🦝What’s in this issue?
Hundreds of author opportunities organized by date and emoji, plus…
Space and Time #147 fiction selections plus update.
Extra interview with Rebecca E. Treasure from Apex Magazine!
Halloween in July kicked off July 5 with Linda D. Addison and an open mic!
Share your author news in the comments!
Our Writes 🖋️
🟠Space and Time submissions are officially closed. We had 431 subs (64 poetry, 367 fiction). We are now selecting prose for #148 and poetry for #147 and #148.
Fiction chosen for #147 for October 2024
"Old Flames Are the Best" by Gordon Linzner
“Gragon and the Neptune Nit Infestation" by
"The Best Sax Player on Ganymede" by J. Michael Hayes
"Synchronization: A Tale of Human Monsters" by
“The End of the Ptolemaic Universe (Take 2)” by Nathan Cromwell
“Machineries of Night” by Christopher Mark Rose
“Within a Budding Grove” by C. J. Peterson
“Sunglow” by Harold Steve Hull
“What Devil or Dove Guards the Girl” by R.J.K. Lee
“The (re)Activist” by AN Grace
“Mr. Zeitgeist” by Damian Stockli
“I dreamt of better worlds” by E Rathke
“When We Were Human” by Felicia Martínez
“Love Means Never” by David Gianatasio
"Intervention" by Michael C. Young
"Born of the Blood Moon: Before the Frog Sang from the Well" by Pauline Chow
“Memory Management" by J.D. Strunk
Again, we are now choosing prose for #148 and poetry for #147 and #148.
🟠 Halloween in July, the Horror Writer Association’s annual fundraiser, was a fun event with Linda D. Addison leading the event and reading her work. Poets joining her were Pixie Bruner, Gordon Linzner, Jeff Oliver, ayana walker, Carol Gyzander, John Lane and myself. You can see it, and more importantly, support the fundraiser here: https://www.pledge.to/2nd-annual-halloween-in-july
Your Writes 🎉
🟠Space and Time illustrator Shikar Dixit has a short story titled “Disquiet” that appeared in June in Penumbric. You can read Shikar’s story here.
🟠 Free book! Beth and Ezra Barany are giving away 7 Essential Keys to Planning Your Novel Story: Preparation for Pantsers. You can also get feedback on your writing, make connections, and be in community with over 400 other writers, by joining their Fellowship of the Pen community at the back of book. Get your copy here.
🟠Congratulations to Maggie McAllister who is also giving copies of All the King’s Men, from her Arthurian Adventures series. Get your copy here.
My Writes
🟠 To celebrate a new cover, How to Be an Authortunist is free on Kindle from Saturday, July 6, 2024, 12 AM PDT to Sunday, July 7, 2024, 11:59 PM PDT!
Thank you to Rebecca E. Treasure from Apex Magazine for this exclusive interview to say thank you for my VIP subscribers! The entire podcast episode is available here.
Give some love to Rebecca and Apex with the links below ⬇️
Rebecca E. Treasure │ Apex Kickstarter │ Snap Judgement │Patreon │Apex Magazine
🟠 While I find author opportunities everywhere, I want to give special credit to some of my favorite sources here. 🔗https://angelaysmith.com/subscribe/
Comments, questions, compliments or concerns?
🦝This calendar is organized by emoji! Use [ctrl F] to find what you want fast.
🟢 opening subs
🔴 closing subs
⭐ networking
💼 conference
🎤 open mics
🎓 education
♻️ reprints
🏆 awards
💲 grants
🟢 The SFPA Speculative Poetry Contest is open until August 31 to all poets, including non-SFPA-members for speculative poetry in any form. Prizes will be awarded for best unpublished poem in 3 categories. Winning poets will be awarded $150 First Prize, $75 Second Prize, $25 Third Prize and publication on the SFPA website for first through third places in all categories. $3 entry fee, the contest is chaired by Angela Yuriko Smith and judged by Stephanie M. Wytovich.
🟢 JUL 5 · Reedsy Prompts opens until the following Friday for short fiction between 1,000 - 3,000 words based on one of five prompts. Writers have until the following Friday at 11.59pm EST to enter. No fee to enter and have work posted. $5 fee to be eligible for the $250 cash prize. New prompt every Friday. This week’s prompt is: Frame of Mind 📸.
🔴 JUL 6 · Barahm Press, a new micropress committed to uplifting BIPOC diasporic voices, is open until August 15 for submissions of “poems that weave magic and reflect our interconnectedness and humanity.” To be published “on our digital platform alongside evocative visual work but also be woven into a collaborative spell, culminating in a limited edition letterpress broadside.” No payment at this time.
