishing, and how publishing pros are integrating AI into their everyday workflow, if at all. 1 pm EST. ➡️
⭐ JUN 28 · Your Authortunities Forecast, a streamlined show for pro writers covering opportunities that didn’t make this newsletter, news and reminders. See what you may have missed. Every Wednesday. ➡️
🟢 JUN 29 · Submissions open for James Aquilone’s Monstrous Magazine debut issue, seeking comics, prose fiction, and articles featuring monsters, pulp, and classic horror films until July 27. Payment is 6 cents per word for 1000-2000 words. For details, subscribe to the Monstrous newsletter. ➡️
🔴♻️ JUN 30 · Short Story on Substack is closed for short stories from 6- 10,000 words in any genre. Payment is $100 + 50% of subscription revenue to be sent by Paypal, Zelle, or check. Selected story to be announced on the 15th. Reprints welcome. ➡️
🔴 JUN 30 · Sirens Call Publications seeks Alien Horror with “at least one human and one alien involved” from 2-3,000 words. Payment, $15 per story, best story receives $50 bonus. Deadline June 30. ➡️
🔴♻️ JUN 30 · Off Limits Press is open to submissions for their new anthology: Make Your Presence Known: Stories of Seances, Conjuring, and Mediumship. They pay .04 per word for 1500 and 5000 word short fiction on “stories of spiritualism, contact, ouija boards, spirit conjuring and more.” Reprints considered. ➡️
🔴 JUN 30 · Black Lawrence Press seeks innovative, electrifying manuscripts in various categories, such as novel, novella, short story collection, poetry, biography & cultural studies, translation from German, and creative nonfiction. The deadline for submissions is June 30. They do request submitters to select one Black Lawrence Press publication at a discounted price ($14, including shipping for print editions). Proceeds from the open reading period will go directly back into supporting the activities of the press. ➡️
🔴📚 JUN 30 · Elk River Writers Workshop is designed for students who are serious about fostering a connection with place in their writing. The next workshop takes place from August 13-18, 2023, at Chico Hot Springs. The deadline for applications is June 30. ➡️
🔴 JUN 30 · Split Lip Magazine Call for Submissions: This literary journal accepts fiction, memoir, poetry, art, and photography. They are particularly interested in promoting Black voices and offer free submissions for Black writers and artists in all genres. Contributors to web issues will receive $75 (paid via PayPal; note that payment cannot be made by any other method than PayPal). Print issue contributor payment is $5 per printed page, minimum of $20, plus 2 contributor copies. ➡️
🔴🏆 JUN 30 · The Edgar® Awards, sponsored by the Mystery Writers of America, honor the best in mystery fiction, non-fiction, television, film, and theater. Submissions close for books published in May. Books must be submitted during the month of publication. In addition, the book MUST arrive to the judges within 30 days of sending the submission form to the national office. ➡️
🔴 JUN 30 · BIPOC only submissions of fantasy flash stories close for Lightspeed from June 30. Lightspeed pays 8 cents per word for original fiction stories of 1500-10,000 words; stories of 5000 words or less are preferred. They also consider flash fiction stories of 1500 words or less. ➡️
🔴 JUN 30 ·· Submissions close to the DBS Press call for 1500-5000 word stories at .05 cents a word for “Issue 3: Lucy Westenra/Bloofer Lady.” Simultaneous submissions accepted. Cover art also sought. ➡️
🔴 JUN 30 · Submissions close for Alone on the Borderland: Tales of Edwardian Dread, an anthology of new weird and strange fiction set between 1901 and 1919 – from the death of Queen Victoria to the immediate aftermath of the Great War and the Spanish Influenza epidemic. Stories should be between 5,000 and 10,000 words. Authors shall receive a percentage of the Kickstarter net profits, a percentage of first year royalties (percentage determined by number of contributing authors), and a paperback copy of the anthology. Belanger Books have an excellent long-term track record with Kickstarters, and with decent remuneration for their writers. ➡️
🔴💲 JUN 30 · Applications close for Arc Poetry’s 15th annual virtual Poet-in-Residence (PIR) program. The contract fee for the PIR will be $10,000, pending funding. Between 30 and 60 poets participate yearly, in roughly one-month-long mentorships. The Poet-in-Residence is also commissioned to create new work for publication in an issue of Arc Poetry Magazine. The 2023/2024 program year goes from November 1, 2023 to July 31, 2024. ➡️
🔴 JUN 30 · Engen Books and Kit Sora Photography have teamed up to offer the “Flash Fiction Photography Contest” which calls for ekphrastic flash prose pieces of 250 words or less inspired by the photography of Kit Sora. Payment is 10 cents a word. ➡️
📚 JUL 1 · The AI-Assisted Artisan Author Webinar series by Joanna Penn of The Creative Penn will be available in multiple time zones. The sessions will cover Attitude to AI, ethical usage, copyright, legalities, what it can and can't do (at the time of recording), How to prompt ChatGPT in the most effective way — designing your mega prompt, ChatGPT for fiction — brainstorming, world-building, character ideation, outlining, discovery writing, book titles, ChatGPT for non-fiction — book titles, outlining, topics, writing Sudowrite for aspects of fiction, ChatGPT for editing — plus, ProWritingAid, ChatGPT for book marketing — sales descriptions, social media, Midjourney — social media images, character portraits, book cover considerations, What's coming next in AI? (auto-GPT, text to video, and more) and a Q & A.These will be live sessions only but ticket-holders will get the recording. ➡️
