It’s the end of January and the year has already been… interesting. From fires to freezing and everything in between, I wonder if there is a point inwriting fiction anymore. Apparently reality has a much bigger imagination than I do.
What are your thoughts?
🌳In the NeighborHub
Things are peaceful in the Authortunities Hub. We are at 260 members and about to launch the Publishing Coach certification next week. Nikki DeKeuster has a weekly exploration of how astrology coincides with the DSM-5 (or is it the other way around?) Sara Castaneda has been running a weekly ekphrastic challenge. Jordan Francis has been running a bi-weekly open mic and Stephen Schwartz has been busy teaching story craft with his Smalltown Tales game. Join for free at
🌳Authortunities Press-ing Matters
Space and Time submissions close on the 31st and we’ve received some really brilliant work so far. We currently stand at 311 submissions total, with 51 poetry subs and 260 fiction.
On another note, we are making the final selections for the middle grade call 12 Spooky Campfire Stories. We will announce the final ToC next week.
New call, Coven of the East: Reclaiming Asian Women’s Magical Histories will be opening submissions on January 29, Lunar New Year, for “fiction and nonfiction pieces that explore the intersection of magic, identity, and history.” I’m editing this with Pauline Chow.
🌳In Other News…
Currently reading: The World Ends Every Day by David Gianatasio. If you like to mix terror and hilarity, you will enjoy this. On Amazon.
The 2024 Bram Stoker Awards® Preliminary Ballot has been announced! Congratulations everyone who made it so far, and good luck! Find out who made it here.
The Mystery Writers of America just announced their 2025 Edgar Awards nominees. Find out who made it here.
Luna Station Quarterly has two volunteer editor positions open. Visit the publication here. For more details, or to apply for a volunteer editor position, click here.
The Authortube Writing Conference 2025 is looking for volunteers! Even if you have no time to share this year, be sure to check it out. Volunteer sign up form here.
This last month I joined the Nonfiction Authors Association, the Authors Guild and the Alliance of Independent Authors.
Authortunities may contain affiliate links that might earn a small fee at no extra cost to you. Any comments, questions, compliments or concerns?
My authortunities are organized by emoji! Use your “Ctrl+F” keys to find what you want fast. Video tutorial on how to do this.
🟢 opening subs
🟡 opening/closing subs
🔴 closing subs
⭐ networking
💼 conference
🎤 open mics
🎓 education
♻️ reprints
🏆 awards
💰 grants
🟡 Ongoing · BookLife is open until February 1 for submissions of “self-published romances and nonfiction titles devoted to the topic of relationships” for their Indie Spotlight feature, a thematic roundup of self-published books both online and in print in Publishers Weekly magazine. Each Indie Spotlight is open to all types of books as long as they match the month's topic.
🟢 JAN 25 · Reedsy Prompts is open until the following Friday for short fiction between 1,000 - 3,000 words based on one of five prompts. Writers have until the following Friday at 11.59 pm EST to enter. No fee to enter and have work posted. $5 fee to be eligible for the $250 cash prize. This week’s prompt is: Tea-riffic 🫖.
💼 JAN 25-26 · Indie Author Weekend is a two-day virtual self-publishing conference from the Romance Writers of America designed to ignite your indie author potential! Whether you're starting your journey to self-publish a romance novel or a seasoned author looking to level up, this event connects you with key industry experts who’ll provide straight answers to propel your career forward. Costs Members: $149 / Non-Members: $199.
🎓 JAN 25 · Becoming an Editor Fahmidan's workshops are as little as $5 with pay-what-you-can options up to $25. All workshops will be recorded via Zoom. Check the listing for times.
⭐🎤 JAN 26 · Rattlecast livestreams, is part interview and open mic with a prompt-based open mic. Hangout with Rattle editor Timothy Green and Katie Dozier. Each Rattlecast begins with an interview, a writing prompt, and poets reading from the last week’s prompt. | Rattlecast at 8 pm EST.