🟢 JUL 6 · FIYAH is open until July 31 for submissions of poetry and prose “by and about Black people of the African Diaspora” up to 15k words for $0.08 USD per word for fiction, $50 for poetry and $0.10 USD for nonfiction.
🟢 JUL 6 · New Myths is open until July 31 for speculative fiction up to 10k words “centering around portals, thresholds, transformations–the future and past worlds of our dreams and myths” for their anthology titled The Janus Gates. Payment is 3 cents/word with a minimum payment of $50 for all submissions, fiction, flash fiction, nonfiction and poetry, book reviews for $50 and art for $80.
♻️🟢 JUL 6· Podcastle is open until July 31 for fantasy stories up to 6k, originals or reprints. Payment is $0.08 per word USD for original fiction, $100 flat rate for reprints over 1,500 words, and $20 flat rate for flash fiction reprints (stories below 1,500 words).
🟢 JUL 6 · penumbric is open until September 15 for submissions of prose and poetry up to 10k words that “constitutes the ever moving edge of its kind, a place between light and dark, consciousness and un…” Payment is $10 USD.
🔴 JUL 6 · Bright Wall/Dark Room closes for submissions of critical essays between 2,500-4,000 words on filmmaking with a “Heartbreak / Heartbreakers” theme. Payment is $50 USD.
🔴 JUL 6 · Get Authored’s Rising Talent Competition opens for a query letter, synopsis, and the first ten pages of their unpublished manuscript up to 3k words of any genre for entry into their contest. “Our focus is on securing representation for authors, supporting diverse voices, and championing ambitious storytelling. All reviewers are literary agents or published authors.” Up to 12 finalists will be named with one grand-prize winner with a minimum prize pool of $1,000. Early entry fee $55 until July 6. Regular entry fee $65 until July 27. Last chance entry fee $75 until August 10.
🔴 JUL 7 · Arsenic and Grandma's Refrigerator: Horror Told in Colours' Anthology closes for submissions of prose between 5,000 and 7,000 words on the theme. Payment is $15 plus 50% of the royalties will be equally split amongst the anthology authors with “ further payout once a year for four years after publication.”
🔴 JUL 7· Cosmic Horror Monthly closes for fiction submissions of “cosmic horror, Lovecraftian, and weird fiction” and non-fiction from under 5000 words for $.03 USD per word, interior art at $20 and cover art at $100.
🔴 JUL 7 · The Marystina Santiestevan First Book Prize closes to previously unpublished poetry manuscripts of 48-90 pages by poets writing in English who have not yet published a full-length poetry book. Winning poet will receive $1,500 and 30 author copies. Entry fee of $25 USD.
⭐🎤 JUL 7 · Rattlecast livestreams is part interview and open mic with a prompt-based open mic. Hangout with Rattle editor Timothy Green and Katie Dozier. Each Rattlecast begins with an interview, a writing prompt, and poets reading from the last week’s prompt. | Time change for this episode only to 12 pm EST.
⭐ JUL 7 · GoIndieNow presents This Week In Indies for 2024 a weekly Sunday chat show that covers issues relevant for Indie artists and the scoop on who is publishing what and where you can get it. Broadcasting every Sunday at Noon ET/11a CT/10a MT/9a PT.
🔴 JUL 8 · Diet Milk Magazine closes for submissions of “poetry, prose, and visual art of all kinds.” Payment is $15 per poem, $0.01 per word ($40 minimum) for short stories, and $50 per art piece.
🔴 JUL 8 · Mslexia closes for submissions for issue 103 with 17 ways to submit, including four-line poems, 3,000-word lead articles, 300-word bedtime stories to 700-word memoir performance pieces. Payment varies but begins at £30.
⭐🎓 JUL 8 · Let's Write a Horror Novel is a six-week online course exploring all the essentials of getting a horror novel written with Dr Charlotte Baker. “From prep, pitch to the perfect story, we will address a range of skills to ensure you're all ready to start your novel. We will look at genre, structure, atmosphere, character, the industry, editing, marketing as well as boosting your creativity and storytelling skills.” Six-week course costs £60.29.
⭐🎓 JUL 9 · An online Harvard Diversity Discussion on “Raciolinguistics: How Language and Race Shape Each Other” will be open to the public via Zoom from 5-6 pm EST.
🔗 https://cutt.ly/Raciolinguistics
⭐🎓 JUL 11 · Find, Connect & Grow Your Tribe Award-winning novelist Amanda Traylor provides practical advice to help indie authors build a community that grows and thrives. Free program sponsored by Draft2Digital. Starting at 1 pm EST, replay will be available.
