The first Neighborhub Block Party was a success with almost three dozen books in the Book Fair, readings from multiple members and the best open mic I’ve had yet. The next party will be November 1, right before our big Expo. Membership is free.
🌳What’s in this issue?
Congratulations to Gina Bianchini, nominated for BEST PODCAST HOST for the Signal Awards! Cast your vote here.
Welcome to new Substacker
with his first post “Ex-Culinarian and Part-Time Poet Makes a Splash”HWA members will have seen the iMailer notice welcoming Patrick Barb and Frances Lu-Pai Ippolito as our new Trustees! I’ll begin my term as president on November 1.
Also, Ryan Aussie Smith (aka my husband) is on a push to make Twitch Partner, so if anyone from here can go over and give him a follow and lurk his streams, that would be amazing. He streams Saturday-Tuesday here:
Speaking of the Authortunities Expo on November 2… Seeking Craft, Credibility, Fortune and Fame? You can have it all… just not all at the same time. Join members of the Authortunities Hub for a free, virtual conference that will help you define what you want and how to get there. The event ends with the first ever Linzner Awards from Space and Time Magazine. Explore the Neighborhub while you wait at
Authortunities may contain affiliate links that might earn a small fee for Authortunities at no extra cost to you. Comments, questions, compliments or concerns?
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🟢 opening subs
🔴 closing subs
⭐ networking
💼 conference
🎤 open mics
🎓 education
♻️ reprints
🏆 awards
💰 grants
🟢 BookLife runs the Indie Spotlight feature, a thematic roundup of self-published books from a broad range of genres and topics, both online and in print in Publishers Weekly magazine. Each Indie Spotlight is open to all types of books as long as they match the month's topic. Submit your works of horror, mystery, and the supernatural until October 1.
🟢 Reedsy Prompts is open until the following Friday for short fiction between 1,000 - 3,000 words based on one of five prompts. Writers have until the following Friday at 11.59 pm EST to enter. No fee to enter and have work posted. $5 fee to be eligible for the $250 cash prize. New prompt every Friday. This week’s prompt is: Familiar Strangers 👀.
🟢 OCT 5 · Every Day Fiction is open until November 26 for winter and holiday stories up to 1000 words. Payment is $3 USD. “All fiction genres are acceptable, and stories that don’t fit neatly into any genre are welcome too.”
🟢 OCT 5 · Hotch Potch Literature and Art is looking for Flash Fiction up to 750 words and 100 word Drabbles using the supplied image as a prompt up to 100 submissions. Get a free copy of Hotch Potch here to see what they are looking for. No payment.
Submit your 750 word Flash here.
Submit your 100 word Drabbles here.
⭐🎓💼 OCT 4-6 · “Scares That Care” AuthorCon IV will be an in-person event in St. Louis, Missouri. “Scares That Care! is an all volunteer charity. Net proceeds from all organization events are provided to… organizations and families with a child affected by illness, burns or women fighting breast cancer.” Hosted by Brian Keene. Registrations begin at $35.
🎓 OCT 5 · Celebrating Authors Summit: Authorship Rules, Regulations & Best Practices Unless you're writing a book for your family for personal reasons, it's important to understand the larger regulatory landscape to avoid any future challenges. Our speakers bring important concepts to help you navigate this territory. Free to attend live.
⭐🎤 OCT 5 · Rattlecast livestreams, is part interview and open mic with a prompt-based open mic. Hangout with Rattle editor Timothy Green and Katie Dozier. Each Rattlecast begins with an interview, a writing prompt, and poets reading from the last week’s prompt. | Rattlecast at 8 pm EST.
⭐ OCT 6 · GoIndieNow presents This Week In Indies for 2024 a weekly Sunday chat show that covers issues relevant for Indie artists and the scoop on who is publishing what and where you can get it. Broadcasting every Sunday at Noon ET/11a CT/10a MT/9a PT. This week features Ben Meeks, JD Estrada, Jessica Nettles, Sean Hillman and Nikki Nelson-Hicks.
