Authortunities #29 Oct.7—Nov. 4
How to get on Kindle Unlimited ➕ Federal Trade Commission's AI Roundtable ➕ FREE July 1975 Space and Time #31 〓 read in all 50 US states and 36 countries!

All praise to Assistant of Awesome Lenoff! This week you get a chonky Authortunities and it’s all because of him. I’ve been down with a massive head cold the last two days and we are trying to prep for our first South American natural disaster… and he saved the day. Thank you, Lenoff! 🧡
We are experiencing catastrophic flooding in South Brazil. If you still don’t believe in global warming by now… I invite you to come see for yourself. But my soap box will only get me so far about the flood waters so I’ll step down now.
My family is privileged to be safe and lucky. Many others haven’t been. To paraphrase Euro News, thousands of people have been forced from their homes by the storms. The death toll was the highest the state of Rio Grande do Sul has ever seen due to a climate event. This is the latest in a string of deadly weather events to hit Brasil, which experts say are likely being made worse by climate change. What can we do about it is the question of the day.
While the world is undergoing massive environmental catastrophes on both hemispheres, Amazon recently published their AI policy. You can read that here
And speaking of Amazon, a lot of people have been asking me how we got Space and Time magazine on Kindle Unlimited. It’s easy! Here’s how:
When you have an ebook version of your magazine or book, simply enroll in KDP Select. It auto renews for as long as you want it to and now you will be eligible to do free book promotions and Countdown deals. You also get paid for page reads.
As a reader, if you enroll in Kindle Unlimited you can pass out free money to authors. Just check out a KDP Select book and read to the end. You just earned an author money without spending a penny (aside from your membership).
🚀And while I’m talking about magazines enrolled in KDP Select, there is a new free issue of Space and Time magazine up on Amazon each week. This week’s free issue #31 from July 1975.
The Space and Time magazine will be free from Sunday, October 8, 2023, 12:00 AM PDT Thursday, October 12, 2023, 11:59 PM PDT. Reviews and shares always appreciated. Find it here 🔗
🚨 If you missed the Federal Trade Commission’s virtual roundtable discussion to better understand the impact of generative artificial intelligence on creative fields, fret not. The replay link is below.
I was disappointed because I expected more of a discussion but it was really just a bunch of talking heads reading pre-written statements. I did note that almost all of them stated they are not anti-AI, but pro-creator. I think that is something we can all agree on. See the discussion for yourself.
Ever wonder where I gather the information for my calendar? I have some great sources and they all deserve credit. We keep an eye on them all week looking for new opportunities. If you’d like to browse them yourself, I keep a list on my blog.
Finally, I like to share the successes that come from this newsletter, and today it’s my own. I entered the Uncharted Magazine Short Story Award: The Aftermath after posting it here and I just found out I made the long list! It’s a $2,500 prize, which would make my wicked head cold feel much better. I’ll keep you posted, and I guess I’ll keep reading (and writing) Authortunities and submitting 😁
And that’s it from me this week. Enjoy this week’s authortunities and go write something that matters.
Organized by emoji! Ctrl F to find what you want.
In this entire calendar share you will find:
29 newly opened submissions 🟢
112 submission deadlines 🔴
3 events for authors ⭐
10 reprint markets ♻️
1 education 📚
7 award 🏆
1 grants 💲
Send comments, items, Signal Boosts+ to
⭐ OCT 6-8 · H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival® & CthulhuCon has been a Portland institution for over two decades. This is the 28th Annual event with 3 days of new & classic movies, guests, panels, and fun at the historic Hollywood Theatre in Portland, OR. 🔗
🔴 OCT 6 · Rattle Magazine’s “Poets Respond” challenge calls for poems inspired by “ a news story or public event from the previous week, and has been written in the time since.” Selected poems will appear as the Sunday poem at which appear to over 10,000 people via RSS feed and daily email service. Poets will receive $100 and a complimentary subscription to the print magazine. The deadline for each week is Friday at midnight PST.
