Authortunities April 26-May 24
Free! Two weeks of open paying submissions, grants, contests, fellowships, events and more. Additional two weeks for paid subscribers. Thank you to ALL subscribers ❤
Welcome to my personal list of author related opportunities expanded. Here you will find approximately:
100+ open submissions
12 events for authors
13 reprint markets
If you know of something you think should be included, send it to me to add. If you find success through this list, let me know so I can share that too. Feel free to pass this on, and thank you and good luck! 😉
How to read the list:
🔴 Submission deadline.
🟢Submission opening.
💰 Grant, fellowship, employment.
🏆 Awards
⭐Event of author interest.
Here are the next two weeks of authortunity for you:
⭐April 26: Exercise Your Writes chats with Jess Landry, Sofia Afram, and Nadia Bulkin about their latest collaboration with Crystal Lake Publishing. Check the YouTube link for times in your area. Dark Tides 7: Little Mutilations
🟢Ghoulish Books is now accepting submissions until May 31 for a new anthology edited by Sofia Ajram entitled Bury Your Gays: An Anthology of Queer Tragic Horror. Payment is $0.07 cents USD per word, plus one physical contributor’s copy for 1k-6k words (ideal 2k-4k). Details:
🟢 April 26: Strange Horizons seeks speculative fiction. Submissions capped at 1,000. Payment: 10¢/word USD. Details:
🔴April 28: Rabbit seeks nonfiction poetry from Australian writers only on the theme "Archive." Details:
🔴🏆April 28: The Edgar® Awards, sponsored by the Mystery Writers of America, honor the best in mystery fiction, non-fiction, television, film, and theater. Submissions close for books published from January thru March. Books must be submitted during the month of publication. In addition, the book MUST arrive to the judges within 30 days of sending the submission form to the national office. For more information, visit
⭐April 29: Exercise Your Writes with Ai Jiang. Check the YouTube link for times in your area. AI Versus Ai Jiang, Author of I AM AI and LINGHUN
🔴April 30: Calling Women Military Veteran Writers! Tundra Swan Press is looking for original dark haunting stories and poetry for its first anthology, The Haunted Zone: A Horror Anthology by Women Military Veterans with the theme: Hauntings/To Haunt/To be Haunted. Deadline is April 30. Simultaneous submissions. Payment is $0.03/word per accepted submission, up to $.05 if Kickstarter stretch goals are met for 2,000 to 4,000 words stories and poems up to 60 lines. For details:
🔴April 29: The Other Stories (Audio) seeks horror stories on themes. Payment is 15 GBT. See website for complete details:
🔴April 30: BIPOC only submissions of short fiction fantasy close for Lightspeed on April 30. Lightspeed pays 8 cents per word for original fiction stories of 1500-10,000 words; stories of 5000 words or less are preferred. They also consider flash fiction stories of 1500 words or less. For details:
🔴April 30: Ofic seeks short fiction, flash fiction, nonfiction, and art up to 12,000 words in any genre. Payment is a small honorarium. Details:
🔴April 30: Strange Machines: An Anthology of Dark User Manuals seeks microfiction in the form of user manuals, FAQs, and how-to guides for the use of (or by) robots. Maximum length is 250 words. Payment is $10. Details:
🔴April 30: Boulevard seeks poems up to 200 lines. Also accepts fiction and nonfiction. Payment is $50-$250 for poetry and $100-300 for prose. No submission fee for mailed submissions. Details:
🔴April 30: Massachusetts Review seeks fiction, poetry, hybrid, and translations. Payment is $100. Fee for online submissions. No fee for USPS. Details:
🔴April 30: Shoreline of Infinity seeks science fiction and fantasy up to 6,000 words in response to the theme of Climate Change. Payment is £20/1000 words. Accepts translations of stories originally published in another language. Details:
🔴April 30: After Happy Hour seeks fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, and comics. Payment is $10. Details:
🔴April 30: The Haunted Zone seeks horror stories from those who identify as women and have served in the military. THEME: Hauntings/to be haunted/to haunt. Payment is 3 cents per word with a $10 minimum.Details:
🔴April 30: Voiceworks seeks fiction, nonfiction, poetry, art, and comics from Australians under the age of 25. See theme. Payment is $100 for written work and art, $150 for multi-page comics or suites of art. Details:
🔴April 30: Inklings Press seeks fantasy, sci-fi, and horror stories with a strong mystery or investigation theme, around 5,000 words. Payment is $100. Details:
🔴April 30: Honeyguide Magazine seeks fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and art about animals and their human neighbors. Payment is $25 for the story, $50 for art. Only pays for featured articles. Details:
🔴April 30: Parallel Universe Publications seeks Heroic fantasy, 1,200-7,000 words. Payment is £25; and an additional £25 if a hardcover version is issued. Details:
🔴April 30: Smoking Pen Press seeks short stories on theme "Weather". All fiction genres are considered, 1,200-7,000 words. Payment is $20. Details:
🔴April 30: The Temz Review seeks prose (fiction and creative non-fiction) up to 10,000 words long. Payment is $20. Details:
🔴April 30: Otoroshi Journal seeks Horrorku, horror tanka, and horror haibun, art. Payment: Poetry, $1. Art, $10. Details:
🔴April 30: Read on the Run seeks short fiction on theme "Weather", 1,200-7,000 words. Payment is $20. Accepts reprints. Details:
🔴April 30: Planisphere Quarterly seeks speculative fiction. Payment is $25. Details:
🔴April 30: Nine Arches seeks poetry collections. Payment is royalties. Details:
🔴April 30: Chestnut Review seeks chapbooks: Prose, poetry or hybrid. Payment is $120 plus royalties. Details:
🔴April 30: Plenitude Magazine seeks literary fiction, nonfiction, poetry, graphic narrative, book reviews, and short film by LGBTTQI writers. Payment is $50 - $100. Deadline: April 30, 2023 for international writers. Rolling submissions for Canadians. Details:
🔴April 30: Mythic seeks science fiction, fantasy short stories, 2,000-5,000 words. Payment is 1 cent/word for original fiction, $25 for reprints. Details:
🔴April 30: Hub City Press seeks books of literary fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, regional nonfiction, nature, and art. Payment is royalties. Note: Submit nonfiction only. Details:
🔴April 30: Strange Aeon seeks stories in a cosmic horror/Lovecraftian vein. Payment is $20 - $35. Details:
🔴April 30: Variant Lit seeks fiction, nonfiction. Payment is $10. Details:
🔴April 30: Haven Speculative seeks speculative fiction and poetry. Payment is 1 cent/word for fiction and $5-$10 for poetry. Details:
🔴April 30: seeks poetry, nonfiction, fiction, artwork, videos, and other contributions on place, climate, and justice. Payment is $50. Details:
🔴April 30: The Threepenny Review seeks poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Payment is $400 per story or article, $200 per poem or Table Talk piece. Details:
🔴April 30: Mythaxis seeks speculative fiction. Payment is $20. Details:
🔴April 30: JMS Books seeks LGBTQ romance stories of at least 12,000 words. Payment is royalties. Details:
🔴April 30: The Rabbit Hole seeks weird stories and poems on the theme "Destination: Journey." Payment is royalties. Details:
🔴April 30: Cast of Wonders seeks YA speculative fiction for Banned Books Week. Payment is $.08/word for original fiction up to 6,000 words. Details:
🔴April 30: Soul Ink: Volume 1 seeks poetry with a minimum word count of 1,000. Payment is royalties. Details:
🔴April 30: Dark Recesses Press seeks horror/dark fiction pieces of 500-5000 words. Payment is 5 cents/word. Details:
🔴April 30: Brick seeks nonfiction. Payment is $55-$660, depending on the length of accepted work, plus two copies of the issue the work appears in and a one-year subscription to the magazine. Details:
🔴April 30: Dragon Soul Press seeks pirate-themed stories. Payment is royalties. Details:
🔴April 30: Mud Season Review seeks poetry, fiction, CNF, and art. Payment is $50. Details:
🔴April 30: Harbor Review seeks poetry and art on the theme "elements." Payment is $10. Details:
🔴April 30: Galley Beggar Press (UK) seeks full-length literary fiction (novels and short story collections) and narrative non-fiction. Payment is royalties. Details:
🔴April 30: Psychopomp seeks speculative fiction or literary novellas between 20,000 to 40,000 words on the theme "in the face of all that." Payment is an advance against royalties of $750, as well as 25% of net net receipts. Details:
🔴April 30: Martian: The Magazine of Science Fiction Drabbles seeks science fiction exactly 100 words long. Payment is 8 cents/word for original fiction and 4 cents/word for reprints. Details:
🔴April 30: khōréō seeks stories of 1,500 words or fewer, essays, and art in the fantasy, sci-fi, horror, and related genres, from writers who identify as immigrants or members of a diaspora in the broadest sense of the word. Payment is $0.10/word. Details:
🔴💰 May 1: High Desert Museum's Waterston Desert Writing Prize awards $3,000 annually for a work of nonfiction that explores the role of deserts in the ecosystem and human narrative. Prose, both published and unpublished, up to 10 pages long, are eligible. The winner will attend a reception and awards ceremony in Bend, Oregon. For more information visit
🔴 May 1: The Sunlight Press closes to submissions to poetry submissions on May 1 and to all submissions (including poetry) in July and August. They will reopen to all work on Monday, Sept. 4, 2023. They are open to personal essays (nonfiction), fiction, poetry, reviews, Artists on Craft Series and photography. Payment rates are $40 for essays (including book reviews and Artist on Craft pieces), $40 for fiction (short stories and flash fiction), $30 for the first poem accepted, and $10 for each additional accepted in the same submission, and $15 for photos. Details:
🔴 May 1: Struggle Magazine is accepting poetry, short stories (1000-7500 words), personal essays (1000-4500 words), art criticism (1000-4500), short plays, and play excerpts. Payment is $75 per contributor. Details:
🔴 May 1: The First Line is seeking fiction, poetry, and nonfiction using the first line provided on their site. Payment is $25.00-$50.00 for fiction, $5.00-$10.00 for poetry, and $25.00 for nonfiction. Details:
🔴 May 1: Nonbinary Review is seeking poetry, fiction, essays, and art around the theme of Epic Fail. Payment is 1 cent per word for prose, and a flat fee of $10 for poetry. Details:
🔴 May 1: Last Girls Club is seeking feminist horror short stories and poems. Payment is Short Story-2,500 words or less. $0.01 USD per word/$25 USD and copy of magazine; Flash Fiction-less than 1,000 words $0.01 USD per word/$10 USD; Poems-less than 200 words $10 upon acceptance and a PDF of the magazine. Details:
🔴 May 1: Foglifter is seeking queer and trans writing in all forms. Payment is $25. Details:
🔴 May 1: Tales of the Apocalypse is seeking post-apocalyptic stories of length 5,000 to 10,000 words. Payment is royalties. Details:
🔴 May 1: Rich People Being Shitty: Tales of the Super Wealthy and Depraved is seeking fictional short stories ranging from 2,000 to 5,000 words examining the ways in which the most affluent among us commit wrongs. Payment is either $25 or $35. Details:
🔴 May 1: Grumpy Old Gods Anthology is seeking speculative fiction stories about retired gods. Length is 3,000-4,000 words. Payment is a percentage of the profits. Details:
🔴 May 1: Rock and a Hard Place: The One Percent – Tales of the Super Wealthy and Depraved is seeking short stories with speculative elements. Payment is $25 or $35. Details:
🟢May 1: Cemetery Gates seeks submissions for 40k+ word manuscripts from authors who’ve never published a novel. Paying $500 signing bonus + $500 advance upon publication, and a 60% (author) royalty share on physical and electronic editions of the book. Details:
🟢May 1: Electric Spec seeks speculative fiction stories of “science fiction, fantasy, and the macabre” between 250 and 7000 words with for $20 per piece. Submissions for the August issue close July 15. Details:
🟢May 1: Solarpunk Magazine seeks submissions from May 1-14. Pro rates paid as defined by the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA): $.08 per word for fiction ($100 minimum), $40 per poem, $75 for for nonfiction, $100 for reprint cover art, $200 for original unpublished cover art, $50 for reprint interior art, and $100 for original unpublished interior art. For details:
🟢May 1: Lightspeed opens for short fiction fantasy May 1-7. Lightspeed pays 8 cents per word for original fiction stories of 1500-10,000 words; stories of 5000 words or less are preferred. They also consider flash fiction stories of 1500 words or less. For details:
🟢May 1: Showcase: Object & Idea seeks flash fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. A poem and a prose piece are selected for each monthly issue, and the authors answer questions about the meaning behind their work. Payment is $50. Reprints accepted.For details:
🟢May 1-2: Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores is open for new work, reprints, poetry (up to 40 lines) and prose from 1,000 words and up. Payment is .08 per word for new fiction, .02 per word for reprints, .02-.08 for new fact based work, .01-.04 for reprinted fact based work, $1 per line for original poetry, .50 per line for reprinted poetry. No simultaneous or multiple submissions. For details:
🟢May 1: From now to May 31, Weird Little Worlds is accepting submissions of prose at .5 per word (500 – 5000 words) and poetry at $1 per line (>50 Lines) for their upcoming Playlist of the Damned anthology, edited by Jess Landry. No reprints or multiple submissions. Simultaneous submissions welcome. Payment will increase with Kickstarter stretch goals. Support the Kickstarter at: Submissions details:
⭐May 3: Exercise Your Writes for First Reader Appreciation Day at Space & Time magazine ( We will share our first reader team, talk about what it takes to slush for a magazine and what are the benefits. Check the YouTube link for times in your area. How to be a First Reader for Space & Time
⭐May 6: Exercise Your Writes with Amy Zoellers and Nina D’arcangela. Check the YouTube link for times in your area. SPILLING THE INK - YouTube
🔴May 7: Lightspeed closes to short fiction fantasy May 7. Lightspeed pays 8 cents per word for original fiction stories of 1500-10,000 words; stories of 5000 words or less are preferred. They also consider flash fiction stories of 1500 words or less. For details:
🟢 Open now:The SFWA Blog is open to pitches for original nonfiction articles on topics that might be of interest to new and/or established creators of science fiction and fantasy. SFWA welcomes pitches from both members and nonmembers; Black, Indigenous, and other writers of color, as well as writers of other under-represented identities, are encouraged to submit article pitches. Ideal article length is between 800–1000 words. Pay is $0.10/word on final draft word count. Details:
🟢 Open now: Submissions are now open for Alien Dimensions Issue #25 with a theme: Official First Contact. Payment is $20 paid via Paypal for previously unpublished stories 5000-7000 words. Open until filled. Details:
And now for the next two weeks as a special way to say thank you to subscribers. This includes an additional
21 open submissions
16 ongoing submissions
10 events for authors
5 reprint markets
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