🟢OCT 7 · Daikaijuzine opens until October 13 for speculative fiction, poetry, and art submissions. Payment is $10 for short stories and $5 for poems and flash fiction.
⭐🎓 OCT 8 · Black Lawrence Press presents Paula Carter – From the Personal to the Universal: How to Make Meaning from Our Experiences at 8 pm EST. Attendance is free. Zoom registration required.
🎓 OCT 10 · Platform Building When You’d Rather Write—Literary Strategies to Elevate Your Career with Jane Friedman Worried that you’re not all that good at marketing and promotion? Most effective promotion is centered on existing or potential relationships, not aggressively marketing yourself. And the most enlightened approach to this is called literary citizenship. You’re not competing with others, but collaborating; when others succeed, you will succeed too. In partnership with Writer’s Digest, class starts at 1 p.m. EST and costs $89.
🔴 OCT 11 · Rattle Magazine’s “Poets Respond” challenge calls for poems inspired by “a news story or public event from the previous week, and has been written in the time since.” Selected poems will appear as the Sunday poem at which appear to over 10,000 people via RSS feed and daily email service. Poets will receive $100 and a free print magazine subscription. Each week's deadline is Friday midnight PST.
⭐🎓 OCT 11 · Rattle Magazine’s livestream Poetry Critique of the Week Rattle's editor hosts a livestreamed poetry critique on YouTube and Facebook, offering suggestions and feedback. The viewing audience is encouraged to participate. The goal is to help us all become better poets through the honest sharing of our reactions, similar to the experience of an MFA roundtable workshop. Critique of the Week at 4 pm EST.
🟢 OCT 11 · Reedsy Prompts calls for short fiction between 1,000 - 3,000 words based on one of five prompts. Writers have until the following Friday at 11.59pm EST to enter. No fee to enter and have work posted. $5 fee to be eligible for the $250 cash prize. New prompt every Friday.
⭐🎓💼 OCT 11-13 · Romance Writers of America® 2024 Annual Conference will be an in-person event in Austin, Texas and feature “an exciting lineup of speakers, interactive sessions, and invaluable networking opportunities” along with an appearance by Stephen Schwartz presenting Smalltown Tales at “Up Your Game at Storytelling and Writing.” Registrations begin at $349.
🎓 OCT 12 · Celebrating Authors Summit: Finding Your Best Writing Strategy Need Some New Writing Strategy Ideas? Do you have a hard time getting the words from your vision onto paper? Our speakers share their own personal strategies … what's worked for them and what hasn't. Join us to learn more ways you can try to create a writing strategy that will work for you. Free to attend live.
🔴 OCT 13 · This Way Lies Madness, ed. by Lee Murray and Dave Jeffery, closes for stories that challenge the stigma of mental illness, up to 4k words. Payment is 8 cents/6 pence per word. To be published by Flame Tree.
🔴OCT 13 · Griffith Review closes for nonfiction and fiction submissions on the theme "No Place Like Home," what it means to us, why it matters and how it shapes our sense of self. Payment is $0.75 AUD per word for fiction and nonfiction, $200 AUD per poem and $500 per piece AUD per work commissioned for GR Online.
🔴OCT 13 · Daikaijuzine closes for speculative fiction, poetry, and art submissions. Payment is $10 for short stories and $5 for poems and flash fiction.
⭐🎤 OCT 13 · Rattlecast livestreams, is part interview and open mic with a prompt-based open mic. Hangout with Rattle editor Timothy Green and Katie Dozier. Each Rattlecast begins with an interview, a writing prompt, and poets reading from the last week’s prompt. | Rattlecast at 8 pm EST.
⭐ OCT 13 · GoIndieNow presents This Week In Indies for 2024 a weekly Sunday chat show that covers issues relevant for Indie artists and the scoop on who is publishing what and where you can get it. Broadcasting every Sunday at Noon ET/11a CT/10a MT/9a PT. This week features Ariel Dawn, Wayne Turmel, Bryan Tann, Tiffany Vega and Juliet Rose.