🟢 OCT 7 · BLUEDOT LIVING is in search of climate advocate writers. Seeking great solutions-focused climate stories to share about what’s happening in your community. Pays $175 for "dispatches" — reporting about a specific project/initiative in a community. Dispatches run 400-800 words. Features run 800-1,500 words, and pay anywhere from $400-$750 depending on complexity/writer’s experience.
🔴 OCT 9 · Mslexia Issue 100 has 17 ways to submit, including four-line poems, 3,000-word lead articles, 300-word bedtime stories to 700-word memoir performance pieces. Payment varies but begins at £30. Authors for this issue will be notified of acceptance by November 2023. 🔗
🔴 OCT 11 · The Adina Talve-Goodman Fellowship calls for an early-career writer of fiction who has not yet published a book and is not currently nor has ever been enrolled in an advanced degree program (such as an MA or MFA) in Creative Writing, English, or Literature, and has no plans to attend one in the 2024 calendar year. submit a fiction writing sample spanning 3,000 to 5,000 words, along with a personal statement ranging from 600 to 1,100 words. Submitted through Submittable, no application fees.
🔴 OCT 13 · Rattle Magazine’s “Poets Respond” challenge calls for poems inspired by “ a news story or public event from the previous week, and has been written in the time since.” Selected poems will appear as the Sunday poem at which appear to over 10,000 people via RSS feed and daily email service. Poets will receive $100 and a complimentary subscription to the print magazine. The deadline for each week is Friday at midnight PST.
🔴♻️ 🏆 OCT 13 · The Pulitzer Prize on Books Final deadline (encompassing all eligible titles published in 2023, including the fourth quarter of the year): October 13, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. $15,000 prize for the winner with a $75 entry fee
🔴 OCT 14 · DreamForge seeks “science fiction and fantasy stories with a positive vibe” until October 14th for $0.08/word for original fiction up to 7,000 words. Payment on acceptance. 🔗
🔴 OCT 14 · Apparition Lit’s Reality Show Madness Flash Fiction Prompt closes to submissions of speculative flash fiction (under 1k words) prompted by “Paranormal Investigators/Ghost Hunters” until the 14th. Payment is $30 USD.
🔴♻️ OCT 14 · The Other Stories Podcast closes to 2,000 word speculative fiction on the theme of “Crime II” for a $15 GBP flat rate on October 14.
🔴 OCT 14 · Cossmass Infinities seeking science fiction and fantasy short story writers. Payment: $0.08/word for original fiction. Note: Open during the first week of February and October for BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and other under-represented authors, then opening to general submission for the second week.
🔴OCT 14 · The Other Stories (Audio) is in search of horror stories on various themes. Payment: 15 GBP. Deadline: October 14, 2023. See themes.
🔴 OCT 15 · Event Poetry and Prose closes their 2023 Non-Fiction Contest. $34.95 per entry; includes a one-year subscription (or renewal) to EVENT. Prizes: $3,000 in total, plus publication in EVENT: $1,500 First Place; $1,000 Second Place; $500 Third Place. This year’s judge is Omar Mouallem. 🔗
🔴 OCT 15 · JANE NIGHTSHADE'S SERIAL ENCOUNTERS [Hellbound Books] seeks “short stories about casual encounters of fictional people with serial killers, that turned creepy or deadly” up to 5K words for $5.
🔴 OCT 15 · Jake Adam York Prize for a first or second poetry collection In the search for talented writers. The esteemed poet who clinches the prize not only secures a $2,000 cash award but also the opportunity for publication through Milkweed Editions. Be accepting online submissions of book-length (i.e., more than 48 pages) poetry manuscripts. With a $2 submission fee
🔴 OCT 15 · BEYOND THE BOUNDS OF INFINITY [Raw Dog Screaming Press] seeks “cosmic horror and weird tales written by marginalized peoples whose experiences and worldviews have influenced their interpretation of dread” of 2000 – 4000 words for 8 cents per word. 🔗
🔴 OCT 15 · Electric Spec seeks speculative fiction stories of “science fiction, fantasy, and the macabre” between 250 and 7000 words for $20 per piece. Submissions for the November issue close October 15. 🔗
🔴 OCT 15 · evOke is closed to "prosperity magic" themed submissions of artwork, poetry, short fiction, essays, interviews, lifestyle and reviews on things "Pagan, polytheist, and witchy." Also interested in video and audio content. Payment is $5.