⭐ JAN 26 · Baltimore Science Fiction Society’s Tabletop RPG Join their in-progress Tabletop RPG group as they rotate through various systems. They will be running for all levels and have pre-made characters available! Virtual sessions from 1-5 pm EST on the last Sunday of each month.
For more info, email
🔴 JAN 27 · Rough Cut Press is closing for submissions of work in all genres from members of the LGBTQIA community up to 650 words. The theme is “reach.” Payment is $25.
⭐ JAN 27 · Galactic Terrors Special Presentation: The Horrors of History A special presentation of the HWA NY Galactic Terrors online reading series, featuring Teel James Glenn and Jeff Markowitz with guest co-host Debra K. Every. We talk with the authors about their recent novels that both take place in the 1930s.
🎓 JAN 28-30 · Three-Day Submission Strategy Workshop Go over your rejections, queries, first pages, submission list, personalization, overall strategy, and more. You’ll leave feeling confident, knowing you’re making the best possible choices for your book–and supported by your new writer community. Includes two live panels–one to interpret your rejections, and one query and page feedback panel with agents John Cusick (Folio Literary) and Chelsey Emmelhainz (Copps Literary). Costs $39.99.
🎓 JAN 28 · Concept is King: Elevating Story Concepts Veteran screenwriter and teacher Tom Vaughan defines concept and shows how to exploit it for your narrative projects. This session will offer a whole new insight into what is meant by commercial viability. Class costs $35 USD. Check the listing for times.
🟢 JAN 29 · Coven of the East: Reclaiming Asian Women’s Magical Histories is open until “we reach 300 submissions or February 21” for fiction and nonfiction pieces that explore the intersection of magic, identity, and history. Payment is $0.08 per word (pro-rated) for pieces up to 1,200 words.
🔴 JAN 29 · Fantasy Magazine is closing for anonymous submissions of fantasy flash fiction up to 1,500 words, short stories up to 5,000 words and poetry. Payment is 10¢/word for original fiction and $50 for original poetry.
🔴 JAN 29 · Baubles From Bones closes for “that broadly falls in the realm of science fiction and fantasy. We’re open to most subgenres and themes but have a particular fondness for compelling adventures, folk-retellings, stories of hope in the dark, emotional healing, love of all sorts, environmentalism, and the humanity (or lack of it) among the fantastical and speculative.” Payment is $.01 USD per word.
🎓 JAN 29 · The Art of Foreshadowing With Tiffany Yates Martin, foreshadowing isn’t just for mysteries and suspense stories. Elegant and well used foreshadowing can heighten suspense, tension, and reader anticipation in every genre. And it’s not just a hoity-toity literary device for Important Works of Literature. No matter what you’re writing, skillful foreshadowing makes a story feel plausible and cohesive, as well as inevitable. Foreshadowing adds nuance and heightens reader understanding of the story and its impact. Class costs $25. Check the listing for times.
🔴 JAN 31 · Space and Time Magazine is closing for fiction up to 5k words and poetry in the speculative genre. Payment is .01 per word for fiction prose and $5 per poem.
🔴 JAN 31 · Parsec Ink’s annual Triangulation Anthology is closing for science fiction, fantasy, and horror stories and poetry, and “intelligent blends of the three.” The theme is Dark Hearts, “a women-centered theme for which anyone can submit stories.” Payment is 3 cents per word, $5.50 minimum payout for prose and 25 cents per line, $5.50 minimum payout for poetry.
🔴 JAN 31 · Rattle Magazine’s “Poets Respond” challenge calls for poems inspired by “a news story or public event from the previous week, and has been written in the time since.” Selected poems will appear as the Sunday poem at which appear to over 10,000 people via RSS feed and daily email service. Poets will receive $100 and a free print magazine subscription. Each week's deadline is Friday midnight PST.