🔴🏆 OCT 15 · The Pulitzer Prize on Books closes to all eligible titles published in 2024, including the fourth quarter of the year. There is a $15,000 prize for the winner. Fee to enter is $75.
🔴 OCT 14 · Apparition Lit’s 2024 Flash Fiction Contest closes for submissions of speculative flash fiction (under 1k words) prompted by “Bread of the Dead.” The writer of the selected story will be notified and their story published the following month. The prize is $30 USD.
🔴 OCT 14 · Solarpunk Magazine closes for submissions of prose and poetry that will “stir readers with themes of defiance, change, and achievement.” Pro rates paid as defined by the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA): $.08 per word for fiction ($100 minimum), $40 per poem, $75 for for nonfiction, $100 for reprint cover art, $200 for original unpublished cover art, $50 for reprint interior art, and $100 for original unpublished interior art.
🔴 OCT 15 · New Orleans Review closes the fee free submissions for Latinx writers submitting fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Payment is $300 for prose and $100 for poetry. Submissions remain open for a $3 submission fee.
🔴 OCT 15 · Translunar Travelers Lounge closes for speculative fiction in the form of “Swashbuckling adventure, deadly intrigue, and gleeful romance are some of the most obvious examples of what we’re looking for, but we won’t say no to more subtle or complicated topics, as long as they fit under the wider “fun” umbrella.” The first week of submissions (Sept 15-21) is reserved for writers of color. Payment is .03 per word with a $20 minimum.
🟢♻️ OCT 15 · Solar Punk Magazine is closed for submissions of speculative works around Solarpunk, envisioning a future where humanity has addressed challenges like climate change and established sustainable societies. Payments are fiction at $.08 per word, $100 minimum, poetry at $40 per poem), nonfiction $75 per essay or article, cover art $100 for reprints, $200 for original unpublished, and interior art $50 for reprints, $100 for original unpublished.
🔴 OCT 15 · Consequence Magazine, print and online, closes to short fiction, poetry, nonfiction, interviews, reviews, and visual art.. “All submissions need to address in some manner the experiences, the realities, or the consequences of war or geopolitical violence.” Payment is $20 to $50 for prose and poetry, $150 for art.
🔴 OCT 15 · Electric Spec closes to speculative fiction stories of “science fiction, fantasy, and the macabre” between 250 and 7000 words for their November issue. Payment is $20 per piece.
⭐🎓 OCT 15 · Writing with AI: What’s going on here? Join Evan at StoryOrigin for an insightful Q&A session on how authors are utilizing AI with Jason Hamilton, creator behind The Nerdy Novelist YouTube channel (~40K subscribers), as he shares his own experience on incorporating AI into his activities as an author. Free registration.
🔴 OCT 15 · Painted Hearts Publishing closes submissions for their holiday/winter-themed LGBTQ+ romance “of all heat levels.” Payment is a flat $100.
🔴 OCT 15 · Jake Adam York Prize for a first or second poetry collection, a collaboration between Copper Nickel and Milkweed Editions, closes for book-length (i.e., more than 48 pages) poetry manuscripts. Winner receives a $2,000 cash award and the opportunity for publication through Milkweed Editions. Be accepting online submissions of book-length (i.e., more than 48 pages) poetry manuscripts. $25 reading fee includes a one-year subscription to Copper Nickel.
🔴🏆 OCT 15 · Amy Lowell Poetry Traveling Scholarship closes for applications to US poets for an annual grant of about $66,500 for a year of overseas travel and study. To apply, send in two sets of your poetry: up to 40 pages of published or unpublished work or a published poetry collection with an additional 20 pages of poetry. No entry fee.
🔴 OCT 15 · Translunar Travelers Lounge closes for speculative fiction submissions. Payment is $0.03 per word with a $20 minimum.
🎓 OCT 15 · The Arcane University offers valuable video game development skills, including game writing, from experienced modders and industry professionals. In collaboration with TESRenewal, the AU aims to provide teaching and support to any and all members and applicants to help them to acquire, expand, or improve the skill set needed to contribute to Beyond Skyrim and/or their partnered modding projects. In addition, it serves as the primary location for learning or enhancing existing skills for the wider modding community, becoming the go-to place for anyone looking to learn. Free.