🔴♻️ OCT 15 · Reach 35,000 readers! Siren’s Call eZine seeks short stories, flash fiction, drabbles, and poetry that fit within the horror/dark fiction genre to the current theme of “when Hell freezes over.” Reprints welcome. No payment. Advertise for only $10 for a full page ad. All story, flash, and poem submissions MUST be submitted to for consideration.
🔴🏆 OCT 15 · Silverfish Review Press: Gerald Cable Book Award A prize of $1,000, publication by Silverfish Review Press, and 25 author copies are given annually for a first poetry collection. A $25.00 reading fee must accompany manuscripts submitted via postal mail. Should be at least 48 pages in length.
🔴🏆 OCT 15 · Tennessee Williams & New Orleans Literary Festival In search of poets with a $1000 cash prize. The winner will also be invited to give a reading at the Tennessee Williams & New Orleans Literary Festival in March 2024. Submit two to four poems totaling no more than 400 lines with a $15 entry fee. 🔗
🔴🏆 OCT 15 · Poetic Justice Institute Prizes Fordham University Press is giving a $1000 cash prize to two talented poets. Winners also receive a publicity consultation and a virtual or in-person book launch. Using only the online submission system, submit a manuscript of 50 to 120 pages with a $28 entry fee. 🔗
🔴🏆 OCT 15 · Amy Lowell Poetry Traveling Scholarship a lucky U.S. poet receives an annual grant of about $66,500 for a year of overseas travel and study. To apply, send in two sets of your poetry: up to 40 pages of published or unpublished work or a published poetry collection with an additional 20 pages of poetry. The deadline is October 15th, and there's no entry fee. 🔗
🔴OCT 15 · Daikaijuzine seeks speculative fiction, poetry, and art submissions. Payment: $10.00 for each short story, and $5.00 for each poem and flash fiction piece. Deadline: October 15, 2023. 🔗
🔴OCT 15 · A Public Space is accepting fiction, essays, poetry, as well as graphic and hybrid work submissions. Payment: Honorarium. Deadline: October 15, 2023.
🔴OCT 15 · Carte Blanche (Canada) invites submissions in various categories including poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, translations, comics, and photography. Payment: "Modest." Deadline: October 15, 2023.
🔴OCT 15 · Sasee is looking for first-person, non-fiction material for or about women, including essays, humor, satire, personal experiences, and features on women-related topics. Payment varies. Deadline: October 15, 2023.
🔴OCT 15 · Consequence Magazine: The Culture of War is open for short fiction, poetry, nonfiction, interviews, reviews, and visual art submissions primarily focused on the culture of war. Payment: $20 — $60 for prose and poetry, $150 for art. Deadline: October 15, 2023.
🔴OCT 15 · Tule Publishing is seeking romance and mystery ebook submissions. Payment: Royalties. Deadline: October 15, 2023.
🔴OCT 15 · Conium Press is accepting magical realist, surrealist, and experimental fiction chapbook submissions. Payment: Ten copies and a small honorarium. Deadline: October 15, 2023. 🔗
🔴OCT 15 · Feisty Felines is interested in fantasy, science fiction, horror, suspense, humor, and romance stories with felines or familiars as central characters. Payment: 6 cents/word. Deadline: October 15, 2023.
🔴OCT 15 · Beyond the Bounds of Infinity is open to horror submissions restricted to marginalized peoples. Payment: 8 cents/word. Deadline: October 15, 2023.
🔴OCT 15 · Jane Nightshade’s Serial Encounters Anthology is seeking short stories about fictional encounters with serial killers, featuring straight crime/thriller stories or those with a supernatural bent. Payment: $5. Deadline: October 15, 2023.