🔴 JUL 12 · Rattle Magazine’s “Poets Respond” challenge calls for poems inspired by “a news story or public event from the previous week, and has been written in the time since.” Selected poems will appear as the Sunday poem at Rattle.com which appear to over 10,000 people via RSS feed and daily email service. Poets will receive $100 and a complimentary subscription to the print magazine. The deadline for each week is Friday at midnight PST.
🟢 JUL 12 · Reedsy Prompts opens until the following Friday for short fiction between 1,000 - 3,000 words based on one of five prompts. Writers have until the following Friday at 11.59pm EST to enter. No fee to enter and have work posted. $5 fee to be eligible for the $250 cash prize. New prompt every Friday.
🔴 JUL 13 · Spooky Magazine closes for cozy, fun, classy, and wholesome horror stories up to 5000 words. Payment is .01 per word. Beginning with issue #2, Spooky Magazine will also consider horror-themed haiku poems. No pay for poetry.
✅🔴 JUL 14 · The Fantastic Other closes for fiction, flash fiction, poetry, or art. “We are interested in all things fantasy, sci-fi, paranormal, surrealist, fabulist, and magical realist. Show off your weird!” Payment is $5 flat rate.
🔴 JUL 14 · Solarpunk Magazine closes for “works that stir readers with themes of defiance, change, and achievement. This effect isn’t likely to come via high concept utopias alone, but rather, from vibrant characters whose struggles affect the reader.” Payments are $.08 per word for fiction ($100 minimum), $40 per poem, $75 for for nonfiction, $100 for reprint cover art, $200 for original unpublished cover art, $50 for reprint interior art, and $100 for original unpublished interior art.
⭐🎤 JUL 14 · Rattlecast livestreams, is part interview and open mic with a prompt-based open mic. Hangout with Rattle editor Timothy Green and Katie Dozier. Each Rattlecast begins with an interview, a writing prompt, and poets reading from the last week’s prompt. | Rattlecast at 8 pm EST.
⭐ JUL 14 · GoIndieNow presents This Week In Indies for 2024 a weekly Sunday chat show that covers issues relevant for Indie artists and the scoop on who is publishing what and where you can get it. Broadcasting every Sunday at Noon ET/11a CT/10a MT/9a PT.
🔴 JUL 15 · Electric Spec closes to speculative fiction stories of “science fiction, fantasy, and the macabre” between 250 and 7000 words for their August issue. Payment is $20 per piece.
🔴 JUN 15 · SILENCE: Untold Cases of Algernon Blackwood’s Psychic Doctor closes for fiction from 6,000 – 10,000 words. “For this project, it is essential that you read or have already read all six of Algernon Blackwood’s John Silence stories from 1908.” All six stories can be found in Dover’s The Complete John Silence, edited by S.T. Joshi, or free online. Payment is $150.
🔴 JUL 15 · The Twisted Laughs anthology from Exploding Head Fiction closes for “tales that tickle the funny bone while sending shivers down the spine” no longer than 2,500 words. Payment is $15 USD flat rate.
🔴🏆💲 JUL 15 · The Francine Ringold Awards for New Writers applications closes to honor the work of writers at the beginning of their careers. Open only to writers whose work has not appeared or is not scheduled to appear in more than 2 publications. (Self-published works, works with a distribution of less than 100 copies, and journalistic articles are not considered toward the count of 2 publications.). $500 prizes will be awarded in both the fiction and poetry categories, and the winning manuscripts will appear in the spring issue of Nimrod. Winners will have the chance to work with the Nimrod board of editors to refine and edit their manuscripts before publication. Open internationally.
🔴 JUN 15 · Robert and Adele Schiff Awards hosted by The Cincinnati Review closes for submissions of poetry, fiction and literary nonfiction for publication in The Cincinnati Review prize issue, and winning authors will receive $1,000 each. All entries will be considered for publication in The Cincinnati Review.
🔴 JUL 15 · If There’s Anyone Left closes for science fiction and speculative flash fiction up to 1k words for $0.08 USD per word Proceeds from Volume 5 will go toward Palestinian relief organizations.
🔴 JUL 15 · The Nightmare Never Ends (Exploding Head Fiction) closes for “tales that tickle the funny bone while sending shivers down the spine” up to 2,500 words. Payment is $25 USD flat rate.
🔴 JUL 15 · $15,000 Rattle Poetry Prize closes for entries of a single poem to be published in the winter issue of the magazine. Ten finalists will also receive $500 each and publication, and be eligible for the $5,000 Readers’ Choice Award, to be selected by subscriber and entrant vote. The entry fee is a one-year subscription to Rattle (or a one-year extension for subscribers) at our regular $30 rate.