🎓 OCT 15 · Writing Timeless Historical Fiction—Boyd Morrison is the latest offering from the Outliers Online Ongoing Writers Conference where all classes are taught by working, best-selling authors with two classes per month, every month on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 4 pm PST. “Learn how to research historical elements, how to apply aspects of daily life from your chosen time period, and why language and names are so important to establishing the setting.“ Costs $45.
🟢 OCT 15 · Star*Line, the official print journal of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association (SFPA), is a literary venue for speculative (including science-fiction, fantasy, and horror) poets and poetry enthusiasts. The site features interviews, articles, reviews, member news and letters, association business, and poetry. Star*Line is open for submissions year-round. Payment for poetry: 4¢/word rounded to next dollar, minimum $4. Nonfiction, 1¢/word rounded to the next dollar. Reviews pay a flat fee of $4.
⭐ OCT 17 · First Friday - Third Thursday Quick Read features 6 authors each reading a selection of speculative fiction for 8 minutes. There will be time for questions & answers at the end and a giveaway from the authors. This free event is hosted by Strong Women - Strange Worlds and features Christiane Knight, Kim Poovey, Jan Stinchcomb, A.D. Sui, Theresa Tyree, and Larina Warnock. Pre-register.
⭐🎓💼 OCT 17-20 · Writer's Digest Annual Conference will be an in-person event in Cincinnati, Ohio with “everything you need to advance your writing career creatively and professionally.” Registrations begin at $449.
🔴 OCT 18 · Rattle Magazine’s “Poets Respond” challenge calls for poems inspired by “a news story or public event from the previous week, and has been written in the time since.” Selected poems will appear as the Sunday poem at which appear to over 10,000 people via RSS feed and daily email service. Poets will receive $100 and a free print magazine subscription. Each week's deadline is Friday midnight PST.
🟢 OCT 18 · Reedsy Prompts calls for short fiction between 1,000 - 3,000 words based on one of five prompts. Writers have until the following Friday at 11.59pm EST to enter. No fee to enter and have work posted. $5 fee to be eligible for the $250 cash prize. New prompt every Friday.
⭐🎓 OCT 18 · Rattle Magazine’s livestream Poetry Critique of the Week Rattle's editor hosts a livestreamed poetry critique on YouTube and Facebook, offering suggestions and feedback. The viewing audience is encouraged to participate. The goal is to help us all become better poets through the honest sharing of our reactions, similar to the experience of an MFA roundtable workshop. Critique of the Week at 4 pm EST.
⭐🎓 OCT 19 · PARSEC, Pittsburgh’s premier Science Fiction & Fantasy Organization, welcomes the public to their monthly meetings held the third Saturday of each month beginning at 12:30 pm EST. Virtual Zoom meetings are available for those unable to attend in person. Timons Esaias will lead a discussion on “Finding the Future in the Past.”
🎓 OCT 19 · Celebrating Authors Summit: Editing & Finishing Touches Getting Help to Make Your Book Shine With self-publishing, authors can bring to market their work at any level of quality. Sometimes that means books filled with errors, which reduces credibility in the eyes of the reader. The book can contain amazing content, but if it's not presented well it can repel readers before they have a chance to look more deeply into the book.There are a wide variety of professionals who can help you give your book its best image.Our speakers share their contribution to the quality of your book, and what they're looking for as they choose their new projects. Free to attend live.
⭐🎓💼 OCT 19-20 · Self-Publishing Advice Conference 2024, in Association with the Alliance of Independent Authors, will be a virtual event with 24 sessions over 24 hours on the theme “Publishing for Profit.” Free to watch for three days, always free for ALLi members. Guests include Dale L. Roberts, Gina Bianchini, Orna Ross, Ricardo Fayet and Russell Nohelty.
This is the end of the free authortunities, but do you know what else is free? The Authortunities Hub where the full month is posted early for members each week. Join us at
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