🔴 JAN 31 · Apex Magazine Monthly Flash Fiction Contest Submissions close to all for speculative flash fiction at midnight. Winner will be announced no later than the 15th of the following month and be paid $0.08/word or $10, whichever is more, as well as published on the Apex Magazine Patreon as an exclusive the month following and will be included in the forthcoming issue of Apex Magazine.
🔴 JAN 31 · Strange Horizons is closing for speculative poetry with Vanessa Jae (she/her/hers) as January’s editor. Payment is $50 USD per poem, regardless of length or complexity.
🔴 JAN 31 · Phantom Worlds: The Cellar Door Issue #6 is closing for submissions of “horror stories that take place when alternate realities invade our own.” Payment is $50 USD.
🔴 JAN 31 · Noncorporeal III: Nightfall is closing for spooky short fiction between 2,000 to 6,000 words. “We’re searching for the spooky stories. This is not horror, though there may be suspense and even a dash of horror.” Payment is royalty Share of D2D sales.
🔴 JAN 31 · Phantom Worlds: The Cellar Door Issue #6 is closing for dark fiction “that take place when alternate realities invade our own” from 2-8k words. Payment is $50.
🟡 FEB 1 · BookLife is open until March 1 for submissions of self-published books related to travel, global culture, and food for their Indie Spotlight feature, a thematic roundup of self-published books both online and in print in Publishers Weekly magazine. Each Indie Spotlight is open to all types of books as long as they match the month's topic. Submissions close for self-published romances and nonfiction titles devoted to the topic of relationships.
🟢 FEB 1 · TeenQuill Writing Contest is open for poetry and play monologues from to students aged 12 to 19. Authors of selected works will receive a $50 Amazon e-gift card and publication in Kinsman Quarterly. Selected works will also be featured on its website, promoted on social media platforms, and included in printed advertisements. One student will be selected each seasonal quarter.
🟢 FEB 1 · Write or Die Magazine is open for free submissions of essays and essays and fiction for the first week of the month. There is a $3 submission fee for the rest of the month. No fee for author interviews. “Payment is approx. $50.”
🟢 FEB 1 · The Forge Literary Magazine is open for fiction and nonfiction, including flash and micro, until the free submissions quota is full. “If there is no free link, we’ve hit our quota.” Payment is for $100 flat rate, regardless of length.
🟢 FEB 1 · The Other Stories Podcast opens until September 30 for 2,000 word speculative fiction on the theme of THE WORKPLACE. “Give us stories of the slow death — office politics, chaos from the cubicle, stories from the ant farm, the workshop, the assembly line, the burnout, the boss from hell.” Payment is $15 GBP.
🟢 FEB 1 · Strange Horizons is open until February 28 for speculative poetry with Lisa M. Bradley (she/her/hers) as February’s editor. Payment is $50 USD per poem, regardless of length or complexity.
🟢 FEB 1 · Fahmidan Publishing is open for manuscript submissions for their digital chapbooks at a maximum of 30 pages for poetry and 7500 Words for prose until February 28. Payment is 30% royalties.
🟢 FEB 1 · The Threepenny Review opens until “mid-April” for submissions of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. Payment is $400 per story or article, and $200 per poem or Table Talk piece.
🟢 FEB 1 · Electric Spec is open until April 15 for speculative fiction stories of “science fiction, fantasy, and the macabre” between 250 and 7000 words for their May issue. Payment is $20 per piece.
🟢 FEB 1 · Rattle Magazine’s Ekphrastic Poetry Challenge opens until the last day of the month for ekphrastic poetry in response to selected visual art posted on their page. Two winners receive $100 and publication online.
🟢 FEB 1 · Flame Tree Fiction Newsletter calls for monthly themed submissions from newsletter subscribers only (free to subscribe) up to 1k words for $0.08 per word USD for original fiction.
🎓 FEB 1 · Generating Poetry/Generating Flash Fiction & Short Fiction: Narrative Development & Beyond Fahmidan's workshops are as little as $5 with pay-what-you-can options up to $25. All workshops will be recorded via Zoom. Check the listing for times.