🔴 JUL 1 · A Velvet Giant is closed to various formats, including words, recordings, visual art, hybrid forms, and translations until July 1. Payment is $20. ➡️
🔴🆕♻️ JUL 1 · Still Point Arts Quarterly closes to submissions of historical and contemporary art, fiction, non-fiction, and poetry on the theme of “It’s the Journey.” For payment “We list broad pay categories rather than payment specifics. Check with the publisher for details.” Reprints. ➡️
🟢♻️ JUL 1 · Showcase: Object & Idea seeks flash fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. A poem and a prose piece are selected for each monthly issue, and the authors answer questions about the meaning behind their work. Payment is $50. Reprints accepted.➡️
🟢 JUL 1 · Hungry Shadow Press opens for short horror, weird, dark fiction stories between 1500 and 3000 words prompted by “your least favorite horror trope.” Payment is 5 cents a word. Submissions close on July 15. Extended submission window exclusively for LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, and marginalized writers open July 16-22. ➡️
🟢♻️ JUL 1 · Reach 35,000 readers in Siren’s Call eZine. They are open to submissions from July 1-August 15. They seek short stories, flash fiction, drabbles, and poetry that fit within the horror/dark fiction genre to the current theme of “Halloween.” Reprints welcome. No payment. Advertise for only $10 for a full page ad. ➡️
🟢💲 JUL 1 ·The PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction submission period opens and closes September 30. The winner will receive $15,000 and finalists will receive $5,000 each. $75 entry fee. Closes September 30. ➡️
🟢 JUL 1 · Solarpunk Magazine seeks submissions from July 1-14. Pro rates paid as defined by the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA): $.08 per word for fiction ($100 minimum), $40 per poem, $75 for for nonfiction, $100 for reprint cover art, $200 for original unpublished cover art, $50 for reprint interior art, and $100 for original unpublished interior art. ➡️
🟢 JUL 1 · Broken Sleep Books opens for non-fiction prose pamphlets (up to 70 pages) from July 1 to August 31. Payment is 10% royalties, with the author receiving five (5) free author copies and a 50% discount on future purchases. Simultaneous submissions. ➡️
🟢 JUL 1 · Submissions of fantasy flash stories open for Lightspeed from July 1-7 for all. Lightspeed pays 8 cents per word for original fiction stories of 1500-10,000 words; stories of 5000 words or less are preferred. They also consider flash fiction stories of 1500 words or less. ➡️
🟢♻️ JUL 1 · Poetry on Substack is open for poems with “a rhyme scheme or a rhythm scheme” (no blank or free verse) in any genre. Payment is $10 + 50% of subscription revenue to be sent by Paypal, Zelle, or check. Winners announced every Sunday. Reprints welcome. ➡️
🟢♻️ JUL 1 · Short Story on Substack is open for short stories from 6-10,000 words in any genre. Payment is $100 + 50% of subscription revenue to be sent by Paypal, Zelle, or check. Selected story to be announced on the 15th. Reprints welcome. ➡️
🟢🏆💲 JUL 1 · The Young Lions Fiction Award recognizes the best book of fiction written by a writer under the age of 35. The winner will receive a $10,000 prize. ➡️
🟢 JUL 1-2 · Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores is open for new work, reprints, poetry (up to 40 lines) and prose from 1,000 words and up. Payment is .08 per word for new fiction, .02 per word for reprints, .02-.08 for new fact based work, .01-.04 for reprinted fact based work, $1 per line for original poetry, .50 per line for reprinted poetry. No simultaneous or multiple submissions. ➡️
🔴♻️ JUL 2 · Submissions close for Flame Tree Publishing’s Shadows on the Water Short Stories call. Payment is 8 cents/6 pence per word for original stories, 6 cents/4 pence for reprints for 2000-4000 word short fiction featuring water prompted Dark Fantasy, Folklore and Myth to be published in January 2024. ➡️
🔴♻️ JUL 2 · Submissions close for Flame Tree Publishing’s Learning to Be Human Short Stories call. Payment is 8 cents/6 pence per word for original stories, 6 cents/4 pence for reprints for 2000-4000 word short fiction featuring artificial intelligence prompted Science Fiction, Folklore and Myth to be published in January 2024. ➡️
🔴 JUL 2 · Havok seeks flash fiction on the theme of Legendary Places. Payment is $50 via PayPal for each story selected for an Anthology; no payment for online publication. ➡️
⭐ JUL 5 · Your Authortunities Forecast, a streamlined show for pro writers covering opportunities that didn’t make this newsletter, news and reminders. See what you may have missed. Every Wednesday. ➡️
The next two weeks include:
5 newly opened submissions 🟢
9 submission deadlines 🔴
3 events for authors ⭐
2 reprint markets ♻️
1 education 📚
1 awards 🏆
2 grants 💲
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