🔴🏆💲 JULY 15 · The Francine Ringold Awards for New Writers closes to the work of writers at the beginning of their careers. Open only to writers whose work has not appeared or is not scheduled to appear in more than 2 publications. (Self-published works, works with a distribution of less than 100 copies, and journalistic articles are not considered toward the count of 2 publications.). $500 prizes will be awarded in both the fiction and poetry categories, and the winning manuscripts will appear in the spring issue of Nimrod. Winners will have the chance to work with the Nimrod board of editors to refine and edit their manuscripts before publication. Open internationally.
🟢 JUL 15 · Star*Line, the official print journal of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association (SFPA), is a literary venue for speculative (including science-fiction, fantasy, and horror) poets and poetry enthusiasts, and features interviews, articles, reviews, member news and letters, association business, and poetry. Star*Line is open for submissions year-round. Payment for poetry: 4¢/word rounded to next dollar, minimum $4. Nonfiction, 1¢/word rounded to the next dollar. Reviews pay a flat fee of $4.
🟢 JUL 15 · Consequence Magazine, print and online, opens to short fiction, poetry, nonfiction, interviews, reviews, and visual art until October 15. “All submissions need to address in some manner the experiences, the realities, or the consequences of war or geopolitical violence.” Payment is $20 to $50 for prose and poetry, $150 for art.
🎓 JUL 15 · The Arcane University offers valuable video game development skills, including game writing, from experienced modders and industry professionals. In collaboration with TESRenewal, the AU aims to provide teaching and support to any and all members and applicants to help them to acquire, expand, or improve the skill set needed to contribute to Beyond Skyrim and/or their partnered modding projects. In addition, it serves as the primary location for learning or enhancing existing skills for the wider modding community, becoming the go-to place for anyone looking to learn. Free.
🎓 JUL 16 · How To Break Into Ghost Writing—Jon Land is the latest offering from the Outliers Online Ongoing Writers Conference where all classes are taught by working, best-selling authors with two classes per month, every month on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays. “This class will explore the practice and pitfalls of ghostwriting, emphasizing the most important attributes you need to carve out a place for yourself in one of the few areas that provides steady, guaranteed income to writers.“ Costs $45.
⭐ JUL 18 · First Friday - Third Thursday Quick Read features 6 authors each reading a selection of speculative fiction for 8 minutes. There will be time for questions & answers at the end and a giveaway from the authors. This free event is hosted by Strong Women - Strange Worlds and features Pixie Bruner, Tara Campbell, Amanda McNeil, Samantha Mills, Effie Seiberg, and Naomi Shibles. Pre-register.
🔴 JUL 19 · Rattle Magazine’s “Poets Respond” challenge calls for poems inspired by “a news story or public event from the previous week, and has been written in the time since.” Selected poems will appear as the Sunday poem at Rattle.com which appear to over 10,000 people via RSS feed and daily email service. Poets will receive $100 and a complimentary subscription to the print magazine. The deadline for each week is Friday at midnight PST.
🟢 JUL 19 · Reedsy Prompts calls for short fiction between 1,000 - 3,000 words based on one of five prompts. Writers have until the following Friday at 11.59pm EST to enter. No fee to enter and have work posted. $5 fee to be eligible for the $250 cash prize. New prompt every Friday.
⭐🎓 JUL 19 · Rattle Magazine’s livestream Poetry Critique of the Week Rattle's editor hosts a livestreamed poetry critique on YouTube and Facebook, offering suggestions and feedback. The viewing audience is encouraged to participate. The goal is to help us all become better poets through the honest sharing of our reactions, similar to the experience of an MFA roundtable workshop. Critique of the Week at 4 pm EST.
🔴 JUL 20 · Astrolabe closes to fiction, creative nonfiction, and photography/art for $50 USD flat rate with free submissions.
🎓 JUL 20 · MASTER CLASS: WRITING AND SELLING COMIC BOOKS with NY Times bestseller JONATHAN MABERRY Join Jonathan Maberry, a New York Times bestselling author, 5-time Bram Stoker Award-winner, 4-time Scribe Award winner, Inkpot Award winner, anthology editor, writing teacher, and comic book writer from 1-4pm EST via ZOOM for a dynamic workshop for $50. Proceeds benefit no-kill animal shelters.
⭐🎓 JUL 20 · PARSEC, Pittsburgh’s premier Science Fiction & Fantasy Organization, welcomes the public to their monthly meetings held the third Saturday of each month beginning at 12:30 pm EST. Virtual Zoom meetings are available for those who can’t attend in person.
This is the end of the free section. The authortunities past this point will become free in the coming weeks.
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