🔴♻️ FEB 1 · NonBinary Review, Zoetic Press is closing for prose, poetry and visual art. Submissions may close before the closing date as there is an acceptance cap for each issue. Payment is $0.01 USD per word for prose up to 3k words, $10 for poetry and visual art $25 USD flat rate. Theme is “MISTAKEN IDENTITY.”
🔴 FEB 1 · Last Girls Club is open until February 1 for feminist horror short stories and poems. Payments for short story-2,500 words or less is $0.015 USD per word ($37.50 USD max); Flash Fiction-less than 1,000 words $0.015 USD per word ($15 USD max); Poems-less than 200 words $10.
⭐🎤 FEB 2 · Rattlecast livestreams, is part interview and open mic with a prompt-based open mic. Hangout with Rattle editor Timothy Green and Katie Dozier. Each Rattlecast begins with an interview, a writing prompt, and poets reading from the last week’s prompt. | Rattlecast at 8 pm EST.
🎓 FEB 4 · Fears of the Dark - 6-week horror writing school It might be a new year, but the terrors continue with the latest run of the online horror writing school! We’ll be presenting six weeks of guest horror writing workshops, feedback sessions, one-to-ones and more, all running online so you can feel the fear from the comfort of your own home! From £59.41. Check the listing for times.
🎓 FEB 6 · Establish (or Improve) Your Email Newsletter with Jane Friedman, hosted by Writer’s Digest. Being able to directly reach your readers, or your most engaged audience, is a powerful capability that rewards your time and investment. This 90-minute class will cover best practices of email newsletters, how to avoid the mistakes most prevalent in the writing community, plus the pros and cons of using the popular newsletter platform Substack. Class costs $89 USD.
💼🎓 FEB 6-9 · Superstars Writing Seminars seeks to empower writers, ignite creativity, and guide individuals on the transformative journey to becoming successful authors. Since their inception in 2010, they have been on a mission to redefine writing conferences, offering more than just workshops: they are on a quest to shape careers and transform dreams into tangible success stories. Cost: $999 for new members, with discounts for students or military and for conference alumni. There are also tickets available for “Skills Day,” an optional workshop that takes place February 5 before the event. In Colorado Springs, Colorado.
🔴 FEB 7 · Rattle Magazine’s “Poets Respond” challenge calls for poems inspired by “a news story or public event from the previous week, and has been written in the time since.” Selected poems will appear as the Sunday poem at which appear to over 10,000 people via RSS feed and daily email service. Poets will receive $100 and a free print magazine subscription. Each week's deadline is Friday midnight PST.
🟢 FEB 7 · Apex Magazine Monthly Flash Fiction Contest Submissions open to all for speculative flash fiction until the last day of the month at midnight. Winner will be announced no later than the 15th of the following month and be paid $0.08/word or $10, whichever is more as well as published on the Apex Magazine Patreon as an exclusive the month following and will be included in the forthcoming issue of Apex Magazine.
⭐ FEB 7 · First Friday - Third Thursday Quick Read features 6 authors each reading a selection of speculative fiction for 8 minutes. There will be time for questions & answers at the end and a giveaway from the authors. This free event hosted by Strong Women - Strange Worlds features Anne E.G. Nydam, JD Rivers, Jennifer Hart, and emcee/host Sarah Smith along with support from authors Anne Nydam and Terri Bruce. Pre-register.
🎓 FEB 8 · Reading to Write: Before we put words to paper, we started with understanding the words of those who came before us.- Yasmine Dashti Fahmidan's workshops are as little as $5 with pay-what-you-can options up to $25. All workshops will be recorded via Zoom. Check the listing for times.
✨ 🗓️ From this point on, exclusive access to upcoming weeks and always-open markets are a special perk for my amazing paid subscribers as a thank you for your support. 🌟
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