🔴OCT 15 · Griffith Review is seeking non-fiction and fiction submissions on the theme "Past Perfect," focusing on the enduring appeal of retro design, culture, and aesthetics. Payment: Negotiated. Deadline: October 15, 2023.
🔴OCT 15 · Embodied Exegesis: Transfeminine Speculative Futures is open to cyberpunk stories written by transfem authors. Payment: $0.08/word for originals, $0.01/word for reprints. Deadline: October 15, 2023. Accepts reprints.
🔴OCT 15 · Hansen House is interested in submissions featuring queer protagonists or by queer authors while avoiding the "bury your gays" trope. Payment: Royalties. Deadline: October 15, 2023. 🔗
🔴OCT 15 · Fat Coyote is seeking poetry, fiction, CNF, art, photography, comics, and more from neurodivergent writers. Payment: 3 cents/word for prose, $1 line for poetry, $30 — $40 for art. Deadline: October 15, 2023.
🔴OCT 15 · Seaside Gothic is open to seaside gothic fiction, poetry, nonfiction, or collections of photographs/illustrations. Payment: £0.01 per word. Deadline: October 15, 2023.
🔴OCT 15 · Rattle is looking for collaborative poetry submissions. Poems may be any subject, style, or length, but must be co-authored. Payment: $200. Deadline: October 15, 2023.
🔴OCT 15 · Translunar Travelers Lounge is accepting speculative fiction submissions. Payment: $0.03 per word with a minimum of $20. Note: September 15–21 is reserved for writers of color. Deadline: October 15, 2023.
🔴OCT 15 · Dose of Dread is open for horror flash fiction submissions (500–1,000 words). Payment: 2 cents/word. Deadline: October 15, 2023.
🔴OCT 15 · New Orleans Review is accepting fiction, nonfiction, and poetry submissions. Payment: $300 for prose, $100 for poetry. In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, no submission fees for Latinx writers from September 15th to October 15th.
🔴OCT 15 · Electric Spec is looking for speculative fiction submissions. Payment: $20 per piece. Deadline: October 15, 2023.
🔴OCT 15 · Amplitudes Stories of Queer and Trans Futurity Anthology is seeking short fiction that imagines better worlds during challenging times. Payment: 8 cents/word. Deadline: October 15, 2023.
🔴OCT 16 · Muse Magazine is seeking nonfiction articles for children. Payment: Not specified. Deadline: October 16, 2023. See themes. Queries only.
🔴OCT 16 · Uncanny Magazine is open for speculative short story submissions (750 to 10,000 words). Payment: $.10 per word. Deadline: October 16, 2023.
🔴 OCT 16 · Tribute to Collaboration welcomes submissions for poems written as collaborations. The poems may be any subject, style, or length, but must have been written by two or more co-authors. Payment of $200 if published will be divided among authors. Closes on the 16th of October. 🔗
🔴 DEC 16 · Rattle Magazine’s “Tribute to Collaborations” calls for poems “written as collaborations. The poems may be any subject, style, or length, but must have been written by two or more co-authors.” Payment is $200 per published poem to be divided among the co-authors. Closes October 16.
🔴 OCT 20 · Rattle Magazine’s “Poets Respond” challenge calls for poems inspired by “a news story or public event from the previous week, and has been written in the time since.” Selected poems will appear as the Sunday poem at which appear to over 10,000 people via RSS feed and daily email service. Poets will receive $100 and a complimentary subscription to the print magazine. The deadline for each week is Friday at midnight PST.
This is the end of the first two weeks, available for free. Access to the full month is available to subscribers at $5 a month. If you think you would benefit from a full month ahead but can’t afford it, email me at and I’ll be happy to set you up with a complimentary year subscription — no questions asked.
The next two weeks include:
17 newly opened submissions 🟢
63 submission deadlines 🔴
1 events for authors ⭐
6 reprint markets ♻️
1 award 🏆
Keep reading with a 7-day free trial
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